{ Pascal interface specification for TransEdit } { for: TransEdit 3.05 } { last edit: 23 Feb 94 } {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit TransEdit; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} interface {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} type {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Procedure types below are all equivalenced to ProcPtr. They're used so } { that procedure/function specifications will read more similarly to their } { C counterparts. The comment preceding each type definition shows how } { procedures should be written. } { procedure Key; } TEditKeyProcPtr = ProcPtr; { procedure Activate (active:Boolean); } TEditActivateProcPtr = ProcPtr; { procedure Close; } TEditCloseProcPtr = ProcPtr; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Interface routines } {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function NewEWindow (bounds: Rect; title: Str255; visible: Boolean; behind: WindowPtr; goAway: Boolean; refCon: LongInt; bindToFile: Boolean): WindowPtr; function GetNewEWindow (resourceNum: Integer; behind: WindowPtr; bindToFile: Boolean): WindowPtr; function GetEWindowTE (wind: WindowPtr): TEHandle; function GetEWindowFile (wind: WindowPtr; var fileInfo: SFReply): Boolean; function IsEWindow (wind: WindowPtr): Boolean; function IsEWindowDirty (wind: WindowPtr): Boolean; procedure SetEWindowProcs (wind: WindowPtr; pKey: TEditKeyProcPtr; pActivate: TEditActivateProcPtr; pClose: TEditCloseProcPtr); procedure SetEWindowStyle (wind: WindowPtr; font: Integer; size: Integer; wrap: Integer; just: Integer); procedure EWindowOverhaul (wind: WindowPtr; showCaret: Boolean; recalc: Boolean; dirty: Boolean); procedure SetEWindowCreator (creat: OSType); function EWindowSave (wind: WindowPtr): Boolean; function EWindowSaveAs (wind: WindowPtr): Boolean; function EWindowSaveCopy (wind: WindowPtr): Boolean; function EWindowClose (wind: WindowPtr): Boolean; function EWindowRevert (wind: WindowPtr): Boolean; function ClobberEWindows: Boolean; procedure EWindowEditOp (item: Integer); function FakeAlert (s1: Str255; s2: Str255; s3: Str255; s4: Str255; nButtons: Integer; defButton: Integer; cancelButton: Integer; t1: Str255; t2: Str255; t3: Str255): Integer; implementation end.