macro 'Export LUT [E]'; {Copies the current look-up table to a text window.} var i:integer; v:real; tab:string; begin RequiresVersion(1.54); NewTextWindow('LUT',200,400); tab:=chr(9); for i:=0 to 255 do Writeln(i:4,tab,RedLut[i]:4,tab,GreenLut[i]:4,tab,BlueLut[i]:4); end; macro 'Import Text LUT'; { Imports a LUT stored as three column (red, green, blue) text file. If there are four columns then the first column is assumed to conatin sequence numbers and is ignored. } var i,r,g,b, width, height, start, row:integer; begin RequiresVersion(1.53); SetImport('Text'); Import(''); GetPicSize(width,height); if width=3 then begin r:=0; g:=1; b:=2 end else if width=4 then begin r:=1; g:=2; b:=3 end else begin PutMessage('The text file must have either 3 or 4 columns.'); exit; end; if height=255 then start:=1 else if height=256 then start:=0 else begin PutMessage('The text file must have either 255 or 256 rows.'); exit; end; i:=start; row:=0; repeat RedLut[i]:=GetPixel(r,row); GreenLut[i]:=GetPixel(g,row); BlueLut[i]:=GetPixel(b,row); if (i mod 10) = 0 then UpdateLUT; i:=i+1; row:=row+1; until row>=height; UpdateLUT; end; macro 'Invert LUT [I]'; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to 254 do begin RedLUT[i]:=255-RedLut[i]; GreenLUT[i]:=255-GreenLut[i]; BlueLUT[i]:=255-BlueLut[i]; end; UpdateLUT; end; macro 'Log Tranform'; var i,v:integer; scale:real; BEGIN scale := 255.0 / ln(255.0); for i:=1 to 254 DO begin v := 255-round(ln(i) * scale); RedLUT[i]:=v; GreenLUT[i]:=v; BlueLUT[i]:=v; end; UpdateLUT; END. macro 'Gamma TranformÉ [G]'; var i,v:integer; n,mode,min,max:integer gamma,mean:real; begin gamma:=GetNumber('Gamma(0.1-3.0):',2); measure; GetResults(n,mean,mode,min,max); ShowMessage('min=',min:1,'\max=',max:1); for i:=1 to 254 DO begin if (i>min) and (i 255 then y:=255; RedLUT[i]:=y; GreenLUT[i]:= y; BlueLUT[i]:=y; end; UpdateLUT; end; macro 'Square Root Tranform'; var i,v:integer; sqrt255:real; BEGIN sqrt255:=sqrt(255.0); for i:=1 to 255 DO begin v:=round(sqrt(i)*255.0/sqrt255); RedLUT[255-i]:=v; GreenLUT[255-i]:=v; BlueLUT[255-i]:=v; end; UpdateLUT; END; macro 'Reset LUT [R]'; begin ResetGrayMap; end; macro 'Plot LUT [P]'; var i,xscale,yscale:real; width,height,margin,pwidth,pheight:integer; xbase,ybase:integer; begin SaveState; margin:=25; pwidth:=400; pheight:=125; width:=pwidth+2*margin; height:=pheight*3+2*margin; SetNewSize(width,height); SetBackground(0); MakeNewWindow('LUT'); xscale:=(pwidth-2)/256; yscale:=(pheight-1)/256; SetForeground(252); xbase:=margin; ybase:=margin; MoveTo(xbase,ybase); for i:=0 to 255 do LineTo(xbase+i*xscale,ybase+RedLUT[i]*yscale); SetForeground(255); MakeRoi(xbase,ybase,pwidth,pheight); FlipVertical; DrawBoundary; SetForeground(253); ybase:=ybase+pheight-1; MoveTo(xbase,ybase); for i:=0 to 255 do LineTo(xbase+i*xscale,ybase+GreenLUT[i]*yscale); SetForeground(255); MakeRoi(xbase,ybase,pwidth,pheight); FlipVertical; DrawBoundary; SetForeground(254); ybase:=ybase+pheight-1; MoveTo(xbase,ybase); for i:=0 to 255 do LineTo(xbase+i*xscale,ybase+BlueLUT[i]*yscale); SetForeground(255); MakeRoi(xbase,ybase,pwidth,pheight); FlipVertical; DrawBoundary; KillRoi; RedLUT[252]:=255; GreenLUT[252]:=0; BlueLUT[252]:=0; RedLUT[253]:=0; GreenLUT[253]:=255; BlueLUT[253]:=0; RedLUT[254]:=0; GreenLUT[254]:=0; BlueLUT[254]:=255; UpdateLUT; SetFont('Geneva'); SetFontSize(9); SetText('Centered'); MoveTo(margin+4,height-margin+8); writeln(0:1:2); MoveTo(margin+pwidth,height-margin+8); writeln(255:1:2); RestoreState; end; macro 'PosterizeÉ'; var level,i:integer delta,steps,StepSize,NextStep:real; begin steps:=GetNumber('Number of Gray Steps(2-256):',8); StepSize:=256/steps; delta:=256/(steps-1); NextStep:=trunc(StepSize); level:=255; for i:=0 to 255 do begin if i>=NextStep then begin NextStep:=trunc(NextStep+StepSize); level:=level-delta; UpdateLUT; end; if level<0 then level:=0; RedLUT[i]:=level; GreenLUT[i]:=level; BlueLUT[i]:=level; end; end; macro 'Make Four Ramp LUT'; var i,entry:integer; BEGIN entry:=0; for i:=0 to 63 DO begin RedLUT[entry]:=255-i*4; GreenLUT[entry]:=255-i*4; BlueLUT[entry]:=255-i*4; entry:=entry+1; end; for i:=0 to 63 DO begin RedLUT[entry]:=255-i*4; GreenLUT[entry]:=0; BlueLUT[entry]:=0; entry:=entry+1; end; for i:=0 to 63 DO begin RedLUT[entry]:=0; GreenLUT[entry]:=255-i*4; BlueLUT[entry]:=0; entry:=entry+1; end; for i:=0 to 63 DO begin RedLUT[entry]:=0; GreenLUT[entry]:=0; BlueLUT[entry]:=255-i*4; entry:=entry+1; end; UpdateLUT; end. macro 'Set Pixels RedÉ'; var v1,v2,i:integer; begin v1:=GetNumber('Starting Pixel Value(1-254)',10); v2:=GetNumber('Ending Pixel Value(1-254)',10); if v2 63) do d := GetNumber('Amount of color',20); for i := d*2 to 127 do begin j := 255 - i; RedLUT[i] := j + d; GreenLUT[i] := j + d; BlueLUT[i] := j - d*2; RedLUT[j] := i - d*2; GreenLUT[j] := i + d; BlueLUT[j] := i + d; end; UpdateLUT; end; macro 'Color Merge Two Images'; { Merges a "red" image and a "green" image to create a composite color image. The macro does this by scaling both images to 0-15, multiplying the second by 16, creating a single 8-bit by ORing the two 4-bit images, and then generating a custom red and green LUT to display the composite image. } var i,w1,w2,h1,h2,merged:integer; begin SaveState; if nPics<>2 then begin PutMessage('This macro operates on exactly two images.'); exit; end; SelectPic(1); GetPicSize(w1,h1); SelectPic(2); GetPicSize(w2,h2); if (w1<>w2) or (h1<>h2) then begin PutMessage('The two images must have the same width and height.'); exit; end; SetNewSize(w1,h2); MakeNewWindow('Merged'); merged:=PicNumber; SelectPic(1); SelectAll; Copy; SelectPic(merged); Paste; SelectAll; MultiplyByConstant(1/16); ChangeValues(0,0,1); ChangeValues(16,16,15); SelectPic(2); SelectAll; Duplicate('Temp'); MultiplyByConstant(1/16); ChangeValues(16,16,15); MultiplyByConstant(16); ChangeValues(0,0,1); SelectAll; Copy; SelectPic(merged); Paste; DoOr; for i:=0 to 255 do begin RedLut[i]:=(i mod 16)*16; GreenLut[i]:=(i div 16)*16; BlueLut[i]:=0; end; UpdateLut; SelectPic(nPics); Dispose; {Temp} RestoreState; end; macro 'Move Slice Up [U]'; var lower,upper:integer; begin GetThresholds(lower,upper); lower:=lower-1; upper:=upper-1; if lower<1 then lower:=1; if lower>254 then lower:=254; if upper254 then upper:=254; SetDensitySlice(lower,upper); ShowMessage(lower:4,upper:4) end; macro 'Move Slice Down [D]'; var lower,upper:integer; begin GetThresholds(lower,upper); lower:=lower+1; upper:=upper+1; if lower<1 then lower:=1; if lower>254 then lower:=254; if upper254 then upper:=254; SetDensitySlice(lower,upper); ShowMessage(lower:4,upper:4) end; macro 'Change One LUT EntryÉ'; var dn:integer; begin dn:=GetNumber('Gray Value(1-254):',128); RedLut[dn]:=GetNumber('Red(0-255):',255); GreenLut[dn]:=GetNumber('Green(0-255):',0); BlueLut[dn]:=GetNumber('Blue(0-255):',0); UpdateLUT; end; macro 'Sort LUT by Hue'; begin SortPalette; end; macro 'Copy Calibration to LUT'; var i: integer; value: integer; scale, max, min: real; begin max:=-999999; min:=999999; for i:= 0 to 255 do begin value:=cvalue(i); if valuemax then max:=value; end; scale := 255 / (max - min); for i := 0 to 255 do begin value := 255 - round(scale * (cvalue(i) - min)); RedLUT[i] := value; GreenLUT[i] := value; BlueLUT[i] := value; end; UpdateLUT; end; MACRO 'Adjust Threshold' VAR level: INTEGER; BEGIN level:=50; ShowMessage('Use shift-key to increase threshold \Use control-key to decrease threshold \Use option-key when threshold is set'); REPEAT IF KeyDown('shift') AND (level<255) THEN level:=level+1; IF KeyDown('control') AND (level>0) THEN level:=level-1; SetThreshold(level); UNTIL KeyDown('option') or Button; SetThreshold(-1); END;