//--version--1.6 // 1.6 adds the '?' button that points to the wiki page // panel labels are now drawn on an overlay // added overlay commands and copy to system clipboard to the rightclick menu // Montage tools for easy montage manipulation // jerome.mutterer at ibmp.fr var str="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var lcas=false; var antialiasedLabels = true; var n=0; var xoffset=0.05; var yoffset=0.05; var pos="Clicked quadrant"; var commands = newArray("Copy", "Paste","-", "Scale Bar...", "Brightness/Contrast...", "-", "Extract Selected Panels","Crop Montage [F3]","-", "Add Panel to Manager [F1]","Selected panels to stack [F2]", "Montage to Stack", "-", "Fit Clipboard content into panel [F4]","Fill Panel with Clipboard content [F5]","-", "Set Montage Layout","Change Montage Layout","-", "Hide Overlay","Show Overlay", "Remove Overlay", "Flatten", "-", "Copy to System")); var toolCmds = newMenu("Magic Montage Menu Tool",commands); var pmCmds = newMenu("Popup Menu",commands); macro "Popup Menu" { runCommand(); } macro "Auto Montage Action Tool - C66fF0077C6f6F9977Cf66F9077C888F0977" { setBatchMode(true); b=bitDepth; if ((b!=24)&&(nSlices==1)) { exit("Stack, Composite, or RGB image required.");} if ((b==24)&&(nSlices==1)) { run("Make Composite"); b=8;} Stack.getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames); getVoxelSize(xp,yp,zp,unit); if (channels==1) { channels = channels* frames*slices; Stack.setDimensions(channels,1,1); } id=getImageID; t=getTitle; if (b!=24) { newImage("tempmont", "RGB", width, height,channels); id2=getImageID; for (i=1;i<=channels;i++) { setPasteMode("copy"); selectImage(id); Stack.setChannel(i); getLut(r,g,b); run("Duplicate...", "title=temp"+i); setLut(r,g,b); run("RGB Color"); run("Copy"); selectImage(id2); setSlice(i); run("Paste"); } } run("Make Montage...", "scale=1 border=0"); rename(getTitle+" of "+t); setVoxelSize(xp,yp,zp,unit); setBatchMode(false); } macro "Select Panels Tool - Cf44R0077R9077C888R9977R0977"{ run("Select None"); setPasteMode("copy"); w = getWidth; h = getHeight; getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); id=getImageID; t=getTitle; selectImage(id); xn = info("xMontage"); yn = info("yMontage"); if ((xn==0)||(yn==0)) exit; xc = floor(x/(w/xn)); yc = floor(y/(h/yn)); makeRectangle(xc*(w/xn),yc*(h/yn),(w/xn),(h/yn)); xstart = x; ystart = y; x2=x; y2=y; x2c=xc;y2c=yc; while (flags&16 !=0) { getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); if (x!=x2 || y!=y2) { x2c = floor(x/(w/xn)); y2c = floor(y/(h/yn)); makeRectangle(xc*(w/xn),yc*(h/yn),(w/xn)*(x2c-xc+1),(h/yn)*(y2c-yc+1)); x2=x; y2=y; wait(10); } } setPasteMode("add"); } macro "Extract Selected Panels"{ t=getTitle; xn = info("xMontage"); yn = info("yMontage"); pw = getWidth/xn; ph = getHeight/yn; run("Duplicate...", "title=[Extract of "+t+"]"); setMetadata("Info","xMontage="+getWidth/pw+"\nyMontage="+getHeight/ph+"\n"); } macro "Montage Shuffler Tool - C888R0077R9977C44fR0977R9077"{ id=getImageID; run("Select None"); setPasteMode("copy"); w = getWidth; h = getHeight; getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); xn = info("xMontage"); yn = info("yMontage"); if ((xn==0)||(yn==0)) exit; xstart = x; ystart = y; x2=x; y2=y; while (flags&16 !=0) { getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); if (x!=x2 || y!=y2) spring(xstart, ystart, x, y); x2=x; y2=y; wait(10); } if (x!=xstart || y!=ystart) { xext=0; yext=0; if (x>w) xext=1; if (y>h) yext=1; if ((xext>0)||(yext>0)) { run("Canvas Size...", "width="+w+xext*(w/xn)+" height="+h+yext*(h/yn)+" position=Top-Left zero"); setMetadata("Info","xMontage="+(parseInt(xn)+parseInt(xext))+"\nyMontage="+(parseInt(yn)+parseInt(yext))+"\n"); exit; } sc = floor(xstart/(w/xn)); tc = floor(x/(w/xn)); sr = floor(ystart/(h/yn)); tr = floor(y/(h/yn)); swap(sc,sr,tc,tr); } } macro "Annotation Tool - C700 T2709A T8709B T1f09C T8f09D" { xn = info("xMontage"); yn = info("yMontage"); getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); iw = getWidth/xn; ih = getHeight/yn; co = floor(x/iw); li = floor(y/ih); fontsize = ih/10; if (fontsize<12) fontsize=12; marque = substring(str,n,n+1); if (lcas==1) marque= toLowerCase(marque); opt=""; if (pos == "Clicked quadrant") { xoffset=0.05; yoffset=0.05; if (x>((co+0.5)*iw)) xoffset=0.90; if (y<((li+0.5)*ih)) yoffset=0.85; } if (antialiasedLabels==true) opt=opt+"antialiased"; setFont("SanSerif",fontsize, opt); fg = getValue("rgb.foreground"); makeText(marque ,co*iw+xoffset*iw,(li+1)*ih-yoffset*ih-getValue("font.height")); Roi.setStrokeColor(fg&0xff0000>>16,fg&0x00ff00>>8,fg&0x0000ff); Overlay.addSelection("",0); run("Select None"); n++; if (n>lengthOf(str)) n=0; } macro "Annotation Tool Options" { if (nImages>0) setupUndo; Dialog.create("Annotation - Options"); Dialog.addString("Labels",str); Dialog.addCheckbox("Lowercase labels",lcas); Dialog.addCheckbox("Reset label counter",true); Dialog.addCheckbox("Antialiased",true); Dialog.addChoice("Position",newArray("Clicked quadrant","Lower left","Lower right","Upper right","Upper left"),pos); Dialog.show; str = Dialog.getString; lcas = Dialog.getCheckbox; resetCounter = Dialog.getCheckbox; if (resetCounter==true) n=0; antialiasedLabels = Dialog.getCheckbox; pos=Dialog.getChoice(); if (pos=="Lower left") {xoffset=0.05; yoffset=0.05;} else if (pos=="Lower right") {xoffset=0.90; yoffset=0.05;} else if (pos=="Upper left") {xoffset=0.05; yoffset=0.85;} else if (pos=="Upper right") {xoffset=0.90; yoffset=0.85;} } macro "Montage Sync Tool - C800L07f7L707fG" { w=getWidth; h= getHeight; getCursorLoc(x,y,z,flags); xn = info("xMontage"); yn = info("yMontage"); if ((xn==0)||(yn==0)) { run("Set Montage Layout"); exit; } xc = floor(x/(w/xn)); yc = floor(y/(h/yn)); x0 = x-xc*w/xn; y0 = y-yc*h/yn; np = 1*xn*yn; xp =newArray(np); yp =newArray(np); for (i=0;i1) { xa[0]=x0; ya[0]=y0; xa[xa.length-1]=x1; ya[ya.length-1]=y1; } makeSelection("freeline",xa,ya); } macro "Add Panel to Manager [F1]" { roiManager("Add"); setOption("Show All",true); } macro "Montage to Stack" { columns = info("xMontage"); rows = info("yMontage"); if (rows==0 || columns==0) { run("Set Montage Layout"); columns = info("xMontage"); rows = info("yMontage"); } run("Montage to Stack...", "columns=&columns rows=&rows"); } macro "Selected panels to stack [F2]" { id=getImageID; t=getTitle; selectImage(id); roiManager("select",0); getSelectionBounds(x,y,sw,sh); setBatchMode(true); newImage("Extracted Panels of "+t, "RGB", sw,sh,roiManager("count")); id2=getImageID; setPasteMode("copy"); for (i=0;iffp) { run("Size...", "width="+sw+" height="+sw/ffc+" constrain interpolate"); run("Canvas Size...", "width="+sw+" height="+sh+" position=Center zero"); } else { run("Size...", "width="+sh*ffc+" height="+sh+" constrain interpolate"); run("Canvas Size...", "width="+sw+" height="+sh+" position=Center zero"); } run("Copy"); close; selectImage(id); setBatchMode(false); setPasteMode("Copy"); run("Paste"); } macro "Fill Panel with Clipboard content [F5]" { getSelectionBounds(x,y,sw,sh); id=getImageID; setBatchMode(true); ffp=sw/sh; run("Internal Clipboard"); run("RGB Color"); ffc=getWidth/getHeight; if (ffc>ffp) { run("Size...", "width="+sw*ffc+" height="+sh+" constrain interpolate"); run("Canvas Size...", "width="+sw+" height="+sh+" position=Center zero"); } else { run("Size...", "width="+sw+" height="+sh/ffc+" constrain interpolate"); run("Canvas Size...", "width="+sw+" height="+sh+" position=Center zero"); } run("Copy"); close; selectImage(id); setBatchMode(false); setPasteMode("Copy"); run("Paste"); } macro "Set Montage Layout" { columns = info("xMontage"); rows = info("yMontage"); if (columns>0 && rows>0) exit("Layout ("+columns+"x"+rows+") is already set"); Dialog.create("Set Montage Layout"); Dialog.addNumber("Width:", 2); Dialog.addNumber("Height:", 2); Dialog.show; mw = Dialog.getNumber; mh = Dialog.getNumber; setMetadata("Info","xMontage="+mw+"\nyMontage="+mh+"\n"); } macro "Change Montage Layout" { columns = info("xMontage"); rows = info("yMontage"); if (rows==0 || columns==0) { run("Set Montage Layout"); columns = info("xMontage"); rows = info("yMontage"); } id1 = getImageID; title = getTitle; getVoxelSize(xp,yp,zp,unit); Dialog.create("Change Montage Layout"); Dialog.addNumber("Columns:", columns); Dialog.addNumber("Rows:", rows); Dialog.show; columns2 = Dialog.getNumber; rows2 = Dialog.getNumber; run("Montage to Stack...", "columns=&columns rows=&rows"); id2 = getImageID; run("Make Montage...", "columns=&columns2 rows=&rows2 scale=1.0"); rename(title); setVoxelSize(xp,yp,zp,unit); selectImage(id1); close; selectImage(id2); close; }