package ij.plugin;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.util.*;
import ij.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.measure.Calibration;
import ij.util.*;
import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder;

/** Implements the File/Import/Image Sequence command, which
    opens a folder of images as a stack. */
public class FolderOpener implements PlugIn, TextListener {
    private static final int MAX_SEPARATE = 100;
    private static final String DIR_KEY = "import.sequence.dir";
    private static final String[] types = {"default", "16-bit", "32-bit", "RGB"};
    private static String[] excludedTypes = {".txt",".lut",".roi",".pty",".hdr",".java",".ijm",".py",".js",".bsh",".xml",".rar",".h5",".doc",".xls"};
    private static boolean staticSortFileNames = true;
    private static boolean staticOpenAsVirtualStack;
    private boolean convertToGrayscale;  //unused
    private boolean sortFileNames = true;
    private boolean sortByMetaData = true;
    private boolean openAsVirtualStack;
    private String directory;
    private boolean directorySet;
    private String filter;
    private String legacyRegex;
    private FileInfo fi;
    private String info1;
    private ImagePlus image;
    private boolean saveImage;
    private long t0;
    private int stackWidth, stackHeight;
    private int bitDepth;
    private int defaultBitDepth;
    private int nFiles = 0;
    private int start = 1;
    private int step = 1;
    private double scale = 100.0;
    private boolean openAsSeparateImages;
    private boolean runningOpen;    
    private TextField dirField, filterField, startField, countField, stepField;

    /** Opens the images in the specified directory as a stack. Displays
        directory chooser and options dialogs if the argument is null. */
    public static ImagePlus open(String path) {
        return open(path, null);

    /** Opens the images in the specified directory as a stack. Opens
        the images as a virtual stack if the 'options' string contains
        'virtual' or 'use'. Add ' filter=abc' to the options string to only open
        images with, for example, 'abc' in their name. The image type, start,
        step, count and scale can also be set, for example
        "bitdepth=32 start=10 step=2 count=10 scale=50".
        Add ' noMetaSort' to disable sorting of DICOM stacks by series
        number (0020,0011). Displays the Import/Sequence dialog if the
        the 'path' argument is null.
    public static ImagePlus open(String path, String options) {
        FolderOpener fo = new FolderOpener();
        fo.saveImage = true;
        return fo.image;

    /** Opens the images in the specified directory as a widthxheight stack.
        Opens the images as a virtual stack if the 'options' string contains
        'virtual'. Add ' filter=abc' to the options string to only open
        images with, for example, 'abc' in their name. The image type, start,
        step, count and scale can also be set, for example
        "bitdepth=32 start=10 step=2 count=10 scale=50".
    public static ImagePlus open(String path, int width, int height, String options) {
        FolderOpener fo = new FolderOpener();
        fo.saveImage = true;
        fo.stackWidth = width;
        fo.stackHeight = height;
        return fo.image;
    private void setOptions(String options) {
        if (options==null)
        openAsVirtualStack = options.contains("virtual") || options.contains("use");
        if (options.contains("noMetaSort")) 
            sortByMetaData = false;
        bitDepth = (int)Tools.getNumberFromList(options,"bitdepth=",0);
        filter = Macro.getValue(options, "filter", "");
        this.start = (int)Tools.getNumberFromList(options,"start=",1);
        this.step = (int)Tools.getNumberFromList(options,"step=",1);
        this.scale = Tools.getNumberFromList(options,"scale=",100);
        this.nFiles = (int)Tools.getNumberFromList(options,"count=",0);
        if (options.contains(" open")) {
            this.openAsSeparateImages = true;
            this.openAsVirtualStack = true;
            this.saveImage = false;
            this.runningOpen = true;

    /** Opens the images in the specified directory as a stack. Displays
        directory chooser and options dialogs if the argument is null. */
    public ImagePlus openFolder(String path) {
        saveImage = true;
        return image;

    public void run(String arg) {
        boolean isMacro = Macro.getOptions()!=null;
        if (!directorySet)
            directory = null;
        if (arg!=null && !arg.equals(""))
            directory = arg;
        else {
            if (!isMacro) {
                sortFileNames = staticSortFileNames;
                openAsVirtualStack = staticOpenAsVirtualStack;
            arg = null;
            String macroOptions = Macro.getOptions();
            if (macroOptions!=null) {
                legacyRegex = Macro.getValue(macroOptions, "or", "");
                if (legacyRegex.equals(""))
                    legacyRegex = null;
        if (arg==null) {
            if (!showDialog()) return;
        if (directory==null || directory.length()==0) {
            error("No directory specified.     ");
        File file = new File(directory);
        String[] list = file.list();
        if (list==null) {
            String parent = file.getParent();
            if (parent!=null) {
                file = new File(parent);
                list = file.list();
            if (list!=null)
                directory = parent;
            else {
                error("Directory not found: "+directory);
        if (!(directory.endsWith("/")||directory.endsWith("\\")))
            directory += "/";
        if (arg==null && !isMacro)
            Prefs.set(DIR_KEY, directory);
        //remove subdirectories from list
        ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList();
        for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
            File f = (new File(directory+list[i]));
            if (!f.isDirectory())
        if (fileList.size()<list.length)
            list = (String[])fileList.toArray(new String[fileList.size()]);

        String title = directory;
        if (title.endsWith(File.separator) || title.endsWith("/"))
            title = title.substring(0, title.length()-1);
        int index = title.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
        if (index!=-1)
            title = title.substring(index + 1);
        else {
            index = title.lastIndexOf("/");
            if (index!=-1)
                title = title.substring(index + 1);
        if (title.endsWith(":"))
            title = title.substring(0, title.length()-1);
        list = trimFileList(list);
        if (list==null)
        String pluginName = "Sequence Reader";
        if (legacyRegex!=null)
            pluginName += "(legacy)";
        list = getFilteredList(list, filter, pluginName);
        if (list==null)
        if (sortFileNames || IJ.isMacOSX())
            list = StringSorter.sortNumerically(list);
        if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("FolderOpener: "+directory+" ("+list.length+" files)");
        int width=0, height=0, stackSize=1;
        ImageStack stack = null;
        double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
        Calibration cal = null;
        boolean allSameCalibration = true;
        Overlay overlay = null;
        if (this.nFiles==0)
            this.nFiles = list.length;
        boolean dicomImages = false;
        try {
            for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
                Opener opener = new Opener();
                ImagePlus imp = opener.openTempImage(directory, list[i]);
                if (imp!=null) {
                    width = imp.getWidth();
                    height = imp.getHeight();
                    if (this.bitDepth==0) {
                        this.bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth();
                        this.defaultBitDepth = bitDepth;
                    String info = (String)imp.getProperty("Info");
                    if (info!=null && info.contains("7FE0,0010"))
                        dicomImages = true;
            if (width==0) {
                error("This folder does not appear to contain\n"
                + "any TIFF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, GIF, FITS or PGM files.\n \n"
                + "   \""+directory+"\"");
            t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (dicomImages && !IJ.isMacOSX() && !sortFileNames)
                list = StringSorter.sortNumerically(list);

            if (this.nFiles<1)
                this.nFiles = list.length;
            if (this.start<1 || this.start>list.length)
                this.start = 1;
            if (this.start+this.nFiles-1>list.length)
                this.nFiles = list.length-this.start+1;
            int count = 0;
            int counter = 0;
            ImagePlus imp = null;
            boolean firstMessage = true;
            boolean fileInfoStack = false;
            // open images as stack
            for (int i=this.start-1; i<list.length; i++) {
                if ((counter++%this.step)!=0)
                Opener opener = new Opener();
                if ("".equals(list[i])) {
                    imp = null;
                } else if (!openAsVirtualStack||stack==null) {
                    imp = opener.openTempImage(directory, list[i]);
                    stackSize = imp!=null?imp.getStackSize():1;
                if (imp!=null && stack==null) {
                    width = imp.getWidth();
                    height = imp.getHeight();
                    if (stackWidth>0 && stackHeight>0) {
                        width = stackWidth;
                        height = stackHeight;
                    if (bitDepth==0)
                        bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth();
                    fi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo();
                    ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
                    min = ip.getMin();
                    max = ip.getMax();
                    cal = imp.getCalibration();
                    ColorModel cm = imp.getProcessor().getColorModel();
                    if (openAsVirtualStack) {
                        if (stackSize>1) {
                            stack = new FileInfoVirtualStack();
                            fileInfoStack = true;
                        } else {
                            if (stackWidth>0 && stackHeight>0)
                                stack = new VirtualStack(stackWidth, stackHeight, cm, directory);
                                stack = new VirtualStack(width, height, cm, directory);
                    }  else if (this.scale<100.0)                       
                        stack = new ImageStack((int)(width*this.scale/100.0), (int)(height*this.scale/100.0), cm);
                        stack = new ImageStack(width, height, cm);
                    if (bitDepth!=0)
                    info1 = (String)imp.getProperty("Info");
                if (imp==null)
                if (imp.getWidth()!=width || imp.getHeight()!=height) {
                    if (stackWidth>0 && stackHeight>0) {
                        ImagePlus imp2 = imp.createImagePlus();
                        ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
                        ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.createProcessor(width,height);
                        ip2.insert(ip, 0, 0);
                        imp = imp2;
                    } else {
                        IJ.log(list[i] + ": wrong size; "+width+"x"+height+" expected, "+imp.getWidth()+"x"+imp.getHeight()+" found");
                String label = imp.getTitle();
                if (stackSize==1) {
                    String info = (String)imp.getProperty("Info");
                    if (info!=null) {
                        if (useInfo(info))
                            label += "\n" + info;
                    } else if (imp.getStackSize()>0) {
                        String sliceLabel = imp.getStack().getSliceLabel(1);
                        if (useInfo(sliceLabel))
                            label =  sliceLabel;
                if (Math.abs(imp.getCalibration().pixelWidth-cal.pixelWidth)>0.0000000001)
                    allSameCalibration = false;
                ImageStack inputStack = imp.getStack();
                Overlay overlay2 = imp.getOverlay();
                if (overlay2!=null && !openAsVirtualStack) {
                    if (overlay==null)
                        overlay = new Overlay();
                    for (int j=0; j<overlay2.size(); j++) {
                        Roi roi = overlay2.get(j);
                        int position = roi.getPosition();
                        if (position==0)
                if (openAsVirtualStack) { 
                    if (fileInfoStack)
                        openAsFileInfoStack((FileInfoVirtualStack)stack, directory+list[i]);
                } else {
                    for (int slice=1; slice<=stackSize; slice++) {
                        int bitDepth2 = imp.getBitDepth();
                        String label2 = label;
                        ImageProcessor ip = null;
                        if (stackSize>1) {
                            String sliceLabel = inputStack.getSliceLabel(slice);
                            if (sliceLabel!=null && sliceLabel.length()<=15)
                                label2 += ":"+sliceLabel;
                            else if (label2!=null && !label2.equals(""))
                                label2 += ":"+slice;
                        ip = inputStack.getProcessor(slice);
                        if (bitDepth2!=bitDepth) {
                            if (dicomImages && bitDepth==16 && bitDepth2==32 && this.scale==100) {
                                ip = ip.convertToFloat();
                                bitDepth = 32;
                                ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(width, height, stack.getColorModel());
                                for (int n=1; n<=stack.size(); n++) {
                                    ImageProcessor ip2 = stack.getProcessor(n);
                                    ip2 = ip2.convertToFloat();
                                    String sliceLabel = stack.getSliceLabel(n);
                                    stack2.addSlice(sliceLabel, ip2.convertToFloat());
                                stack = stack2;
                        if (this.scale<100.0)
                            ip = ip.resize((int)(width*this.scale/100.0), (int)(height*this.scale/100.0));
                        if (ip.getMin()<min) min = ip.getMin();
                        if (ip.getMax()>max) max = ip.getMax();
                        stack.addSlice(label2, ip);
                IJ.showProgress(count, this.nFiles);
                if (count>=this.nFiles) 
                if (IJ.escapePressed())
                    {IJ.beep(); break;}
            }  // open images as stack
        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
            if (stack!=null) stack.trim();
        if (stack!=null && stack.size()>0) {
            ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus(title, stack);
            if (imp2.getType()==ImagePlus.GRAY16 || imp2.getType()==ImagePlus.GRAY32)
                imp2.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(min, max);
            if (fi==null)
                fi = new FileInfo();
            fi.fileFormat = FileInfo.UNKNOWN;
            fi.fileName = "";
   = directory;
            imp2.setFileInfo(fi); // saves FileInfo of the first image
            if (stack instanceof VirtualStack) {
                Properties props = ((VirtualStack)stack).getProperties();
                if (props!=null)
                    imp2.setProperty("FHT", props.get("FHT"));
            if (allSameCalibration) {
                // use calibration from first image
                if (this.scale!=100.0 && cal.scaled()) {
                    cal.pixelWidth /= this.scale/100.0;
                    cal.pixelHeight /= this.scale/100.0;
                if (cal.pixelWidth!=1.0 && cal.pixelDepth==1.0)
                    cal.pixelDepth = cal.pixelWidth;
            if (info1!=null && info1.lastIndexOf("7FE0,0010")>0) { //DICOM
                if (sortByMetaData)
                    stack = DicomTools.sort(stack);
                double voxelDepth = DicomTools.getVoxelDepth(stack);
                if (voxelDepth>0.0) {
                    if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("DICOM voxel depth set to "+voxelDepth+" ("+cal.pixelDepth+")");
                    cal.pixelDepth = voxelDepth;
                if (imp2.getType()==ImagePlus.GRAY16 || imp2.getType()==ImagePlus.GRAY32) {
                    imp2.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(min, max);
            if (imp2.getStackSize()==1) {
                int idx = this.start-1;
                if (idx<0 || idx>=list.length)
                    idx = 0;
                imp2.setProp("Slice_Label", list[idx]);
                if (info1!=null)
                    imp2.setProperty("Info", info1);
            if ((arg==null||runningOpen) && !saveImage) {
                String time = (System.currentTimeMillis()-t0)/1000.0 + " seconds";
                if (openAsSeparateImages) {
                    if (imp2.getStackSize()>MAX_SEPARATE && !IJ.isMacro()) {
                        boolean ok = IJ.showMessageWithCancel("Import>Image Sequence",
                        "Are you sure you want to open "+imp2.getStackSize()
                        +" separate windows?\nThis may cause the system to become very slow or stall.");
                        if (!ok) return;
                } else
                if (stack.isVirtual()) {
                    overlay = stack.getProcessor(1).getOverlay();
                    if (overlay!=null)
            if (saveImage)
                image = imp2;
        if (Recorder.record) {
            String options = openAsVirtualStack&&!openAsSeparateImages?"virtual":"";
            if (bitDepth!=defaultBitDepth)
                options = options + " bitdepth=" + bitDepth;                
            if (filter!=null && filter.length()>0) {
                if (filter.contains(" "))
                    filter = "["+filter+"]";
                options = options + " filter=" + filter;
            if (start!=1)
                options = options + " start=" + start;              
            if (step!=1)
                options = options + " step=" + step;                
            if (scale!=100)
                options = options + " scale=" + scale;              
            if (!sortByMetaData)
                options = options + " noMetaSort";
            if (!Recorder.scriptMode() && openAsSeparateImages)
                options = options + " open";
            String dir = Recorder.fixPath(directory);
            if (Recorder.scriptMode())
                Recorder.recordCall("imp =\""+dir+"\", \""+options+"\");");
            else {
                if (options.length()==0)
                    Recorder.recordString("File.openSequence(\""+dir+"\", \""+options+"\");\n");
    private void error(String msg) {
        IJ.error("Import>Image Sequence", msg);
    private void openAsSeparateImages(ImagePlus imp) {
        VirtualStack stack = (VirtualStack)imp.getStack();
        String dir = stack.getDirectory();
        int skip = 0;
        for (int n=1; n<=stack.size(); n++) {
            ImagePlus imp2 = IJ.openImage(dir+stack.getFileName(n));
            if (skip<=0) {
                skip = imp2.getStackSize()-1;
            } else

    public static boolean useInfo(String info) {
        return info!=null && !(info.startsWith("Software")||info.startsWith("ImageDescription"));
    private void openAsFileInfoStack(FileInfoVirtualStack stack, String path) {
        FileInfo[] info = Opener.getTiffFileInfo(path);
        if (info==null || info.length==0)
        int n =info[0].nImages;
        if (info.length==1 && n>1) {
            long size = fi.width*fi.height*fi.getBytesPerPixel();
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
                FileInfo fi = (FileInfo)info[0].clone();
                fi.nImages = 1;
                fi.longOffset = fi.getOffset() + i*(size + fi.getGap());
        } else {
            FileInfo fi = info[0];
            if (fi.fileType==FileInfo.RGB48) {
                for (int slice=1; slice<=3; slice++) {
                    FileInfo fi2 = (FileInfo)fi.clone();
                    fi2.sliceNumber = slice;
            } else
    boolean showDialog() {
        String options = Macro.getOptions();
        if  (options!=null) {  //macro
            String optionsOrig = options;
            options = options.replace("open=", "dir=");
            options = options.replace("file=", "filter=");
            options =  options.replace("starting=","start=");
            options =  options.replace("number=","count=");
            options =  options.replace("increment=","step=");
            options =  options.replace("inc=","step=");
            if (!options.equals(optionsOrig))
            if (options.contains("convert_to_rgb"))
                this.bitDepth = 24;
        String countStr = "---";
        if (!directorySet && options==null)
            directory = Prefs.get(DIR_KEY, IJ.getDir("downloads")+"stack/");
        if (directory!=null && !IJ.isMacro()) {         
            File f = new File(directory);
            String[] names = f.list();
            names = trimFileList(names);
            countStr = names!=null?""+names.length:"---";
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Import Image Sequence");
        gd.setInsets(5, 0, 0);
        gd.addDirectoryField("Dir:", directory);        
        gd.setInsets(2, 55, 10);
        gd.addMessage("drag and drop target", IJ.font10, Color.darkGray);
        gd.addChoice("Type:", types, bitDepthToType(bitDepth));
        gd.addStringField("Filter:", "", 10);
        gd.addMessage("enclose regex in parens", IJ.font10, Color.darkGray);
        gd.addNumericField("Start:", this.start, 0, 6, "");
        gd.addStringField("Count:", countStr, 6);
        gd.addNumericField("Step:", this.step, 0, 6, "");
        if (!IJ.isMacro() && !GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
            Vector v = gd.getStringFields();
            dirField = (TextField)v.elementAt(0);
            filterField = (TextField)v.elementAt(1);
            countField = (TextField)v.elementAt(2);
            v = gd.getNumericFields();
            startField = (TextField)v.elementAt(0);
            stepField = (TextField)v.elementAt(1);
        gd.addNumericField("Scale:", this.scale, 0, 6, "%");
        gd.addCheckbox("Sort names numerically", sortFileNames);
        gd.addCheckbox("Use virtual stack", openAsVirtualStack);
        gd.addCheckbox("Open as separate images", false);       
        if (gd.wasCanceled())
            return false;
        directory = gd.getNextString();
        int index = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
        bitDepth = typeToBitDepth(types[index]);
        filter = gd.getNextString();
        if (legacyRegex!=null)
            filter = "("+legacyRegex+")";           
        this.start = (int)gd.getNextNumber();
        countStr = gd.getNextString();
        double count = Tools.parseDouble(countStr);
        if (!Double.isNaN(count))
            nFiles = (int)count;
        this.step = (int)gd.getNextNumber();
        if (this.step<1)
            this.step = 1;
        this.scale = gd.getNextNumber();
        if (this.scale<5.0) this.scale = 5.0;
        if (this.scale>100.0) this.scale = 100.0;
        sortFileNames = gd.getNextBoolean();
        if (!sortFileNames)
            sortByMetaData = false;
        openAsVirtualStack = gd.getNextBoolean();
        if (openAsVirtualStack)
            scale = 100.0;
        openAsSeparateImages = gd.getNextBoolean();
        if (openAsSeparateImages)
            openAsVirtualStack = true;
        if (!IJ.macroRunning()) {
            staticSortFileNames = sortFileNames;
            if (!openAsSeparateImages)
                staticOpenAsVirtualStack = openAsVirtualStack;
        return true;
    public static String[] getFilteredList(String[] list, String filter, String title) {
        boolean isRegex = false;
        if (filter!=null && (filter.equals("") || filter.equals("*")))
            filter = null;
        if (list==null || filter==null)
            return list;
        if (title==null) {
            String[] list2 = new String[list.length];
            for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++)
                list2[i] = list[i];
            list = list2;
        if (filter.length()>=2 && filter.startsWith("(")&&filter.endsWith(")")) {
            filter = filter.substring(1,filter.length()-1);
            isRegex = true;
        int filteredImages = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
            if (isRegex && containsRegex(list[i],filter,title!=null&&title.contains("(legacy)")))
            else if (list[i].contains(filter))
                list[i] = null;
        if (filteredImages==0) {
            if (title!=null) {
                if (isRegex)
                    IJ.error(title, "None of the file names contain the regular expression '"+filter+"'.");
                    IJ.error(title, "None of the "+list.length+" files contain '"+filter+"' in the name.");
            return null;
        String[] list2 = new String[filteredImages];
        int j = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
            if (list[i]!=null)
                list2[j++] = list[i];
        list = list2;
        return list;
    public static boolean containsRegex(String name, String regex, boolean legacy) {
        boolean contains = false;
        try {
            if (legacy)
                contains = name.matches(regex);
                contains = name.replaceAll(regex,"").length()!=name.length();
        } catch(Exception e) {
            String msg = e.getMessage();
            int index = msg.indexOf("\n");
            if (index>0)
                msg = msg.substring(0,index);
            IJ.showStatus("Regex error: "+msg);
            contains = true;
        return contains;
    private int typeToBitDepth(String type) {
        int depth = 0;
        if (type.equals("16-bit")) depth=16;
        else if (type.equals("32-bit")) depth=32;
        else if (type.equals("RGB")) depth=24;
        return depth;

    private String bitDepthToType(int bitDepth) {
        switch (bitDepth) {
            case 0: return types[0];
            case 16: return types[1];
            case 32: return types[2];
            case 24: return types[3];
        return types[0];

    /** Removes names that start with "." or end with ".db", ".txt", ".lut", "roi", ".pty", ".hdr", ".py", etc. */
    public String[] trimFileList(String[] rawlist) {
        if (rawlist==null)
            return null;
        int count = 0;
        for (int i=0; i< rawlist.length; i++) {
            String name = rawlist[i];
            if (name.startsWith(".")||name.equals("Thumbs.db")||excludedFileType(name))
                rawlist[i] = null;
        if (count==0) return null;
        String[] list = rawlist;
        if (count<rawlist.length) {
            list = new String[count];
            int index = 0;
            for (int i=0; i< rawlist.length; i++) {
                if (rawlist[i]!=null)
                    list[index++] = rawlist[i];
        return list;
    /* Returns true if 'name' ends with ".txt", ".lut", ".roi", ".pty", ".hdr", ".java", ".ijm", ".py", ".js" or ".bsh. */
    public static boolean excludedFileType(String name) {
        if (name==null) return true;
        for (int i=0; i<excludedTypes.length; i++) {
            if (name.endsWith(excludedTypes[i]))
                return true;
        return false;
    public void openAsVirtualStack(boolean b) {
        openAsVirtualStack = b;
    public void sortFileNames(boolean b) {
        sortFileNames = b;
    public void sortByMetaData(boolean b) {
        sortByMetaData = b;

    /** Used by DragAndDrop when a directory is dragged onto the ImageJ window. */
    public void setDirectory(String path) {
        directory = path;
        directorySet = true;

    /** Sorts file names containing numerical components.
    * @see ij.util.StringSorter#sortNumerically
    * Author: Norbert Vischer
    public String[] sortFileList(String[] list) {
        return StringSorter.sortNumerically(list);
    public void textValueChanged(TextEvent e) {
        if (dirField==null)
        String dir = dirField.getText();
        File f = new File(dir);
        String[] names = f.list();
        names = trimFileList(names);
        names = getFilteredList(names, filterField.getText(), null);
        int count = names!=null?names.length:0;
        double start = Tools.parseDouble(startField.getText(), Double.NaN);
        if (!Double.isNaN(start) && start>1)
            count = count - ((int)start-1);
        double step = Tools.parseDouble(stepField.getText(), Double.NaN);
        if (!Double.isNaN(step) && step>1)
            count = count/(int)step;
        String countStr = count>0?""+count:"---";

} // FolderOpener