var n:integer; {Global variable used by integration macros} macro 'Print Video [P]'; begin CallExport('TV-3 Module'); end; procedure ExtractEvenField(NewWindow:boolean); { Replaces odd scan lines with average of neighboring even lines. Can be used to improve the quality of images that have even and odd fields that are out of sync as the result of subject movement during capture. } var i,width,height,row1,row2:integer; begin SaveState; if NewWindow then Duplicate('Even Field'); GetPicSize(width,height); row1:=0; row2:=0; for i:=1 to height/2 do begin GetRow(0,row1,width); PutRow(0,row2,width); row1:=row1+2; row2:=row2+1; end; MakeRoi(0,0,width,height/2); Copy; MakeRoi(0,height/4-1,width,height/2); Paste; RestoreRoi; SetScaling('Bilinear; Same Window'); ScaleAndRotate(1,2,0); RestoreState; end; macro 'Extract Even Field->New Window'; begin ExtractEvenField(true); end; macro 'Extract Even Field->Same Window'; begin ExtractEvenField(false); end; macro 'Camera and Light Source TestÉ'; {Use to test cameras and light sources for temporal stability.} var delay,nFrames:integer; i:real; begin nFrames:=trunc(GetNumber('Number of Frames:',10)); delay:=trunc(GetNumber('Delay in seconds:',10)); for I:=1 to nFrames do begin Capture; Measure; SetCursor('Watch'); wait(delay); end; end; macro 'Average Frames [F]'; begin AverageFrames; end; macro 'Average Frames on Trigger'; begin WaitForTrigger; AverageFrames; end; macro 'Dynamic 1-D Plot'; { Displays a dynamic 1-d plot of a line in the image while the image is being captured. You most first create a line selection in Camera window. The macro works best if you first to a Plot Profile and move the Plot window so it doesn't cover the Camera window. You may have to resize the Camera window. Hold down the mouse button to terminate. } var x1,y1,x2,y2,LineWidth:integer; begin GetLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,LineWidth); if x1=-1 then begin PutMessage('Create a straight line selection in the Camera window'); exit; end; SetPlotScale(0,255); repeat Capture; if button then exit; MakeLineRoi(x1,y1,x2,y2); PlotProfile; until button; end; macro 'Integrate InvertedÉ'; { Inverts captured video to allow more than 128 frames to be integrated without overflow. For example, the sum of 256 pixels with an average value of 200(very dark) is 51,200, which is greater than the 32,767 maximum, but the sum of 256 pixels with and average value of 55(200 inverted) is 14,080. } var nFrames:integer; begin nFrames:=GetNumber('Number of Frames:', 200); SetVideo('Invert'); AverageFrames('Integrate', nFrames); SetVideo(''); {Don't invert} Invert; end; macro 'Acquire AV Video [V]'; begin Acquire('Plug-in Digitizer'); end; macro 'Acquire AV with Calibration'; {Plug-in Digitiser always calibrates captured images to 72 dots per inch. To get around this problem, this macro saves the current spatial scale, calls Plug-in Digitizer 1.1, and then applies the saved scale to the captured image. The name used in the Acquire command will have to be changed if you use a different version of Plug-in Digitizer. } var scale, AspectRatio:real; unit:string; begin GetScale(scale, unit, AspectRatio); Acquire('Plug-in Digitizer 1.1'); SetScale(scale, unit, AspectRatio); end; macro 'Correct Aspect Ratio'; var AspectRatio: real; begin AspectRatio := GetNumber('Aspect Ratio:' , 0.95); SelectAll; SetScaling('Bilinear, Same Window'); ScaleAndRotate(AspectRatio, 1, 0); end; macro 'Capture with "Live" Histogram'; begin StartCapturing; ShowHistogram; end; macro '(-' begin end; {Menu divider} { These two macros continuously integrate and display frames either off-chip, using the Scion AG-5, or on-clip, using the Scion LG-3 and a Coho 4910 series camera. Press and hold the mouse button near the top of the Camera window to decrease the number of frames integrated. Press near the bottom to increase the number of frames integrated. Press above or to the left of the Camera window to stop integrating. } procedure Integrate (mode:string); var x,y,delta:integer; begin if n=0 then n:=6; repeat if button then begin GetMouse(x,y); if (x<0) or (y<0) then exit; delta:=round(0.333*n); if delta<1 then delta:=1; if y<220 then begin n:=n-delta; if n<1 then n:=1; end else begin n:=n+delta; if n>127 then n:=127; end; end; AverageFrames(mode, n); until false; end; macro 'Integrate Using AG-5 [5]'; begin Integrate('integrate video rate'); end; macro 'Integrate On-chip Using Cohu [C]'; begin Integrate('integrate on-chip'); end; macro '(-' begin end; {Menu divider} macro 'Paste Live [L]'; { Pastes ÒliveÓ from Camera window into a rectangular selection in another window. Use Paste Control to switch to various semi-transparent transfer modes. } begin PasteLive; end; macro 'Paste Averaged [A]'; { Captures an averaged or integrated selection into a window other than the Camera window. Use in conjunction with "PasteLive". Useful for making montages of different focal planes of fluorescent specimens. } var x,y,width,height,pid:integer; begin RequiresVersion(1.53); if WindowTitle='Camera' then begin PutMessage('The active window cannot be "Camera".'); exit; end; GetRoi(x,y,width,height); if width=0 then begin PutMessage('Rectangular selection required.'); exit; end; pid:=PidNumber; SelectWindow('Camera'); MakeRoi(x,y,width,height); AverageFrames; Copy; SelectPic(pid); MakeRoi(x,y,width,height); Paste; end; macro 'Paste Live OR [O]'; begin PasteLive; SetOption; DoOr; end; macro 'Paste Live XOR [X]'; begin PasteLive; SetOption; DoXor; end; macro 'Add Duplicate Slice [D]'; {Use with "Paste Live OR" or "Paste Live XOR"} {to register series of sections into a stack.} begin SetOption; DoCopy; KillRoi; SelectAll; Copy; AddSlice; Paste; end; macro '(-' begin end; {Menu divider} {Note: keyboard shortcuts do not work when the Video} {Control dialog box is the active window.} macro 'SetChannel 1 [1]'; begin SetChannel(1) end; macro 'SetChannel 2 [2]'; begin SetChannel(2) end; macro 'SetChannel 3 [3]'; begin SetChannel(3) end; macro 'SetChannel 4 [4]'; begin SetChannel(4) end; macro '(-' begin end; {Menu divider} macro 'Generate Pulse Train' {Outputs a 30Hz pulse train on pin 1(Data Output bit 3)} {of the Scion LG-3's utility connector.} var NextTicks,inc:integer; begin inc:=1; {1/60 sec.} SetCursor('watch'); NextTicks:=TickCount+inc; repeat scion[4]:=BitOr(scion[4],8); repeat until TickCount>=NextTicks; NextTicks:=NextTicks+inc; scion[4]:=BitAnd(scion[4],7); repeat until TickCount>=NextTicks; NextTicks:=NextTicks+inc; until button; end; macro 'Set LG-3 DAC A'; begin scion[1]:=GetNumber('DAC A(0-255):',scion[1]); end; macro 'Set LG-3 DAC B'; begin scion[2]:=GetNumber('DAC B(0-255):',scion[2]); end; macro 'Set LG-3 Data Out'; begin scion[4]:=GetNumber('Data Out(0-15):',scion[4]); end; macro 'Read LG-3 Data In'; begin PutMessage('Data In=',BitAnd(scion[3],15):1); end;