{ Dicom.p by: Jim Nash, Synergistic Research Systems Reads and decodes the DICOM header so that NIH Image can import DICOM images. DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is a format popular in the medical imaging community. This code is in the public domain. } unit DICOM; interface uses Memory, QuickDraw, Packages, Menus, Events, Fonts, Scrap, ToolUtils, Resources, Errors, Palettes, Printing, StandardFile, Folders, globals, Utilities, Text, Graphics, Utilities; procedure ImportDICOMImages (fname: Str255; RefNum: integer; ImportAll: boolean; {} function Import16BitFile (fname: str255; vnum: integer): boolean); implementation const dDicomName = 'DICOM dictionary'; maxElements = 1000; elemNameLength = 50; type DataKind = (kUnknown, kString, kInteger, kLongint, kReal, kUInteger, kULongint); DataElement = record group, element: integer; code: packed array[1..2] of char; list: boolean; name: string[elemNameLength]; end; ElemArray = array[1..maxElements] of DataElement; ElemArrayPtr = ^ElemArray; DataDictionary = record number: integer; elem: ElemArrayPtr; end; DataDictionaryPtr = ^DataDictionary; var dictionary: DataDictionaryPtr; loaded: boolean; mySliceSpacing: real; { ************** Utility routines ***************** } procedure StringToBase (s: Str255; base: integer; var value: longint); {converts a string in some base to longint. Typically} {base = 2,8,10,16 to represent binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal} var ch: char; good: boolean; len, digit: integer; i: longint; begin i := 1; value := 0; len := length(s); while (i <= len) do begin good := true; ch := s[i]; if ch in ['A'..'Z'] then digit := ord(ch) - ord('A') + 10 else if ch in ['a'..'z'] then digit := ord(ch) - ord('a') + 10 else if ch in ['0'..'9'] then digit := ord(ch) - ord('0') else good := false; if good then value := value * base + digit; i := i + 1; end; end; procedure BaseToString (value: longint; base: integer; var s: Str255); {converts a long integer to a string in any base. Typically} {base = 2,8,10,16 to represent binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal.} {Ignores the sign bit unless base=10.} var sign, decimal: boolean; digit: integer; ch: char; begin decimal := (base = 10); s := ''; sign := (value < 0); if decimal then value := abs(value) else value := BAND(value, $7FFFFFFF); if value = 0 then s := '0' else while (value <> 0) do begin digit := value mod base; value := value div base; if (digit >= 0) and (digit <= 9) then ch := chr(digit + ord('0')) else ch := chr(digit - 10 + ord('A')); s := concat(ch, s); end; if sign then if decimal then s := concat('-', s) else if s[1] < '2' then s[1] := chr(ord(s[1]) + 8) else s[1] := chr(ord(s[1]) - ord('2') + ord('A')); end; function htos (i: longint): Str255; {A convenience function to replace BaseToString (hexadecimal) } var s: Str255; begin BaseToString(i, 16, s); htos := s; end; function itos (i: longint): Str255; {A convenience function to replace NumToString} var s: Str255; begin NumToString(i, s); itos := s; end; { ************** DICOM routines ***************** } procedure InitDICOM; var err: integer; begin dictionary := nil; loaded := false; DicomInitialized:=true; end; function FindDicomElement (group, element: integer): integer; var i, index: integer; begin index := 0; if loaded and (dictionary <> nil) then with dictionary^ do if (elem <> nil) then begin i := 1; while (group > elem^[i].group) and (i < number) do i := i + 1; if (i <= number) then while (element > elem^[i].element) and (group = elem^[i].group) and (i < number) do i := i + 1; if (i <= number) then if (element = elem^[i].element) and (group = elem^[i].group) then index := i; end; FindDicomElement := index; end; procedure InitUserChoice; {selected elements to list in text window, short form.} {This a minimum set. If a user wants more information, they do a full dump.} procedure Select (group, element: integer); var index: integer; begin with dictionary^ do begin index := FindDicomElement(group, element); if index > 0 then elem^[index].list := true; end; end; begin with dictionary^ do begin Select($8, $20); Select($8, $30); Select($8, $60); Select($8, $1030); Select($8, $103E); Select($8, $1070); Select($10, $10); Select($10, $20); Select($10, $21B0); Select($18, $10); Select($18, $50); Select($18, $88); Select($20, $10); Select($20, $11); Select($20, $12); Select($20, $13); Select($28, $10); Select($28, $11); Select($28, $30); Select($28, $100); end; end; procedure LoadDataDictionary; type CharBuf = packed array[0..100000] of char; CharBufPtr = ^CharBuf; var err, refnum, len, i1, i2, n: integer; index1, index2, logEOF, count, num, theSize: longint; f: text; sp: StringPtr; str: Str255; s1: Str255; buf: CharBufPtr; begin if dictionary = nil then begin dictionary := DataDictionaryPtr(NewPtr(sizeof(DataDictionary))); if dictionary <> nil then dictionary^.elem := ElemArrayPtr(NewPtr(sizeof(ElemArray))); loaded := false; end; if (not loaded) and (dictionary <> nil) then with dictionary^ do begin err := HSetVol(nil, StartupSpec.vRefNum, StartupSpec.parID); err := FSOpen(dDicomName, 0, refnum); {check that file is present} if (err = 0) and (elem <> nil) then begin err := GetEOF(refnum, logEOF); buf := CharBufPtr(NewPtr(logEOF + 10)); if (buf <> nil) then begin loaded := true; number := 0; count := logEOF; err := FSRead(refnum, count, ptr(buf)); err := FSClose(refnum); index1 := 0; repeat index2 := index1; str := ''; while (buf^[index2] <> cr) and (index2 < logEOF) and (length(str) < 255) do begin str := concat(str, buf^[index2]); index2 := index2 + 1; end; index1 := index2 + 1; len := length(str); if len > 0 then if str[1] = '{' then begin number := number + 1; if (number mod 10) = 0 then ShowAnimatedWatch; with elem^[number] do begin list := false; i1 := pos('x', str); s1 := copy(str, i1 + 1, 4); StringToBase(s1, 16, num); group := num; str := copy(str, i1 + 6, length(str)-(i1 + 6)); i1 := pos('x', str); s1 := copy(str, i1 + 1, 4); StringToBase(s1, 16, num); element := num; str := copy(str, i1 + 6, length(str)-(i1 + 6)); i1 := pos('''', str); if length(str) >= (i1 + 2) then begin code[1] := str[i1 + 1]; code[2] := str[i1 + 2]; str := copy(str, i1 + 5, length(str)-(i1 + 5)); end else str := ''; i1 := pos('"', str); if i1 > 0 then str[i1] := ' '; i2 := pos('"', str); if i2 = 0 then number := number - 1 else begin n := i2 - i1 - 1; if n > elemNameLength then n := elemNameLength; name := copy(str, i1 + 1, n); end; end; end; until (index1 >= logEOF); end; DisposePtr(ptr(buf)); end; InitUserChoice; end; end; {$R+} function GetDataKind (index: integer): DataKind; var kind: DataKind; begin kind := kUnknown; if (dictionary <> nil) and (index > 0) then with dictionary^.elem^[index] do begin if (code = 'AE') or (code = 'AS') or (code = 'CS') or (code = 'DA') or (code = 'DS') then kind := kString else if (code = 'DT') or (code = 'IS') or (code = 'LO') or (code = 'LT') or (code = 'PN') then kind := kString else if (code = 'SH') or (code = 'ST') or (code = 'TM') or (code = 'UI') then kind := kString else if (code = 'SS') then kind := kInteger else if (code = 'SL') then kind := kLongint else if (code = 'US') then kind := kUInteger else if (code = 'UL') then kind := kULongint; end; GetDataKind := kind; end; procedure ImportDICOMImages (fname: Str255; RefNum: integer; ImportAll: boolean; {} function Import16BitFile (fname: str255; vnum: integer): boolean); var enable_text, enable_open_text, first_image, sw, listAll, UseFixedScale: boolean; ImageNumber:integer; myIntercept, myScale: extended; function GetDICOMParams (fname: Str255; vNum: integer): integer; const id_offset = $80; {location of "DICM"} firstDicomElement = $84; {first element} type name4 = packed array[1..4] of char; name4ptr = ^name4; var open_sw, done, window_sw: boolean; f, err, index, len: integer; groupWord, elementWord, elementLength, lastGroup, FirstElement: integer; height, width, bits_alloc, bits_stored, high_bit, representation, offset: integer; amin, amax: integer; {intensity range} scale, aspect, units: Str255; {spatial} s, imgNumString, sliceSpacingStg, rescaleInterceptStg, rescaleSlopeStg: Str255; buflen: longint; buf: packed array[0..MaxLine] of byte; kind: DataKind; dictionaryIndex: integer; xStr,yStr:str255; procedure MyWriteElement (str: Str255); const spaces = ' '; padWidth = 4; nameWidth = 32; var s1, s2: str255; function pad (s: Str255): Str255; const width = 4; begin while length(s) < width do s := concat(' ', s); pad := s; end; begin with dictionary^.elem^[dictionaryIndex] do begin s2 := name; if listAll then begin s1 := concat('(', pad(htos(groupWord)), ',', pad(htos(elementWord)), ') (', pad(itos(elementLength)), ')'); s2 := copy(concat(name, spaces), 1, nameWidth); s2 := concat(s1, ' ', code[1], code[2], ' ', s2); end; str := concat(s2, ': ', str); if enable_text then begin if groupWord <> lastGroup then InsertText('', true); lastGroup := groupWord; InsertText(str, true); end; end; end; function GetInteger (index: integer): integer; var i: integer; begin i := buf[index] + $100 * buf[index + 1]; GetInteger := i; end; function GetLongint (index: integer): longint; var i: longint; begin i := Ord4(buf[index]) + $100 * (buf[index + 1] + $100 * (buf[index + 2] + $100 * buf[index + 3])); GetLongint := i; end; function GetUInteger (index: integer): longint; var i: integer; begin i := buf[index] + $100 * buf[index + 1]; GetUInteger := BAND(i, $FFFF); end; function GetULongint (index: integer): longint; {does not correctly report numbers > $7FFFFFFF} begin GetULongint := GetLongint(index); end; function GetString (index: integer): Str255; var i: integer; s: Str255; begin s := ''; for i := 0 to elementLength - 1 do s := concat(s, chr(buf[index + i])); GetString := s; end; procedure GetNextElement; var i: longint; str: Str255; begin if index = 0 then index := firstElement else index := index + elementLength; if (index < 0) or (index >= buflen) then exit(GetNextElement); groupWord := GetInteger(index); elementWord := GetInteger(index + 2); elementLength := GetLongint(index + 4); if ControlKeyDown then InsertText(StringOf(index:5, groupWord:8, elementWord:8), true); index := index + 8; dictionaryIndex := FindDicomElement(groupWord, elementWord); if dictionaryIndex > 0 then with dictionary^ do if elem^[dictionaryIndex].list or listAll then with elem^[dictionaryIndex] do begin kind := GetDataKind(dictionaryIndex); case kind of kString: str := GetString(index); kInteger: str := itos(GetInteger(index)); kLongint: str := itos(GetLongint(index)); kUInteger: str := itos(GetLongint(index)); kULongint: str := itos(GetULongint(index)); otherwise str := 'unknown format'; end; MyWriteElement(str); end; end; function IsElement (group, element: integer): boolean; begin IsElement := (group = groupWord) and (element = elementWord); end; procedure TestError (err1: integer; str: Str255); var str1: Str255; begin err := err1; if err1 <> 0 then begin if err <> 1 then str := concat(str, ' - error ', itos(err)); PutMessage(str); if open_sw then err1 := fsclose(f); GetDICOMParams := err; exit(GetDICOMParams); end; end; procedure OpenDicomTextWindow; var width, height: integer; begin if listAll then begin width := 500; height := 400; end else begin width := 350; height := 300; end; if enable_open_text then window_sw := MakeNewTextWindow(concat(fname, ' header'), width, height); CurrentFontID := monaco; CurrentSize := 9; ChangeFontOrSize; enable_open_text := false; if enable_text then begin if loaded then InsertText('Selected fields from the DICOM file header', true) else begin InsertText(concat('Can''t find file: ', dDicomName, '.'), true); InsertText('', true); InsertText('This file is required to decode the DICOM header. It is available from: ftp://zippy.nimh.nih.gov/pub/nih-image/documents/dicom-dict.hqx. It must be located in the same folder as NIH Image or in the System folder.', true) end; InsertText('', true); end; end; begin err := 0; buflen := MaxLine + 1; open_sw := false; TestError(fsopen(fname, vNum, f), 'Open'); open_sw := true; TestError(FSRead(f, buflen, @buf), 'Read'); TestError(fsclose(f), 'Close'); if name4ptr(longint(@buf) + id_offset)^ <> 'DICM' then FirstElement:=0 {TestError(1, 'This is not a DICOM file.');} else FirstElement:=FirstDicomElement; OpenDicomTextWindow; sliceSpacingStg := '1.0'; rescaleInterceptStg := '0.0'; rescaleSlopeStg := '1.0'; imgNumString := ''; height := -1; width := -1; offset := -1; index := 0; lastGroup := $8; done := false; scale := '0.0'; aspect := '1.0'; representation := 0; amin := 0; amax := 0; units := ''; repeat GetNextElement; if (index < 0) or (index >= buflen) then leave; if IsElement($18, $88) then sliceSpacingStg := GetString(index) else if IsElement($20, $13) then imgNumString := GetString(index) else if IsElement($28, $10) then height := GetInteger(index) else if IsElement($28, $11) then width := GetInteger(index) else if IsElement($28, $30) then scale := GetString(index) else if IsElement($28, $34) then aspect := GetString(index) else if IsElement($28, $103) then representation := GetInteger(index) else if IsElement($28, $108) then amin := GetInteger(index) else if IsElement($28, $109) then amax := GetInteger(index) else if IsElement($28, $1052) then rescaleInterceptStg := GetString(index) else if IsElement($28, $1053) then rescaleSlopeStg := GetString(index) else if IsElement($7FE0, $10) then begin offset := index; done := true; end; if CommandPeriod then listAll := false; until done; if (width = -1) or (height = -1) or (offset = -1) then begin InsertText('Rows, columns or pixel data code ($7FE0, $10) was missing from DICOM header: can''t import file.', true); GetDICOMParams := -1; exit(GetDICOMParams) end; {Image dimension information} ImportCustomWidth := width; ImportCustomHeight := height; ImportCustomOffset := offset; ImportSwapBytes := true; {(representation = 1);} {Intensity information} ImportCustomDepth := SixteenBitsSigned; if not ((amin = 0) and (amax = 0)) then begin ImportAutoScale:=false; ImportMin:=amin; ImportMax:=amax; end else if (ImageNumber>1) and UseFixedScale then begin ImportAutoScale:=false; ImportMin:=info^.CurrentMin; ImportMax:=info^.CurrentMax; end else ImportAutoScale:=true;; {convert from scaled units to independent units} myIntercept := StringToReal(rescaleInterceptStg); myScale := StringToReal(rescaleSlopeStg); {Spatial scale information} with Info^ do begin PixelAspectRatio := StringToReal(aspect); xScale := 1; yScale := 1; zScale := 1.0 / StringToReal(sliceSpacingStg); xUnit := ''; SpatiallyCalibrated := false; if scale <> '' then begin xStr:=copy(scale, pos('\', scale) + 1, length(scale) - pos('\', scale)); xScale := StringToReal(xStr); yStr:=copy(scale, 1, pos('\', scale) - 1); yScale := StringToReal(yStr); xUnit := 'mm'; SpatiallyCalibrated := (xScale <> 0.0) and (yScale <> 0.0); if SpatiallyCalibrated then begin xScale := 1.0 / xScale; yScale := 1.0 / yScale; end; end; end; {with} if ImageNumber=1 then InsertText('', true); GetDICOMParams := err; end; procedure UpdateCoefficients; {Scale coefficients given Dicom Rescale Intercept and Rescale Slope} begin with info^ do begin info^.Coefficient[1] := myIntercept + myScale * info^.Coefficient[1]; info^.Coefficient[2] := myScale * info^.Coefficient[2]; fit := StraightLine; GenerateValues; end; end; procedure ImportAllDicomFiles (RefNum: integer); var OpenedOK: boolean; index: integer; name: Str255; ftype: OSType; err: OSErr; PB: HParamBlockRec; begin index := 0; while true do begin index := index + 1; with PB do begin ioCompletion := nil; ioNamePtr := @name; ioVRefNum := RefNum; ioVersNum := 0; ioFDirIndex := index; err := PBGetFInfo(@PB, false); if err = fnfErr then exit(ImportAllDicomFiles); ftype := ioFlFndrInfo.fdType; end; {AddDicomDumpName(fname);} if GetDICOMParams(name, RefNum) <> 0 then exit(ImportAllDicomFiles); if not Import16BitFile(name, RefNum) then exit(ImportAllDicomFiles); if (myIntercept <> 0.0) or (myScale <> 1.0) then UpdateCoefficients; with info^ do InsertText(StringOf(ImageNumber:3, ': "', title, '", min=', CurrentMin:1, ', max=', CurrentMax:1), true); ImageNumber:=ImageNumber+1; enable_text := false; {text saved for first image only} first_image := false; if CommandPeriod then begin beep; exit(ImportAllDicomFiles); end; end; end; begin {ImportDICOMImages} if not DicomInitialized then InitDICOM; listAll := OptionKeyDown or OptionKeyWasDown; enable_open_text := true; enable_text := true; first_image := true; ImageNumber:=1; UseFixedScale:=ShiftKeyDown; LoadDataDictionary; ImportingDicom := true; if ImportAll then ImportAllDicomFiles(RefNum) else begin if GetDICOMParams(fname, RefNum) <> 0 then exit(ImportDICOMImages); if Import16BitFile(fname, RefNum) then if (myIntercept <> 0.0) or (myScale <> 1.0) then UpdateCoefficients; with info^ do InsertText(StringOf('file "', title, '", min=', CurrentMin:1, ', max=', CurrentMax:1), true); end; ImportingDicom := false; end; end.