/* * SkelPause () * * Pause process execution for the given length of time, measured in ticks * (60ths of a second). If running in a multitasking environment, gives * time to other processes, using the wait value that's appropriate for * whether the application's in the foreground or background. */ # include "TransSkel.h" pascal void SkelPause (long ticks) { long current; long waitTime; EventRecord event; if (SkelQuery (skelQInForeground)) SkelGetWaitTimes (&waitTime, (long *) nil); else SkelGetWaitTimes ((long *) nil, &waitTime); current = TickCount (); while (TickCount () < current + ticks) { if (SkelQuery (skelQHasWNE)) (void) WaitNextEvent (0, &event, waitTime, nil); } }