unit Lut; {This file contains routines that deal with the video Look-Up Table(LUT).} interface uses Memory, QuickDraw, Packages, Menus, Events, Fonts, Scrap, ToolUtils, Resources, Palettes, Printing, ColorPicker, globals, Utilities, Graphics; function GetPseudoColorIndex: integer; function isGrayScaleLUT: boolean; procedure DoMouseDownInLUT (event: EventRecord); procedure DoCopyColor; procedure PasteColor; procedure ShowRGBValues (index: integer); procedure InvertPalette; procedure FindPoints (var x1, y1, x2, y2: integer); procedure UpdateMap; procedure ResetGraymap; procedure DrawMap; procedure DoMouseDownInMap; procedure EnableThresholding (level: integer); procedure DisableThresholding; procedure DrawLUT; procedure UpdateLUT; procedure LoadColorTable (theColorTable: CTabHandle); function LoadCLUTResource (id: integer): boolean; procedure GetLookupTable (var table: LookupTable); procedure RedrawLUTWindow; procedure DrawDensitySlice (OptionKey: boolean); procedure SelectLutTool; procedure EnableDensitySlice; procedure SetupPseudocolor; procedure DoImportLut (fname: str255; vnum: integer); procedure OpenOldPalette (fname: str255; RefNum: integer); procedure OpenNewPalette (fname: str255; RefNum: integer); procedure OpenColorTable (fname: str255; RefNum: integer); procedure ImportPalette (FileType: OSType; fname: str255; vnum: integer); procedure GetColorTable (id: integer); procedure GetLutResource (id: integer); procedure DrawScale; procedure MakeSpectrum; function GetColorTableItem (ctab: ColorTableType): integer; procedure SwitchColorTables (item: integer; update: boolean); procedure InitPaletteHeader (var hdr: PaletteHeader); procedure ResetMap; procedure DoLutOptions; function SetupMask: boolean; procedure PutLineUsingMask (h, v, count: integer; var line: LineType); procedure ApplyTable (var table: LookupTable); procedure FixColors; implementation function GetPseudoColorIndex: integer; var index: integer; begin with info^ do begin index := trunc((nColors) * (ForegroundIndex - ColorStart) / (ColorEnd - ColorStart + 1)); if index < 0 then index := 0; if index > (nColors - 1) then index := nColors - 1; GetPseudoColorIndex := index; end; end; procedure UpdateLUT; var MaxStart, i, v, index, last: integer; inc, sIndex: LongInt; begin with info^ do begin sIndex := 0; if ColorEnd > ColorStart then inc := nColors * 10000 div (ColorEnd - ColorStart) else inc := 2560000; if ColorStart < 0 then sIndex := -ColorStart * Inc else sIndex := 0; last := nColors - 1; for i := 0 to 255 do with cTable[i].rgb do begin if (i < ColorStart) or (i > ColorEnd) then begin if i < ColorStart then cTable[i].rgb := FillColor1 else cTable[i].rgb := FillColor2; end else begin index := sIndex div 10000; if index > last then index := last; Red := bsl(band(RedLUT[index],255), 8); Green := bsl(band(GreenLUT[index],255), 8); Blue := bsl(band(BlueLUT[index],255), 8); sIndex := sIndex + inc; end; end; {for} if ColorStart = ColorEnd then cTable[ColorStart].rgb := FillColor2 else Thresholding := false; LoadLUT(cTable); IdentityFunction := false; end; end; function GetVLoc: integer; var loc: point; vloc: integer; begin GetMouse(loc); vloc := loc.v; if vloc > 255 then vloc := 255; if vloc <= 0 then vloc := 0; GetVLoc := vloc; end; procedure GetNewColor (var color: RGBColor); var where: point; inRGBColor, OutRGBColor: RGBColor; begin inRGBColor := color; outRGBColor := color; where.h := 0; where.v := 0; InitCursor; if GetColor(where, 'Pick a new color...', inRGBColor, outRGBColor) then color := outRGBColor; end; procedure EditPseudoColors; var where: point; inRGBColor, OutRGBColor: RGBColor; index, mloc: integer; begin SetupLUTUndo; with info^ do begin SetPort(LUTWindow); mloc := getvloc; if mloc < ColorStart then begin GetNewColor(FillColor1); UpdateLUT; exit(EditPseudoColors); end; if mloc > ColorEnd then begin GetNewColor(FillColor2); UpdateLUT; exit(EditPseudoColors); end; index := GetPseudoColorIndex; with inRGBColor do begin red := bsl(RedLUT[index], 8); green := bsl(GreenLUT[index], 8); blue := bsl(BlueLUT[index], 8); end; outRGBColor := inRGBColor; where.h := 0; where.v := 0; InitCursor; if GetColor(where, 'Pick a color, any color...', inRGBColor, outRGBColor) then begin with outRGBColor do begin RedLUT[index] := bsr(red, 8); GreenLUT[index] := bsr(green, 8); BlueLUT[index] := bsr(blue, 8); end; changes := true; end; ColorTable := CustomTable; LutMode := PseudoColor; UpdateLUT; end; {with} end; function EditSliceColor: boolean; var where: point; inRGBColor, OutRGBColor: RGBColor; vloc: integer; begin SetPort(LUTWindow); vloc := getvloc; if (vloc >= SliceStart) and (vloc <= SliceEnd) then begin GetNewColor(SliceColor); DrawDensitySlice(false); EditSliceColor := true end else EditSliceColor := false; end; procedure ShowLUTValues (tStart, tEnd: integer); var tPort: GrafPtr; value: extended; range, NewMin, NewMax: LongInt; begin with info^ do begin GetPort(tPort); SetPort(InfoWindow); TextSize(9); TextFont(Monaco); TextMode(SrcCopy); MoveTo(xValueLoc, InfoVStart); if DataType <> EightBits then begin range := CurrentMax - CurrentMin; if tEnd < 255 then NewMin := CurrentMin + round(((255 - tEnd) / 255.0) * range) else NewMin := CurrentMin; DrawLong(NewMin); DrawString(' '); MoveTo(xValueLoc, InfoVStart + 10); if tStart > 0 then NewMax := CurrentMax - round((tStart / 255.0) * range) else NewMax := CurrentMax; DrawLong(NewMax); DrawString(' '); SetPort(tPort); exit(ShowLUTValues); end; if fit <> uncalibrated then begin if tStart >= 0 then value := cvalue[tStart] else value := cvalue[0]; DrawReal(value, 5, 2); DrawString(' ('); DrawReal(tStart, 3, 0); DrawString(')'); end else DrawReal(tStart, 3, 0); DrawString(' '); MoveTo(xValueLoc, InfoVStart + 10); if fit <> uncalibrated then begin if tEnd <= 255 then value := cvalue[tEnd] else value := cvalue[255]; DrawReal(value, 5, 2); DrawString(' ('); DrawReal(tEnd, 3, 0); DrawString(')'); end else DrawReal(tEnd, 3, 0); DrawString(' '); SetPort(tPort); end; end; procedure ShowRGBValues (index: integer); var tPort: GrafPtr; vloc: integer; begin with info^ do begin GetPort(tPort); SetPort(InfoWindow); TextSize(9); TextFont(Monaco); TextMode(SrcCopy); vloc := InfoVStart; MoveTo(xValueLoc, vloc); DrawLong(index); DrawString(' '); if Info^.fit <> uncalibrated then begin vloc := vloc + 10; MoveTo(xValueLoc, vloc); DrawReal(cvalue[index], 1, precision); DrawString(' '); end; vloc := vloc + 10; MoveTo(xValueLoc, vloc); DrawRGB(index); DrawString(' '); SetPort(tPort); end; end; procedure FindPoints (var x1, y1, x2, y2: integer); begin with info^ do begin if ColorStart >= 0 then begin x1 := ColorStart; y1 := 0; end else begin x1 := 0; if ColorEnd > ColorStart then y1 := -ColorStart * 255 div (ColorEnd - ColorStart) else y1 := 0; end; if ColorEnd <= 255 then begin x2 := ColorEnd; y2 := 255; end else begin x2 := 255; if ColorEnd > ColorStart then y2 := 255 * (255 - ColorStart) div (ColorEnd - ColorStart) else y2 := 255; end; end; end; procedure UpdateMap; var r: rect; x, y, i, h1, h2, h3, v1, v2, v3, dx, dy: integer; xcenter, ycenter, brightness, islope, thumb: integer; width, max: integer; table: LookupTable; hrect: rect; slope: extended; area, value, sum: LongInt; p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y: integer; begin with info^ do begin FindPoints(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y); SetPort(MapWindow); PenNormal; EraseRect(MapRect2); FrameRect(MapRect1); if LutMode = CustomGrayscale then begin GetLookupTable(table); MoveTo(gmRectLeft, gmRectBottom - 1); for i := 0 to 63 do begin x := gmRectLeft + i; y := gmRectBottom - table[i * 4] div 4 - 1; LineTo(x, y); end; EraseRect(gmSlide1i); EraseRect(gmSlide2i); exit(UpdateMap); end; h1 := gmRectLeft + p1x div 4; v1 := gmRectBottom - 1 - (p1y div 4); h2 := gmRectLeft + p2x div 4; v2 := gmRectBottom - 1 - (p2y div 4); MoveTo(gmRectLeft, gmRectBottom - 1); LineTo(h1, v1); LineTo(h2, v2); LineTo(gmRectRight - 1, gmRectTop); SetRect(hrect, h1 - 1, v1 - 1, h1 + 2, v1 + 2); PaintRect(hrect); {First handle} SetRect(hrect, h2 - 1, v2 - 1, h2 + 2, v2 + 2); PaintRect(hrect); {Last handle} dx := p2x - p1x; dy := p2y - p1y; xcenter := p1x + dx div 2; ycenter := p1y + dy div 2; h3 := gmRectLeft + xcenter div 4; v3 := gmRectBottom - 1 - (ycenter div 4); SetRect(hrect, h3 - 1, v3 - 1, h3 + 2, v3 + 2); PaintRect(hrect); {Center handle} thumb := gmSlideHeight - 2; max := gmSlideWidth - thumb - 2; width := ColorEnd - ColorStart; brightness := trunc(max * ((ColorStart + width) / (width + 255))); with gmSlide1 do SetRect(hrect, left + brightness + 1, top + 1, left + brightness + thumb + 1, top + thumb + 1); EraseRect(gmSlide1i); PaintRect(hrect); {Thumb for contrast control} if dx <> 0 then slope := dy / dx else slope := 1000.0; if slope > 1.0 then begin if dy <> 0 then slope := 2.0 - dx / dy else slope := 2.0; end; islope := trunc(slope * 0.5 * (gmSlideWidth - thumb - 2.0)); with gmSlide2 do SetRect(hrect, left + islope + 1, top + 1, left + islope + thumb + 1, top + thumb + 1); EraseRect(gmSlide2i); PaintRect(hrect); {Thumb for contrast control} if ScreenDepth <> 8 then begin if ScreenDepth > 2 then DrawLut; UpdatePicWindow; end; end; end; procedure UpdateThreshold; var level: integer; begin DrawLabels('Thresh:', '', ''); ShowMessage(''); with info^ do repeat SetPort(LUTWindow); level := GetVLoc; if level <= 255 then begin ColorStart := level; ColorEnd := level; UpdateLUT; UpdateMap; end; Show1Value(level, NoValue); until not Button; end; procedure UpdateDensitySlice; var mloc, saveloc, width, delta: integer; adjust: (lower, upper, both); begin DrawLabels('Lower:', 'Upper:', ''); SetPort(LUTWindow); mloc := getvloc; saveloc := mloc; width := SliceEnd - SliceStart + 1; adjust := lower; if mloc > (SliceStart + width div 4) then adjust := both; if mloc > (SliceEnd - width div 4) then adjust := upper; if (SliceStart = SliceEnd) and (abs(mloc - SliceStart) <= 2) and (SliceStart > 1) and (SliceEnd < 254) then adjust := both; while button do begin width := SliceEnd - SliceStart + 1; mloc := getvloc; delta := mloc - saveloc; saveloc := mloc; case adjust of lower: begin SliceStart := mloc; if SliceStart < 1 then SliceStart := 1; if SliceStart > SliceEnd then SliceStart := SliceEnd; end; upper: begin SliceEnd := mloc; if SliceEnd > 254 then SliceEnd := 254; if SliceEnd < SliceStart then SliceEnd := SliceStart; end; both: begin if mloc <= 1 then begin SliceStart := 1; SliceEnd := width; end else if mloc >= 254 then begin SliceEnd := 254; SliceStart := 254 - width + 1; end else if ((SliceStart + delta) >= 1) and ((SliceEnd + delta) <= 254) then begin SliceStart := SliceStart + delta; SliceEnd := SliceEnd + delta; end; end; end; {case} DrawDensitySlice(OptionKeyDown); ShowLUTValues(SliceStart, SliceEnd); end; {while} DrawDensitySlice(false) end; procedure EditExtraColors (entry: integer); var where: point; inRGBColor, OutRGBColor: RGBColor; begin if (entry <> WhiteIndex) and (entry <> BlackIndex) then begin inRGBColor := ExtraColors[entry]; outRGBColor := inRGBColor; where.h := 0; where.v := 0; InitCursor; if GetColor(where, 'Pick a color, any color...', inRGBColor, outRGBColor) then with info^ do begin ExtraColors[entry] := OutRGBColor; changes := true; LoadLUT(cTable); end end else PutError('Sorry, but you can not edit white or black.'); end; function GetColorFromLUT (DoubleClick: boolean): integer; var mloc, color, i: integer; loc: point; begin SetPort(LUTWindow); GetMouse(loc); if loc.v > 255 then begin color := 0; for i := 1 to nExtraColors + 2 do if PtInRect(loc, ExtraColorsRect[i]) then Color := ExtraColorsEntry[i]; if DoubleClick then EditExtraColors(color); GetColorFromLUT := color; end else GetColorFromLUT := loc.v; end; function isGrayScaleLUT: boolean; var i: integer; GrayScaleLUT: boolean; begin with info^ do begin GrayscaleLUT := true; i := 0; repeat with cTable[i].rgb do GrayscaleLUT := GrayscaleLUT and (red = green) and (green = blue); i := i + 1; until (i = 256) or not GrayscaleLUT; isGrayScaleLUT := GrayScaleLUT; end; end; procedure SetupPseudocolor; var i: integer; begin with info^ do begin DisableDensitySlice; Thresholding := false; for i := 1 to 254 do with cTable[i].rgb do begin RedLUT[i] := band(bsr(red, 8), 255); GreenLUT[i] := band(bsr(green, 8), 255); BlueLUT[i] := band(bsr(blue, 8), 255); end; RedLUT[0] := RedLUT[1]; GreenLUT[0] := GreenLUT[1]; BlueLUT[0] := BlueLUT[1]; RedLUT[255] := RedLUT[254]; GreenLUT[255] := GreenLUT[254]; BlueLUT[255] := BlueLUT[254]; nColors := 256; ColorStart := 0; ColorEnd := 255; FillColor1 := ctable[1].rgb; FillColor2 := ctable[254].rgb; InvertedColorTable := false; end; end; procedure ShowLabels; begin with info^ do if DataType <> EightBits then DrawLabels('Min:', 'Max:', '') else DrawLabels('Lower:', 'Upper:', ''); end; procedure AdjustLUT; const MinWidth = 8; var mloc, saveloc, width, delta, cstart, cend: integer; adjust: (lower, upper, both); loc: point; begin with info^ do begin SetPort(LUTWindow); SetupLutUndo; ShowLabels; mloc := getvloc; saveloc := mloc; cstart := ColorStart; if cstart < 0 then cstart := 0; cend := ColorEnd; if cend > 255 then cend := 255; width := cend - cstart + 1; adjust := lower; if mloc > (cstart + width div 4) then adjust := both; if mloc > (cend - width div 4) then adjust := upper; while button do begin SetPort(LUTWindow); GetMouse(loc); mloc := loc.v; delta := mloc - saveloc; saveloc := mloc; case adjust of lower: begin ColorStart := mloc; cend := ColorEnd; if cend > 255 then cend := 255; if ColorStart > (cend - MinWidth) then ColorStart := cend - MinWidth; end; upper: begin ColorEnd := mloc; cstart := ColorStart; if cstart < 0 then cstart := 0; if ColorEnd < (cstart + MinWidth) then ColorEnd := cstart + MinWidth; end; both: if (mloc >= 0) and (mloc <= 255) then begin ColorStart := ColorStart + delta; ColorEnd := ColorEnd + delta; end; end; UpdateLUT; UpdateMap; ShowLUTValues(ColorStart, ColorEnd); end; end; {with info} end; procedure RotateLUT; var vstart, i, j, delta: integer; loc: point; TempTable: MyCSpecArray; begin with info^ do begin SetPort(LUTWindow); GetMouse(loc); vstart := loc.v; repeat GetMouse(loc); delta := vstart - loc.v; for i := 1 to 254 do begin {0 is resevred for white and 255 for black} j := i + delta; if j > 254 then j := j - 254; if j > 254 then j := 254; if j < 1 then j := j + 254; if j < 1 then j := 1; TempTable[i] := cTable[j] end; cTable := TempTable; LoadLUT(cTable); vstart := loc.v; until not button; SetupPseudocolor; ColorTable := CustomTable; end; end; procedure DoMouseDownInLUT (event: EventRecord); var color: integer; DoubleClick: boolean; begin with info^ do begin if CurrentTool = PickerTool then DoubleClick := (TickCount - LutTime) < GetDblTime else DoubleClick := false; LutTime := TickCount; if (CurrentTool <> LutTool) and (CurrentTool <> Wand) then begin color := GetColorFromLUT(DoubleClick); if (CurrentTool = eraser) or OptionKeyDown then SetBackgroundColor(color) else SetForegroundColor(color); if not DoubleClick then exit(DoMouseDownInLUT); end; if Thresholding then begin UpdateThreshold; exit(DoMouseDownInLUT) end; if DoubleClick then begin if DensitySlicing and (CurrentTool = PickerTool) then begin if EditSliceColor then exit(DoMouseDownInLUT); end; if CurrentTool = PickerTool then begin EditPseudoColors; exit(DoMouseDownInLUT) end; end; {if DoubleClick} if ((CurrentTool = LutTool) or (CurrentTool = Wand)) and DensitySlicing then begin UpdateDensitySlice; exit(DoMouseDownInLUT); end; if OptionKeyDown then RotateLUT else AdjustLUT; end; {with} end; procedure DoCopyColor; begin with info^ do begin if ForegroundIndex = WhiteIndex then begin ClipboardColor := WhiteRGB; exit(DoCopyColor); end; if ForegroundIndex = BlackIndex then begin ClipboardColor := BlackRGB; exit(DoCopyColor); end; with cTable[ForegroundIndex].rgb do begin ClipboardColor.red := red; ClipboardColor.green := green; ClipboardColor.blue := blue; end; WhatsOnClip := AColor; ClipTextInBuffer := false; end; end; procedure PasteColor; var CurrentColorIndex: integer; begin with info^ do begin if CurrentTool = PickerTool then begin if ForegroundIndex < ColorStart then begin FillColor1 := ClipboardColor; UpdateLUT; exit(PasteColor); end; if ForegroundIndex > ColorEnd then begin FillColor2 := ClipboardColor; UpdateLUT; exit(PasteColor); end; CurrentColorIndex := GetPseudoColorIndex; with ClipboardColor do begin RedLUT[CurrentColorIndex] := bsr(red, 8); GreenLUT[CurrentColorIndex] := bsr(green, 8); BlueLUT[CurrentColorIndex] := bsr(blue, 8); end; ColorTable := CustomTable; UpdateLUT; end else beep; end; end; procedure InvertPalette; var TempRed, TempGreen, TempBlue: LutArray; i, LastColor: integer; TempTable: MyCSpecArray; TempFill: rgbColor; begin DisableDensitySlice; DisableThresholding; with info^ do begin TempRed := RedLUT; TempGreen := GreenLUT; TempBlue := BlueLUT; LastColor := ncolors - 1; for i := 0 to LastColor do begin RedLUT[i] := TempRed[LastColor - i]; GreenLUT[i] := TempGreen[LastColor - i]; BlueLUT[i] := TempBlue[LastColor - i]; end; TempFill := FillColor1; FillColor1 := FillColor2; FillColor2 := TempFill; InvertedColorTable := not InvertedColorTable; IdentityFunction := false; end; end; procedure DrawMap; var x, y, i: integer; table: LookupTable; begin SetPort(MapWindow); PenNormal; TextFont(Geneva); TextSize(9); with gmSlide1 do MoveTo(left - 6, bottom); DrawChar('B'); with gmSlide2 do MoveTo(left - 6, bottom); DrawChar('C'); FrameRect(gmSlide1); FrameRect(gmSlide2); FrameRect(gmIcon1); FrameRect(gmIcon2); with gmIcon1 do begin MoveTo(left, top + 10); LineTo(left + 5, top + 10); LineTo(left + 12, top + 3); LineTo(left + gmIconWidth - 1, top + 3); end; with gmIcon2 do begin MoveTo(left, top + 10); LineTo(left + gmIconWidth div 2, top + 10); LineTo(left + gmIconWidth div 2, top + 3); LineTo(left + gmIconWidth - 1, top + 3); end; UpdateMap; GrayMapReady := true; end; procedure ResetGrayMap; var i: integer; begin with info^ do begin DisableDensitySlice; for i := 0 to 255 do begin RedLut[i] := 255 - i; GreenLut[i] := 255 - i; BlueLut[i] := 255 - i; end; FillColor1 := WhiteRGB; FillColor2 := BlackRGB; ColorStart := 0; ColorEnd := 255; nColors := 256; ColorTable := CustomTable; LUTMode := Grayscale; UpdateLUT; if GrayMapReady then UpdateMap; IdentityFunction := true; InvertedColorTable := false; end; end; procedure AdjustBrightness; var loc, max, thumb, xcenter, ycenter, width: integer; p: point; begin with info^ do begin thumb := gmSlideHeight - 2; max := gmSlideWidth - thumb - 2; width := ColorEnd - ColorStart; ShowLabels; repeat GetMouse(p); loc := p.h - gmSlide1.left - 2; if loc < 0 then loc := 0; if loc > max then loc := max; ColorStart := -width + round((width + 255) * (loc / max)); ColorEnd := ColorStart + width; UpdateLUT; UpdateMap; ShowLUTValues(ColorStart, ColorEnd); until not button; IdentityFunction := false; end; {with} end; procedure AdjustContrast; var p: point; loc, max, HalfMax, thumb: integer; slope, center: extended; begin with info^ do begin thumb := gmSlideHeight - 2; max := gmSlideWidth - thumb - 2; HalfMax := max div 2; center := ColorStart + (ColorEnd - ColorStart) / 2.0; ShowLabels; repeat GetMouse(p); loc := p.h - gmSlide2.left - 2; if loc < 0 then loc := 0; if loc > max then loc := max; if loc <= HalfMax then slope := loc / HalfMax else if loc < max then slope := HalfMax / (max - loc) else slope := 1000.0; if slope > 0.0 then begin ColorStart := round(center - 127.5 / slope); ColorEnd := round(center + 127.5 / slope); end else begin ColorStart := round(center - MaxColor); ColorEnd := round(center + MaxColor); end; if ColorEnd < 0 then ColorEnd := 0; if ColorStart > 255 then ColorStart := 255; UpdateLUT; UpdateMap; ShowLUTValues(ColorStart, ColorEnd); until not button; IdentityFunction := false; end; {with} end; procedure ConvertMouseToXY (p: point; var x, y: integer); begin x := (p.h - gmRectLeft) * 4; if x < 0 then x := 0; if x > 255 then x := 255; y := (gmRectBottom - p.v) * 4; if y < 0 then y := 0; if y > 255 then y := 255; end; procedure DoFreehandEditing; var p: point; x1, x2, y, i: integer; FirstTime: boolean; begin with info^ do begin LUTMode := CustomGrayscale; SetPort(MapWindow); FirstTime := true; while button do begin x1 := x2; GetMouse(p); ConvertMouseToXY(p, x2, y); if x2 > 252 then x2 := 252; if FirstTime then begin x1 := x2; FirstTime := false; end; if x2 >= x1 then for i := x1 to x2 + 3 do with cTable[i].rgb do begin red := bsl(255 - y, 8); green := bsl(255 - y, 8); blue := bsl(255 - y, 8); end else for i := x1 + 3 downto x2 do with cTable[i].rgb do begin red := bsl(255 - y, 8); green := bsl(255 - y, 8); blue := bsl(255 - y, 8); end; DrawMap; LoadLUT(cTable); if ScreenDepth <> 8 then UpdatePicWindow; end; if not isGrayscaleLut then LutMode := ColorLut; end; end; procedure DisableThresholding; begin with info^ do if thresholding then begin ColorStart := SaveColorStart; ColorEnd := SaveColorEnd; FillColor1 := SaveFill1; FillColor2 := SaveFill2; UpdateLut; UpdateMap; Thresholding := false; end; end; procedure EnableThresholding (level: integer); begin with info^ do begin if not thresholding then begin SaveColorStart := ColorStart; SaveColorEnd := ColorEnd; SaveFill1 := FillColor1; SaveFill2 := FillColor2; end; ColorStart := level; ColorEnd := level; FillColor1 := WhiteRGB; FillColor2 := BlackRGB; UpdateLut; UpdateMap; Thresholding := true; if not macro then SelectLutTool; end; end; procedure ResetMap; begin with info^ do begin ColorStart := 0; ColorEnd := 255; if Thresholding then begin FillColor1 := SaveFill1; FillColor2 := SaveFill2; end; IdentityFunction := LutMode = Grayscale; UpdateLUT; UpdateMap; end; end; procedure DoMouseDownInMap; var r: rect; x, y, p1Dist, p2Dist: integer; mode: (StartPoint, EndPoint, Brightness, AdjustThreshold); p: point; pressed: boolean; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; xintercept: integer; deltax, deltay, width: LongInt; procedure DoFixup; begin with info^ do if ((x1 = 0) and (x2 = 0)) or ((x1 = 255) and (x2 = 255)) then begin y1 := 0; y2 := 255; end; end; begin with info^ do begin DisableDensitySlice; if OptionKeyDown then begin DoFreehandEditing; exit(DoMouseDownInMap); end; if LUTMode = CustomGrayscale then ResetGrayMap; FindPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2); SetPort(MapWindow); GetMouse(p); if PtInRect(p, gmIcon1) then begin InvertRect(gmIcon1); pressed := true; while Button and pressed do begin GetMouse(p); if not PtInRect(p, gmIcon1) then begin InvertRect(gmIcon1); pressed := false; end; end; repeat until not button; if pressed then begin InvertRect(gmIcon1); ResetMap; exit(DoMouseDownInMap) end; end; if PtInRect(p, gmIcon2) then begin InvertRect(gmIcon2); pressed := true; while Button and pressed do begin GetMouse(p); if not PtInRect(p, gmIcon2) then begin InvertRect(gmIcon2); pressed := false; end; end; repeat until not button; if pressed then begin InvertRect(gmIcon2); if Thresholding then DisableThresholding else EnableThresholding(128); exit(DoMouseDownInMap) end; end; if PtInRect(p, gmSlide1) then AdjustBrightness; if PtInRect(p, gmSlide2) then AdjustContrast; if p.v > (gmRectBottom + 4) then begin if not thresholding and ((x2 - x1) <= 1) then begin thresholding := true; SaveFill1 := FillColor1; SaveFill2 := FillColor2; end; exit(DoMouseDownInMap); end; if LutMode = CustomGrayscale then LutMode := Grayscale; GetMouse(p); ConvertMouseToXY(p, x, y); if (x <= 24) or (y <= 32) then mode := StartPoint else if (x >= 224) or (y >= 232) then mode := EndPoint else if thresholding then mode := AdjustThreshold else mode := brightness; if mode = AdjustThreshold then DrawLabels('Thresh:', '', '') else ShowLabels; repeat case mode of StartPoint: begin if thresholding then begin FillColor1 := SaveFill1; FillColor2 := SaveFill2; end; if x > y then y := 0 else x := 0; x1 := x; if x1 > x2 then x2 := x1; y1 := y; if y1 > y2 then y2 := y1; DoFixUp; end; EndPoint: begin if thresholding then begin FillColor1 := SaveFill1; FillColor2 := SaveFill2; end; if x > y then x := 255 else y := 255; x2 := x; if x2 < x1 then x1 := x2; y2 := y; if y2 < y1 then y1 := y2; DoFixUp; end; Brightness: begin deltax := x2 - x1; deltay := y2 - y1; if deltax = 0 then begin x1 := x; y1 := 0; x2 := x; y2 := 255; end else if deltay = 0 then begin x1 := 0; y1 := y; x2 := 255; y2 := y; end else begin x1 := x - y * deltax div deltay; xIntercept := x1; y1 := 0; if x1 < 0 then begin y1 := -deltay * x1 div deltaX; x1 := 0; end; y2 := 255; x2 := 255 * deltax div deltay; if xIntercept < 0 then x2 := x2 + xIntercept else x2 := x2 + x1; if x2 > 255 then begin y2 := 255 - (x2 - 255) * deltay div deltax; x2 := 255; end; end; if x2 < 1 then x2 := 1; if y2 < 1 then y2 := 1; if x1 > 254 then x1 := 254; if y1 > 254 then y1 := 254; end; AdjustThreshold: begin x1 := x; y1 := 0; x2 := x; y2 := 255; end; end; {case} {showmessage(concat(long2str(x1), ' ', long2str(y1), ' ', long2str(x2), ' ', long2str(y2), crStr, long2str(ColorStart), ' ', long2str(ColorEnd)));} width := x2 - x1; if y1 = 0 then ColorStart := x1 else begin if (y2 > y1) then ColorStart := -width * y1 div (y2 - y1) else ColorStart := -MaxColor; end; if y2 = 255 then ColorEnd := x2 else begin if (y2 > y1) then ColorEnd := 255 + width * (255 - y2) div ((y2 - y1)) else ColorEnd := MaxColor; end; UpdateLUT; UpdateMap; if thresholding then Show1Value(ColorStart, NoValue) else ShowLUTValues(ColorStart, ColorEnd); GetMouse(p); ConvertMouseToXY(p, x, y); until not Button; IdentityFunction := false; if not thresholding and ((x2 - x1) <= 1) then begin thresholding := true; SaveFill1 := FillColor1; SaveFill2 := FillColor2; end; end; {with info} end; procedure DrawLUT; var tPort: GrafPtr; h, v, i: integer; begin GetPort(tPort); SetPort(LUTWindow); with LutWindow^ do begin for v := 0 to 255 do begin SetFColor(v); MoveTo(0, v); LineTo(cwidth, v) end; for i := 1 to nExtraColors + 2 do begin SetFColor(ExtraColorsEntry[i]); PaintRect(ExtraColorsRect[i]); end; TextFont(Geneva); TextSize(9); with ExtraColorsRect[1] do MoveTo(left + 3, bottom - 1); SetFColor(BlackIndex); DrawString('white'); with ExtraColorsRect[2] do MoveTo(left + 4, bottom - 1); InvertRect(ExtraColorsRect[2]); DrawString('black'); InvertRect(ExtraColorsRect[2]); end; SetPort(tPort); end; function LoadPP2Palette: boolean; {Loads COLR resource from PixelPaint 2.0 palette file.} var i: integer; size: LongInt; h: Handle; PPColorTable: record ctSize: INTEGER; table: array[0..255] of RGBColor; end; begin h := GetResource('COLR', 999); size := GetHandleSize(handle(h)); if (ResError = NoErr) and (size = 1538) then with info^ do begin BlockMove(handle(h)^, @PPColorTable, SizeOf(PPColorTable)); with PPColorTable do begin for i := 0 to 255 do cTable[i].rgb := table[i]; end; LoadLUT(cTable); LutMode := ColorLut; SetupPseudocolor; IdentityFunction := false; LoadPP2Palette := true; end else LoadPP2Palette := false; if h <> nil then DisposeHandle(h); end; procedure LoadColorTable (theColorTable: CTabHandle); const ExpectedSize = 2056; var size: LongInt; MyColorTable: record ctSeed: LONGINT; transIndex: INTEGER; ctSize: INTEGER; ctTable: MyCSpecArray; end; begin size := GetHandleSize(handle(theColorTable)); if size < ExpectedSize then exit(LoadColorTable); if size > ExpectedSize then Size := ExpectedSize; BlockMove(handle(theColorTable)^, @MyColorTable, size); LoadLUT(MyColorTable.ctTable); with info^ do begin cTable := MyColorTable.ctTable; LutMode := ColorLut; IdentityFunction := false; end; SetupPseudocolor; end; function LoadCLUTResource;{(id:integer):boolean} const ExpectedSize = 2056; var Size: LongInt; h: cTabHandle; begin DisableDensitySlice; h := GetCTable(id); size := GetHandleSize(handle(h)); if (ResError <> NoErr) or (size < ExpectedSize) then begin LoadCLUTResource := false; if id = PixelpaintID then begin if LoadPP2Palette then LoadCLUTResource := true; end; if h <> nil then DisposeCTable(h); exit(LoadCLUTResource) end; LoadColorTable(h); DisposeCTable(h); LoadCLUTResource := true; end; procedure GetLookupTable;{(VAR table:LookupTable)} var i, r, g, b: integer; GrayscaleImage: boolean; begin with info^ do begin if DensitySlicing then begin for i := 0 to 255 do if (i >= SliceStart) and (i <= SliceEnd) then begin if ThresholdToForeground then table[i] := ForegroundIndex else table[i] := i end else begin if NonThresholdToBackground then table[i] := BackgroundIndex else table[i] := i end; DisableDensitySlice; exit(GetLookupTable); end; if (LutMode = GrayScale) or (LutMode = CustomGrayscale) then for i := 0 to 255 do table[i] := 255 - BSR(cTable[i].RGB.red, 8) else begin table[0] := 0; for i := 1 to 254 do with cTable[i].RGB do table[i] := 255 - trunc(band(bsr(red, 8), 255) * 0.3 + band(bsr(green, 8), 255) * 0.59 + band(bsr(blue, 8), 255) * 0.11); table[255] := 255; end; end; {with} end; procedure RedrawLUTWindow; begin LoadLUT(info^.cTable); cheight := 256 + (2 + nExtraColors) * ExtraColorsHeight; SizeWindow(LUTWindow, cwidth, cheight, true); end; procedure DrawDensitySlice (OptionKey: boolean); var i, tRed: integer; begin with info^ do begin if OptionKey then begin UndoLutChange; exit(DrawDensitySlice); end else for i := 0 to 255 do if (i >= SliceStart) and (i <= SliceEnd) then cTable[i].rgb := SliceColor else ctable[i].rgb := UndoInfo^.cTable[i].rgb; LoadLUT(cTable); if ScreenDepth <> 8 then begin if ScreenDepth > 2 then DrawLut; UpdatePicWindow; end; end; end; procedure SelectLutTool; var tPort: GrafPtr; begin if (CurrentTool <> LutTool) and (CurrentTool <> Wand) then begin GetPort(tPort); SetPort(ToolWindow); InvalRect(ToolRect[CurrentTool]); InvalRect(ToolRect[LutTool]); CurrentTool := LutTool; isSelectionTool := false; SetPort(tPort); end; end; procedure EnableDensitySlice; begin if not DensitySlicing then begin SetupLutUndo; DrawDensitySlice(false); DensitySlicing := true; SelectLUTTool; end; end; procedure DoImportLut (fname: str255; vnum: integer); var err: OSErr; f, i,j,tRed: integer; ByteCount: LongInt; ImportedLUT: array[1..3] of packed array[0..255] of byte; begin DisableDensitySlice; err := fsopen(fname, vNum, f); ByteCount := 768; err := fsRead(f, ByteCount, @ImportedLUT); if err = NoErr then with info^ do begin for i := 0 to 255 do with cTable[i], cTable[i].rgb do begin value := 0; red := bsl(band(ImportedLUT[1, i],255), 8); green := bsl(band(ImportedLUT[2, i],255), 8); blue := bsl(band(ImportedLUT[3, i],255), 8); end; LoadLUT(cTable); SetupPseudocolor; LutMode := PseudoColor; IdentityFunction := false; if isGrayScaleLUT then info^.LutMode := CustomGrayScale; UpdateMap; end else beep; err := fsClose(f); end; procedure OpenOldPalette (fname: str255; RefNum: integer); {Opens palette files created by versions NIH Image earlier than 1.42.} var PaletteHeader: ColorArray; err, f, ColorWidth: integer; size: LongInt; begin DisableDensitySlice; err := fsopen(fname, RefNum, f); with info^ do begin size := SizeOf(ColorArray); err := fsread(f, size, @PaletteHeader); nColors := PaletteHeader[0]; if nColors > MaxPseudocolors then nColors := MaxPseudoColors; ColorEnd := 255 - PaletteHeader[1]; ColorWidth := PaletteHeader[2]; ColorStart := ColorEnd - nColors * ColorWidth + 1; if ColorStart < 0 then ColorStart := 0; FillColor1 := BlackRGB; FillColor2 := BlackRGB; err := fsread(f, size, @RedLut); err := fsread(f, size, @GreenLut); err := fsread(f, size, @BlueLut); LutMode := PseudoColor; InvertedColorTable := false; end; err := fsclose(f); UpdateLUT; end; procedure OpenNewPalette (fname: str255; RefNum: integer); {Opens palette files created by versions of NIH Image later than 1.41.} var err, f: integer; count: LongInt; hdr: PaletteHeader; begin DisableDensitySlice; err := fsopen(fname, RefNum, f); with info^ do begin count := SizeOf(PaletteHeader); err := fsread(f, count, @hdr); with hdr do begin nColors := pnColors; if nColors > 256 then nColors := 256; ColorStart := pColorStart; ColorEnd := pColorEnd; FillColor1 := pFill1; FillColor2 := pFill2; InvertedColorTable := false; end; count := nColors; err := fsread(f, count, @RedLut); count := nColors; err := fsread(f, count, @GreenLut); count := nColors; err := fsread(f, count, @BlueLut); LutMode := PseudoColor; end; err := fsclose(f); UpdateLUT; end; procedure OpenColorTable (fname: str255; RefNum: integer); var err: OSErr; f: integer; FileSize, count: LongInt; id: packed array[1..4] of char; begin err := fsopen(fname, RefNum, f); err := GetEOF(f, FileSize); count := SizeOf(id); err := fsread(f, count, @id); err := fsclose(f); if FileSize = 768 then DoImportLut(fname, RefNum) else if id = 'ICOL' then OpenNewPalette(fname, RefNum) else OpenOldPalette(fname, RefNum); end; procedure ImportPalette (FileType: OSType; fname: str255; vnum: integer); var RefNum: integer; ok: boolean; err: OSErr; begin err := SetVol(nil, vnum); refNum := OpenResFile(fname); if RefNum <> -1 then begin if FileType = 'CLUT' then ok := LoadClutResource(KlutzID) else ok := LoadClutResource(PixelPaintID); {Load PixelPaint or Canvas palette} CloseResFile(RefNum); if isGrayScaleLUT then begin info^.LutMode := CustomGrayScale; DrawMap; end; end; end; procedure InitPaletteHeader (var hdr: PaletteHeader); var i: integer; begin with hdr, info^ do begin pID := 'ICOL'; pVersion := version; pnColors := nColors; pColorStart := ColorStart; pColorEnd := ColorEnd; pFill1 := FillColor1; pFill2 := FillColor2; for i := 1 to 4 do pUnused[i] := 0; end; end; procedure SaveLutResource; {Saves the current color table as a CPAL resource} var id: integer; canceled: boolean; PalH: handle; hdr: PaletteHeader; p: ptr; begin with info^ do begin id := GetInt('Resource ID', 1000, canceled); if canceled then exit(SaveLutResource); PalH := GetResource('CPAL', id); if GetHandleSize(PalH) > 0 then begin RemoveResource(PalH); DisposeHandle(PalH); end; InitPaletteHeader(hdr); PalH := NewHandle(SizeOF(PaletteHeader) + nColors * 3); p := PalH^; BlockMove(@hdr, p, SizeOf(PaletteHeader)); p := ptr(ord4(p) + SizeOf(PaletteHeader)); BlockMove(@RedLut, p, nColors); p := ptr(ord4(p) + nColors); BlockMove(@GreenLut, p, nColors); p := ptr(ord4(p) + nColors); BlockMove(@BlueLut, p, nColors); AddResource(PalH, 'CPAL', id, ''); WriteResource(PalH); if ResError <> NoErr then beep; DisposeHandle(PalH); end; end; procedure GetLutResource (id: integer); var LutH: handle; hdr: PaletteHEader; p: ptr; begin with info^ do begin LutH := GetResource('CPAL', id); if (ResError <> noErr) or (LutH = nil) then begin beep; if LutH <> nil then ReleaseResource(LutH); exit(GetLutResource) end; p := LutH^; BlockMove(p, @hdr, SizeOf(PaletteHeader)); with hdr do begin if pID <> 'ICOL' then begin beep; ReleaseResource(LutH); exit(GetLutResource); end; nColors := pnColors; if nColors > 256 then nColors := 256; ColorStart := pColorStart; ColorEnd := pColorEnd; FillColor1 := pFill1; FillColor2 := pFill2; InvertedColorTable := false; end; p := ptr(ord4(p) + SizeOf(PaletteHeader)); BlockMove(p, @RedLut, nColors); p := ptr(ord4(p) + nColors); BlockMove(p, @GreenLut, nColors); p := ptr(ord4(p) + nColors); BlockMove(p, @BlueLut, nColors); ReleaseResource(LutH); end; end; procedure DrawScale; var hloc, vloc, width, height, SaveForeground, LUTStart, LutEnd, LUTWidth: integer; SaveGDevice: GDHandle; begin if NoSelection or NotRectangular then exit(DrawScale); ShowWatch; with info^.RoiRect, info^ do begin width := right - left; height := bottom - top; if (width = 0) or (height = 0) then exit(DrawScale); SaveGDevice := GetGDevice; SetGDevice(osGDevice); SetPort(GrafPtr(osPort)); PenNormal; SetupUndoFromClip; SetupUndo; WhatToUndo := UndoEdit; SaveForeground := ForegroundIndex; LUTStart := ColorStart; if LutStart <= 0 then LutStart := 1; LutEnd := ColorEnd; if LutEnd >= 255 then LutEnd := 254; LUTWidth := LutEnd - LutStart + 1; if width >= height then for hloc := left to right - 1 do begin SetForegroundColor(trunc(((hloc - left) / width) * LUTWidth) + LUTStart); MoveTo(hloc, top); LineTo(hloc, Bottom - 1); end else for vloc := top to bottom - 1 do begin SetForegroundColor(trunc(((vloc - top) / height) * LUTWidth) + LUTStart); MoveTo(left, vloc); LineTo(right - 1, vloc); end; SetForegroundColor(SaveForeground); changes := true; end; SetupRoiRect; SetGDevice(SaveGDevice); end; procedure MakeSpectrum; {Generates the "Spectrum" color table.} const Sat = -1; Val = -1; var i: integer; color: HSVColor; begin with info^ do begin for i := 0 to 255 do begin color.hue := i * 256; color.saturation := sat; color.value := val; HSV2RGB(color, ctable[i].rgb); end; LutMode := ColorLut; IdentityFunction := false; SetupPseudocolor; end; end; function GetColorTableItem (ctab: ColorTableType): integer; begin case ctab of AppleDefault: GetColorTableItem := SystemPaletteItem; Pseudo20: GetColorTableItem := Pseudo20Item; Pseudo32: GetColorTableItem := Pseudo32Item; Rainbow: GetColorTableItem := RainbowItem; Fire1: GetColorTableItem := Fire1Item; Fire2: GetColorTableItem := Fire2Item; Ice: GetColorTableItem := IceItem; Grays: GetColorTableItem := GraysItem; Spectrum: GetColorTableItem := SpectrumItem; otherwise GetColorTableItem := Pseudo20Item; end; end; procedure SwitchColorTables (item: integer; update: boolean); var ok: boolean; begin DisableDensitySlice; if update then SetupLutUndo; with info^ do begin case item of SystemPaletteItem: begin ok := LoadCLUTResource(AppleDefaultCLUT); ColorTable := AppleDefault; end; Pseudo20Item: begin GetLutResource(Pseudo20ID); ColorTable := Pseudo20; end; Pseudo32Item: begin GetLutResource(Pseudo32ID); ColorTable := Pseudo32; end; RainbowItem: begin GetLutResource(RainbowID); ColorTable := Rainbow; end; Fire1Item: begin GetLutResource(Fire1ID); ColorTable := Fire1; end; Fire2Item: begin GetLutResource(Fire2ID); ColorTable := Fire2; end; IceItem: begin GetLutResource(IceID); ColorTable := Ice; end; GraysItem: begin GetLutResource(GraysID); ColorTable := Grays; end; SpectrumItem: if ControlKeyDown and OptionKeyDown and ShiftKeyDown then SaveLutResource else begin MakeSpectrum; ColorTable := Spectrum; end; end; {case} LutMode := Pseudocolor; if update then begin UpdateLUT; UpdateMap; end; end; end; procedure SetNumberOfColors (n: integer); var i, r, g, b, index: integer; eIndex, inc, fraction: extended; SaveRed, SaveGreen, SaveBlue: LutArray; begin with info^ do begin SaveRed := RedLUT; SaveGreen := GreenLUT; SaveBlue := BlueLUT; eIndex := 0.0; inc := (nColors - 1) / (n - 1); for i := 0 to n - 1 do begin index := trunc(eIndex); if index >= (nColors - 1) then begin RedLUT[i] := SaveRed[index]; GreenLUT[i] := SaveGreen[index]; BlueLUT[i] := SaveBlue[index] end else begin fraction := eIndex - index; RedLUT[i] := round(SaveRed[index] * (1.0 - fraction) + SaveRed[index + 1] * fraction); GreenLUT[i] := round(SaveGreen[index] * (1.0 - fraction) + SaveGreen[index + 1] * fraction); BlueLUT[i] := round(SaveBlue[index] * (1.0 - fraction) + SaveBlue[index + 1] * fraction); end; eIndex := eIndex + inc; end; nColors := n; LutMode := PseudoColor; ColorTable := CustomTable; UpdateLUT; UpdateMap; end; end; procedure SetNumberOfExtraColors; var n: integer; Canceled: boolean; begin n := GetInt('Number of Extra Colors(0..6):', nExtraColors, Canceled); if (n <= 6) and (n >= 0) and not Canceled then begin nExtraColors := n; RedrawLUTWindow; SelectWindow(LUTWindow); if info <> NoInfo then SelectWindow(info^.wptr); end else if not Canceled then beep; end; procedure DoLutOptions; const nColorsID = 7; nExtraColorsID = 8; InvertID = 9; var mylog: DialogPtr; item, i, n, nExtra: integer; InvertLut: boolean; begin with info^ do begin InitCursor; mylog := GetNewDialog(210, nil, pointer(-1)); n := nColors; SetDNum(MyLog, nColorsID, n); nExtra := nExtraColors; SetDNum(MyLog, nExtraColorsID, nExtra); InvertLut := false; SetDlogItem(mylog, InvertID, ord(InvertLut)); repeat ModalDialog(nil, item); if item = nColorsID then n := GetDNum(MyLog, nColorsID); if item = nExtraColorsID then nExtra := GetDNum(MyLog, nExtraColorsID); if item = InvertID then begin InvertLut := not InvertLut; SetDlogItem(mylog, InvertID, ord(InvertLut)); end; until (item = ok) or (item = cancel); DisposeDialog(mylog); if item = cancel then exit(DoLutOptions); DisableDensitySlice; SetupLutUndo; if n < 1 then n := 1; if n > 256 then n := 256; if n <> nColors then SetNumberOfColors(n); if (nExtra <> nExtraColors) and (nExtra >= 0) and (nExtra <= 6) then begin nExtraColors := nExtra; RedrawLUTWindow; SelectWindow(LUTWindow); if info <> NoInfo then SelectWindow(info^.wptr); end; if InvertLut then begin InvertPalette; UpdateLut; end; end; {with info} end; function SetupMask: boolean; {Creates a mask in the undo buffer for operating} {on non-rectangular selections .} var tPort: GrafPtr; SaveInfo: InfoPtr; SaveGDevice: GDHandle; begin if NoUndo then begin SetupMask := false; exit(SetupMask) end; SetupUndoInfoRec; SaveInfo := Info; Info := UndoInfo; SaveGDevice := GetGDevice; SetGDevice(osGDevice); GetPort(tPort); with Info^ do begin SetPort(GrafPtr(osPort)); pmForeColor(BlackIndex); pmBackColor(WhiteIndex); PenNormal; EraseRect(RoiRect); PaintRgn(roiRgn); end; SetPort(tPort); SetGDevice(SaveGDevice); Info := SaveInfo; SetupMask := true; end; procedure ApplyTableToLine (data: ptr; var table: LookupTable; width: LongInt); {$IFC PowerPC} var line: LinePtr; i: integer; begin line := LinePtr(data); for i := 0 to width - 1 do Line^[i] := table[band(Line^[i],255)]; end; {$ELSEC} {a0 = data} {a1 = lookup table} {d0 = width } {d1 = pixel value} inline $4E56, $0000, { link a6,#0} $48E7, $C0C0, { movem.l a0-a1/d0-d1,-(sp)} $206E, $000C, { move.l 12(a6),a0} $226E, $0008, { move.l 8(a6),a1} $202E, $0004, { move.l 4(a6),d0} $5380, { subq.l #1,d0} $4281, { clr.l d1} $1210, {L move.b (a0),d1} $10F1, $1000, { move.b 0(a1,d1.w),(a0)+} $51C8, $FFF8, { dbra d0,L} $4CDF, $0303, { movem.l (sp)+,a0-a1/d0-d1} $4E5E, { unlk a6} $DEFC, $000C; { add.w #12,sp} {$ENDC} procedure PutLineUsingMask (h, v, count: integer; var line: LineType); var aLine, MaskLine: LineType; i: integer; SaveInfo: InfoPtr; begin if count > MaxLine then count := MaxLine; GetLine(h, v, count, aline); SaveInfo := Info; Info := UndoInfo; GetLine(h, v, count, MaskLine); for i := 0 to count - 1 do if MaskLine[i] = BlackIndex then aLine[i] := line[i]; info := SaveInfo; PutLine(h, v, count, aLine); end; procedure ApplyTable(var table: LookupTable); var width, NumberOfLines, i, hloc, vloc: integer; offset: LongInt; p: ptr; UseMask: boolean; TempLine: LineType; AutoSelectAll: boolean; begin if NotInBounds then exit(ApplyTable); AutoSelectAll := not Info^.RoiShowing; if AutoSelectAll then SelectAll(false); if TooWide then exit(ApplyTable); ShowWatch; with info^.RoiRect, info^ do begin if RoiType <> RectRoi then UseMask := SetupMask else UseMask := false; SetupUndoFromClip; WhatToUndo := UndoTransform; offset := top * BytesPerRow + left; if UseMask then p := @TempLine else p := ptr(ord4(PicBaseAddr) + offset); width := right - left; NumberOfLines := bottom - top; hloc := left; vloc := top; end; if width > 0 then for i := 1 to NumberOfLines do if UseMask then begin GetLine(hloc, vloc, width, TempLine); ApplyTableToLine(p, table, width); PutLineUsingMask(hloc, vloc, width, TempLine); vloc := vloc + 1 end else begin ApplyTableToLine(p, table, width); p := ptr(ord4(p) + info^.BytesPerRow); end; with info^ do begin UpdateScreen(RoiRect); Info^.changes := true; end; SetupRoiRect; if AutoSelectAll then KillRoi; end; procedure FixColors; {Because NIH Image always sets LUT entries 0 and 255 to white and black respectively we need to map} {pixels with values of 0 or 255 to the nearest matching color in the other 254 LUT entries.} var i, match0, match255: integer; table: LookupTable; procedure BestMatch (index1: integer; var match: integer); var i, index2: integer; rdiff, gdiff, bdiff, r1, g1, b1: LongInt; diff, mindiff: extended; begin match := index1; mindiff := 10e10; if index1 = 0 then index2 := 1 else index2 := 254; with info^ do begin r1:=band(bsr(cTable[index1].rgb.red, 8),255); g1:=band(bsr(cTable[index1].rgb.green, 8),255); b1:=band(bsr(cTable[index1].rgb.blue, 8),255); for i := 1 to 254 do begin rdiff := r1 - band(bsr(cTable[index2].rgb.red, 8),255); gdiff := g1 - band(bsr(cTable[index2].rgb.green, 8),255); bdiff := b1 - band(bsr(cTable[index2].rgb.blue, 8),255); diff := sqrt(sqr(rdiff) + sqr(gdiff) + sqr(bdiff)); if diff < mindiff then begin match := index2; mindiff := diff; end; if index1 = 0 then index2 := index2 + 1 else index2 := index2 - 1; end; {for} end; {with} end; begin BestMatch(0, match0); BestMatch(255, match255); table[0] := match0; for i := 1 to 254 do table[i] := i; table[255] := match255; ApplyTable(table); end; end.