var CharLoc:integer; {Global variable, initially zero} macro 'Save using Time as NameÉ'; {Note: Colons are not allowed in file names.} var year,month,day,hour,minute,second,DayOfWeek:integer; begin GetTime(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,DayOfWeek); SaveAs(year-1900:2,'-',month:2,'-',day:2, '/',hour:2,'-'minute:2,'-',second:2); end; macro 'Open with selectionÉ [O]'; begin if nPics>0 then KillRoi; {Save Selection} Open(''); {Prompt for file name} RestoreROI; {Transfer selection to new window} end; macro 'Save AllÉ'; { Saves all currently open images in a folder using '001', '002', etc. as the file names. The save file dialog box will be displayed once (and only once) so that you can specify the folder to save the files in. Leave the file name blank(e.g. SaveAs('')) to get a dialog box for each file. } var n:integer; begin RequiresVersion(1.45); for n:=1 to nPics do begin SelectPic(n); SaveAs(n:3); {Export(n:3);} end; end; macro 'Import FITSÉ'; { Imports 8 and 16-bit FITS images. Refer to "FITS:A Flexible Image Transport System", Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 44, 1981, 363-370. } var width,height,offset,HdrPid:integer; recsize,maxrecs,maxlines,loc,i,line:integer; BitPix,str:string; begin RequiresVersion(1.52); recsize:=2880; maxrecs:=10; {Must be increased to handle headers longer than 360 lines.} maxlines:=(recsize*maxrecs)/80; width:=recsize; height:=maxrecs; offset:=0; SetImport('8-bit'); SetCustom(width,height,offset); Import(''); {Read in header as an image, prompting for the file name.} HdrPid:=PidNumber; BitPix:=Concat(chr(GetPixel(108,0)),chr(GetPixel(109,0))); if (BitPix<>' 8') and (BitPix<>'16') then begin PutMessage('This macro only reads 8 and 16-bit FITS files'); SelectPic(HdrPid); Dispose; exit; end; str:=concat(chr(GetPixel(266,0)), chr(GetPixel(267,0)), chr(GetPixel(268,0)), chr(GetPixel(269,0))); width:=StringToNum(str); str:=concat(chr(GetPixel(346,0)), chr(GetPixel(347,0)), chr(GetPixel(348,0)), chr(GetPixel(349,0))); height:=StringToNum(str); loc:=0; line:=0; repeat str:=''; for i:=1 to 3 do begin str:=concat(str,chr(GetPixel(loc mod recsize, loc div recsize))); loc:=loc+1; end; loc:=loc+77; {Skip to end of line} line:=line+1; until (line>=maxlines) or (str='END'); SelectPic(HdrPid); Dispose; offset:=recsize+recsize*((line*80) div recsize); if BitPix=' 8' then SetImport('8-bit') else SetImport('16-bit Signed; Calibrate; Autoscale'); SetCustom(width,height,offset); Import(''); {No prompt this time; Import remembers the name.} if BitPix=' 8' then Invert; FlipVertical; end; macro 'Display FITS HeaderÉ'; var i,j,loc:integer; HdrPid,RecordSize,maxlines,line:integer; MaxRecords:integer; wname,str:string; begin RequiresVersion(1.53); RecordSize:=2880; MaxRecords:=10; maxlines:=(RecordSize*MaxRecords)/80; SetImport('8-bit'); SetCustom(RecordSize,10,0); Import(''); {Read in header as an image, prompting for the file name.} HdrPid:=PidNumber; SetFont('Monaco'); SetFontSize(9); wname:=concat(WindowTitle,' Header'); NewTextWindow(wname,500,500); loc:=0; line:=1; repeat ChoosePic(HdrPid); str:=''; for j:=1 to 80 do begin str:=concat(str,chr(GetPixel(loc mod RecordSize, loc div RecordSize))); loc:=loc+1; end; SelectWindow(wname); writeln(str); line:=line+1; until (line>maxlines) or (pos('END',str)=1); SelectPic(HdrPid); Dispose; end; macro 'Import Image TIFF FileÉ'; { As an example of how to import a foreign file format, this macro reads the TIFF files created by Image. The format of an Image TIFF file is described in Appendix E of the Image manual. } var width,height,offset:integer; begin width:=768; height:=1; offset:=0; SetImport('8-bit'); SetCustom(width,height,offset); Import(''); {Read in header as an image, prompting for the file name.} if not ((GetPixel(0,0)=77) and (GetPixel(0,0)=77)) then begin {'MM'} PutMessage('This is not a TIFF file.'); SelectPic(nPics); Dispose; exit; end; width := (GetPixel(30,0)*256) + GetPixel(31,0); height := (GetPixel(42,0)*256) + GetPixel(43,0); SelectPic(nPics); {The ID of the last window opened is equal to nPics.} Dispose; offset:=768; SetCustom(width,height,offset); Import(''); {No prompt this time; Import remembers the name.} end; macro 'Import Multiple Images per FileÉ'; { Imports a series of 256x256 images contained in a single file, in this case an NIH Image stack with an arbitrary number of 256x256 slices. } var offset,i,PicSize,HdrSize,width,height:integer; begin HdrSize:= 768; width:= 256; height:=256; PicSize:=width*height; offset:=HdrSize; SetImport('8-bit'); for I:=1 to 100 do begin {Macro will terminate at eof} SetCustom(width,height,offset); Import(''); offset:=offset+PicSize; end; end; macro 'Import 3D PETÉ'; var HdrSize,width,height:integer; begin HdrSize:= 0; width:= 128; height:=128; SetImport('8-bit'); SetCustom(width, height, HdrSize, 100); Import(''); end; macro 'Convert FilesÉ'; { Converts a set of raw data files(all in the same folder) with names in the form raw.001, raw.002, etc to TIFF or PICT. As long as the converted files are saved in the same folder, you should only see two file dialog boxes(one for the first Import and one for the first SaveAs). } Var i,nFiles:integer; begin nFiles:=GetNumber('Number of files:',5); for i:=1 to nFiles do begin Import('raw.',i:3); SetPicName('file',i:3); SaveAs; Dispose; end; end; macro 'Import IPLab File'; var width,height,offset:integer; begin width:=100; height:=1; offset:=0; SetImport('8-bit'); SetCustom(width,height,offset); Import(''); {Read in header as an image, prompting for file name.} width := (GetPixel(8,0)*256) + GetPixel(9,0); height := (GetPixel(12,0)*256) + GetPixel(13,0); Dispose; offset:=2120; {The IPLab offset} SetImport('16-bit Signed; Calibrate; Autoscale'); SetCustom(width,height,offset); Import(''); {No prompt this time; Import remembers the name.} end; procedure ShowBioRadInfo(InfoOffset: integer); {Displays the contents of the 480(?) byte header at} {the end of Biorad MRC 600 Z Series files.} var MaxInfoSize,offset:integer; ch, title:string; begin MaxInfoSize:=480; SetCustom(MaxInfoSize, 1, InfoOffset); SetImport('8-bit'); {Don't invert} Import(''); GetRow(0,0,MaxInfoSize); Dispose; SaveState; title := concat(WindowTitle, '.Info'); NewTextWindow(title, 450, 150); SetCursor('Watch'); SetFont('Monaco'); SetFontSize(12); for i:=0 to MaxInfoSize-1 do begin offset:=i mod 96; if offset=0 then writeln; ch:=chr(LineBuffer[i]); if (offset=2) and (ord(ch)=0) then exit; if (offset>=16) and (offset<=95) and (ord(ch)>=32) and (ord(ch)<=126) then write(ch); end; RestoreState; end; macro 'Import Biorad MRC 600 Z SeriesÉ'; { Imports a Z series(multiple images per file) from a Biorad MRC 600 confocal microscope. The width, height and number of images are extracted from the first 3 16-bit word in the 76 byte header and the file name is extracted from bytes 18-23 of the header. This macro does not read merged pseudocolored BioRad files. Note that the Undo and Clipboard buffers must be set to 384K to work with the typical 768x512 Biorad images. } var width,height,nImages,offset,hdrsize,i,start,picsize:integer; begin RequiresVersion(1.50); width:=512; height:=1; offset:=0; SetImport('8-bit'); SetCustom(width,height,offset); Import(''); {Read header} GetPicSize(width,height); if (width<>512) or (height<>1) then begin Dispose; PutMessage('Please to not change width, height, etc. in the Import dialog box.'); exit; end; width:=GetPixel(0,0)+GetPixel(1,0)*256; height:=GetPixel(2,0)+GetPixel(3,0)*256; nImages:=GetPixel(4,0)+GetPixel(5,0)*256; Dispose; hdrsize:= 76; picsize:=width*height; if (width<128) or (width>2048) or (height<128) or (height>2048) or (nImages<1) or (nImages>256) then begin PutMessage('This does not seem to be a Biorad MRC 600 Z Series file.'); exit; end; start:=GetNumber('Starting image:',1); offset:=HdrSize+(start-1)*PicSize; SetImport('8-bit, Invert'); SetCustom(width,height,offset,nimages); Import(''); ShowBioRadInfo(HdrSize + nImages * width * height); end; macro 'Import from IBAS'; var width,height,offset:integer; begin width:=128; height:=1; offset:=0; SetImport('8-bit'); SetCustom(width,height,offset); Import(''); {Read in header as an image, prompting for file name.} width := (GetPixel(7,0)*256) + GetPixel(6,0); height := (GetPixel(9,0)*256) + GetPixel(8,0); Dispose(nPics); {The ID of the last window opened = nPics.} offset:=128; {The IBAS offset} SetImport('8-bit; Calibrate; Autoscale'); SetCustom(width,height,offset); Import(''); {No prompt this time; Import remembers the name.} Invert SetScaling ('Bilinear'); SetScaling ('New Window'); ScaleAndRotate (0.80, 1.0, 0); end; macro 'Import 64x64x64x16-bit SPECT ImageÉ'; {Imports a 64x64x64x16-bit headerless SPECT image into a stack.} var width,height,nImages,hdrsize:integer; begin RequiresVersion(1.50); width:=64; height:=64; nImages:=64; HdrSize:= 0; SetImport('16-bit Unsigned, Swap Bytes'); {SetImportMinMax(0,2500);} {Uncomment to fix scale} SetCustom(width,height,HdrSize,nImages); Import(''); end; macro 'Import 8-bit 3D ImageÉ'; var width,height,offset,nImages:integer; begin RequiresVersion(1.50); width:=GetNumber('Width:',256); height:=GetNumber('Height:',256); nImages:=GetNumber('Depth(number of slices):',128); offset:=GetNumber('Offset(header size):',0); SetImport('8-bit'); SetCustom(width,height,offset,nImages); Import(''); end; macro 'Open with scale set to 100 pixels/mm [S]'; {Example of a way to open images and have the} {spatial scale always set the same way.} begin Open(''); {or Import('')} SetScale(100,'mm'); {Change as needed} end; macro 'Load Synergy Image'; begin SetImport('8-bit'); SetCustom(512,480,16384); Import(''); ChangeValues(0,0,1); ChangeValues(255,255,254); SetPalette('Rainbow'); end; macro 'Import Siemens 3D MRIÉ'; begin RequiresVersion(1.50); SetImport('16-bit Signed, Swap Bytes'); {SetImportMinMax(0,3000);} {Remove comments to fix scale} SetCustom(256,256,0,127); Import(''); end; macro 'Import LUTÉ'; {Imports a 256 x 3 x 8-bit look-up table located 'offset' bytes from the beginning of a file. Use an offset of 32 for LUTs created using Image's Save As command and an offset of 0 for Exported LUTs.} } var offset,i:integer; begin offset:=0; {Use 32 for LUTs created using Save As} SetImport('8-bit'); SetCustom(256,3,offset); Import(''); {Read LUT as an image} for i:=0 to 255 do begin RedLut[i]:=GetPixel(i,0); GreenLut[i]:=GetPixel(i,1); BlueLut[i]:=GetPixel(i,2); end; UpdateLUT; end; macro 'Open List of FilesÉ'; var width,height:integer; name,ch:string; begin width:=256; height:=3; SetCustom(width,height,0); Import('File List'); {Read text as an image} repeat name:=''; repeat ch:=chr(GetPixel(CharLoc mod width,CharLoc div width)); if ch>=chr(32) then begin name:=concat(name,ch); end; CharLoc:=CharLoc+1; until (ch=13) or (CharLoc>=width*height); ShowMessage(name); wait(1); until (name='') or (CharLoc>=width*height); end; macro 'File processing test'; begin Open('hd400:images:image001'); Invert; Save; Close; Open('hd400:images:image002'); Invert; Save; Close; Open('hd400:images:image003'); Invert; Save; Close; end; macro 'Batch Processing ExampleÉ'; { Reads from disk and processes a set of images too large to simultaneously fit in memory. The image names names must be in the form 'image001', 'image002', ..., but this can be changed. } var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to 1000 do begin open('image',i:3); {process;} save; close; end; end; macro 'Export Non-Rectangular ROI'; var left,top,width,height:integer; pid1,pid2:integer; begin GetRoi(left,top,width,height); if width=0 then begin PutMessage('Non-rectangular selection required.'); exit; end; pid1:=PidNumber; SetNewSize(width,height); MakeNewWindow('Temp'); pid2:=PidNumber; SelectPic(pid1); Copy; SelectPic(pid2); Paste; Export; {or SaveAs} end; macro 'Import MCIDÉ'; begin SetImport('MCID'); Import(''); end; macro 'Import Series of FilesÉ'; Var i,first,last:integer; width, height, offset:integer; begin width := 512; height := 512; offset := 0; first:=round(GetNumber('First file number:',1)); last:=round(GetNumber('Last file number:',999)); SetImport('Custom; 8-bits; Invert'); SetCustom(width,height,offset); for i:=first to last do Import('IMG',i:4, '.CASTRO11'); end; macro 'File Paths Demo'; {Demonstrates the new GetPath() and GetFileInfo() macro functions.} var wPath, sPath, pPath: string; name, FullPath, FileType, folder: string; FileSize: integer; begin name := WindowTitle; {Grab name before before opening window} wPath := GetPath('window'); {Grab path before before opening window} sPath := GetPath('startup'); pPath := GetPath('pref'); SaveState; SetFont('Geneva'); SetFontSize(12); NewTextWindow('Paths Demo'); if wPath = '' then begin writeln('No opened image or text window'); writeln end else begin writeln; FullPath := concat(wPath, name); writeln('Active window path = "', FullPath, '"'); GetFileInfo(FullPath, FileType, FileSize); writeln('File type = "', FileType, '"'); writeln('File size = ', FileSize:1); writeln; end; writeln('Startup path = "', sPath, '"'); writeln('Preferences path = "', pPath, '"'); writeln; name := 'Image Prefs'; FullPath := concat(GetPath('pref'), name); GetFileInfo(FullPath, FileType, FileSize); if FileSize < 0 then writeln('"', name, '" not found in Preferences folder') else writeln('The file "', name,'" (type="', FileType, '", size=', FileSize:1, ') was found in Preferences folder.'); writeln; name := 'image1.tif'; folder := 'Images'; FullPath := concat(GetPath('startup'), folder, ':', name); GetFileInfo(FullPath, FileType, FileSize); if FileSize < 0 then writeln('The file "', name, '" was not found in the "', folder, '" folder in NIH Image folder.') else begin writeln('Opening the file "', FullPath, '"'); open(FullPath); end; RestoreState; end;