unit fft; { This file contains a Pascal language implementation of the Fast Hartley Transform algorithm which is covered under United States Patent Number 4,646,256. This code may therefore be freely used and distributed only under the following conditions: 1) This header is included in every copy of the code; and 2) The code is used for noncommercial research purposes only. Firms using this code for commercial purposes will be infringing a United States patent and should contact the Office of Technology Licensing Stanford University 857 Serra Street, 2nd Floor Stanford, CA 94305-6225 (415) 723 0651 This implementation is based on Pascal code contibuted by Arlo Reeves (arlo@apple.com). } interface uses Memory, QuickDraw, Packages, Menus, Events, Fonts, ToolUtils, globals, Utilities, Graphics, Filters, Analysis; procedure doFFT(fftKind: fftType); procedure DisplayPowerSpectrum(x: rImagePtr); function isPowerOf2 (x: LongInt): boolean; procedure SetFFTWindowName(doInverse: boolean); procedure RedisplayPowerSpectrum; procedure doSwapQuadrants; implementation const UpdateTicks = 10; {Show progress 6 times/sec} var AbortFFT: boolean; C, S: rLinePtr; function log2 (x: LongInt): LongInt; var count: LongInt; begin count := 15; while not BTST(x, count) do count := count - 1; log2 := count; end; function BitRevX (x, bitlen: LongInt): LongInt; var i: LongInt; temp: longint; begin temp := 0; for i := 0 to bitlen do if BTST(x, i) then BSET(temp, bitlen - i - 1); BitRevX := LoWord(temp); end; procedure BitRevRArr (x: rLinePtr; bitlen, maxN: LongInt); var i: LongInt; tempArr: rLineType; begin for i := 0 to maxN - 1 do tempArr[i] := x^[BitRevX(i, bitlen)]; BlockMove(@tempArr, x, maxN * SizeOf(real)); end; procedure transposeR (x: rImagePtr; maxN: LongInt); var r, c: LongInt; rTemp: real; begin for r := 0 to maxN - 1 do for c := r to maxN - 1 do if r <> c then begin rTemp := x^[ r * maxN + c]; x^[ r * maxN + c] := x^[c * maxN + r]; x^[c * maxN + r] := rTemp; end; end; procedure FHTps (r, maxN: LongInt; inMat: rImagePtr; var outArr: rLineType); { Power Spectrum of one row from 2D Hartley Transform } var c, base: LongInt; begin base := r * maxN; for c := 0 to maxN - 1 do outArr[c] := (sqr(inMat^[base + c]) + sqr(inMat^[((maxN - r) mod maxN) * maxN + (maxN - c) mod maxN])) / 2; end; procedure dfht3 (x: rLinePtr; inverse: boolean; maxN: LongInt); { an optimized real FHT } var i, stage, gpNum, gpIndex, gpSize, numGps, Nlog2: LongInt; bfNum, numBfs: LongInt; Ad0, Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4, CSAd: LongInt; rt1, rt2, rt3, rt4: real; begin Nlog2 := log2(maxN); BitRevRArr(x, Nlog2, maxN); { bitReverse the input array } gpSize := 2; { first & second stages - do radix 4 butterflies once thru } numGps := maxN div 4; for gpNum := 0 to numGps - 1 do begin Ad1 := gpNum * 4; Ad2 := Ad1 + 1; Ad3 := Ad1 + gpSize; Ad4 := Ad2 + gpSize; rt1 := x^[Ad1] + x^[Ad2]; { a + b } rt2 := x^[Ad1] - x^[Ad2]; { a - b } rt3 := x^[Ad3] + x^[Ad4]; { c + d } rt4 := x^[Ad3] - x^[Ad4]; { c - d } x^[Ad1] := rt1 + rt3; { a + b + (c + d ) } x^[Ad2] := rt2 + rt4; { a - b + (c - d ) } x^[Ad3] := rt1 - rt3; { a + b - (c + d ) } x^[Ad4] := rt2 - rt4; { a - b - (c - d ) } end; if Nlog2 > 2 then begin { third + stages computed here } gpSize := 4; numBfs := 2; numGps := numGps div 2; for stage := 2 to Nlog2 - 1 do begin for gpNum := 0 to numGps - 1 do begin Ad0 := gpNum * gpSize * 2; Ad1 := Ad0; { 1st butterfly is different from others - no mults needed } Ad2 := Ad1 + gpSize; Ad3 := Ad1 + gpSize div 2; Ad4 := Ad3 + gpSize; rt1 := x^[Ad1]; x^[Ad1] := x^[Ad1] + x^[Ad2]; x^[Ad2] := rt1 - x^[Ad2]; rt1 := x^[Ad3]; x^[Ad3] := x^[Ad3] + x^[Ad4]; x^[Ad4] := rt1 - x^[Ad4]; for bfNum := 1 to numBfs - 1 do begin { subsequent BF's dealt with together } Ad1 := bfNum + Ad0; Ad2 := Ad1 + gpSize; Ad3 := gpSize - bfNum + Ad0; Ad4 := Ad3 + gpSize; CSAd := bfNum * numGps; rt1 := x^[Ad2] * C^[CSAd] + x^[Ad4] * S^[CSAd]; rt2 := x^[Ad4] * C^[CSAd] - x^[Ad2] * S^[CSAd]; x^[Ad2] := x^[Ad1] - rt1; x^[Ad1] := x^[Ad1] + rt1; x^[Ad4] := x^[Ad3] + rt2; x^[Ad3] := x^[Ad3] - rt2; end; { for bfNum := 0 to ... } end; { for gpNum := 0 to ... } gpSize := gpSize * 2; numBfs := numBfs * 2; numGps := numGps div 2; end; end; { if } if inverse then for i := 0 to maxN - 1 do x^[i] := x^[i] / maxN; end; procedure rc2Dfht (x: rImagePtr; inverse: boolean; maxN: LongInt); { Row-column 2D FHT } var row, col, mRow, mCol, NextTicks: LongInt; A, B, C, D, E: real; theRow: rLinePtr; begin NextTicks := TickCount + UpdateTicks; for row := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin theRow := rLinePtr(ord4(x) + row * maxN * SizeOf(real)); dfht3(theRow, inverse, maxN); if TickCount > nextTicks then begin UpdateMeter(round(row/maxN * 50.0), 'Computing FHT'); nextTicks := TickCount + updateTicks; if CommandPeriod then begin beep; AbortFFT := true; exit(rc2Dfht) end; end; end; transposeR(x, maxN); for row := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin theRow := rLinePtr(ord4(x) + row * maxN * SizeOf(real)); dfht3(theRow, inverse, maxN); if TickCount > nextTicks then begin UpdateMeter(round(row/maxN * 50.0) + 50, 'Computing FHT'); nextTicks := TickCount + updateTicks; if CommandPeriod then begin beep; AbortFFT := true; exit(rc2Dfht) end; end; end; transposeR(x, maxN); for row := 0 to maxN div 2 do { Now calculate actual Hartley transform } for col := 0 to maxN div 2 do begin mRow := (maxN - row) mod maxN; mCol := (maxN - col) mod maxN; A := x^[row * maxN + col]; { see Bracewell, 'Fast 2D Hartley Transf.' IEEE Procs. 9/86 } B := x^[mRow * maxN + col]; C := x^[row * maxN + mCol]; D := x^[mRow * maxN + mCol]; E := ((A + D) - (B + C)) / 2; x^[row * maxN + col] := A - E; x^[mRow * maxN + col] := B + E; x^[row * maxN + mCol] := C + E; x^[mRow * maxN + mCol] := D - E; end; UpdateMeter(-1, 'Hide Meter'); end; procedure SwapQuadrants; {Swap quadrants 1 and 3 and quadrants 2 and 4 so the} {power spectrum origin is at the center of the image.} {2 1} {3 4} var row, col, halfMaxN, tmp, maxN: LongInt; line1, line2: LineType; begin maxN := info^.PixelsPerLine; halfMaxN := maxN div 2; for row:= 0 to halfMaxN -1 do begin GetLine(0, row, maxN, line1); GetLine(0, row + halfMaxN, maxN, line2); for col := 0 to halfMaxN -1 do begin tmp := line1[col]; line1[col] := line1[col + halfMaxN]; line1[col + halfMaxN] := tmp; tmp := line2[col]; line2[col] := line2[col + halfMaxN]; line2[col + halfMaxN] := tmp; end; PutLine(0, row, maxN, line2); PutLine(0, row + halfMaxN, maxN, line1); end; end; procedure DisplayRealImage(x: rImagePtr); var row, col, i, base, maxN: LongInt; r, min, max, scale: real; line: lineType; begin maxN := info^.PixelsPerLine; min := 1e99; max := -1e99; i := 1; for row := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin base := row * maxN; for col := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin r := x^[base + col]; if r < min then min := r; if r > max then max := r; end; end; scale := 253.0 / (max - min); for row := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin base := row * maxN; for col := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin r := x^[base + col]; line[col] := round((r - min) * scale) + 1; end; PutLine(0, row, maxN, line); end; end; procedure DisplayPSUsingBuffer(fht, ps: rImagePtr; var rLine: rLineType); var row, col, base, nextTicks, maxN: LongInt; r, min, max, scale: real; line: lineType; begin maxN := info^.PixelsPerLine; nextTicks := TickCount + updateTicks; min := 1e99; max := -1e99; for row := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin FHTps (row, maxN, fht, rLine); base := row * maxN; for col := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin r := rLine[col]; if r < min then min := r; if r > max then max := r; ps^[base + col] := r; end; if TickCount > nextTicks then begin UpdateMeter(round(row/maxN * 80.0), 'Computing Power Spectrum'); nextTicks := TickCount + updateTicks; if CommandPeriod then begin beep; AbortFFT := true; exit(DisplayPSUsingBuffer) end; end; end; if min < 1.0 then min := 0.0 else min := ln(min); max := ln(max); scale := 253.0 / (max - min); for row := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin base := row * maxN; for col := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin r := ps^[base + col]; if r < 1.0 then r := 0.0 else r := ln(r); line[col] := round((r - min) * scale) + 1; end; PutLine(0, row, maxN, line); if TickCount > nextTicks then begin UpdateMeter(round(row/maxN * 20.0 ) + 80, 'Computing Power Spectrum'); nextTicks := TickCount + updateTicks; if CommandPeriod then begin beep; AbortFFT := true; exit(DisplayPSUsingBuffer) end; end; end; SwapQuadrants; UpdateMeter(-1, 'Hide Meter'); end; procedure DisplayPowerSpectrum(fht: rImagePtr); var row, col, nextTicks, maxN: LongInt; r, min, max, scale: real; line: lineType; rLine: rLineType; tempH: handle; ps: rImagePtr; begin maxN := info^.PixelsPerLine; tempH := GetBigHandle(maxN * maxN * SizeOf(real)); if tempH <> nil then begin hlock(tempH); ps := rImagePtr(tempH^); DisplayPSUsingBuffer(fht, ps, rLine); hunlock(tempH); DisposeHandle(tempH); exit(DisplayPowerSpectrum); end; min := 1e99; max := -1e99; nextTicks := TickCount + updateTicks; for row := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin FHTps (row, maxN, fht, rLine); for col := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin r := rLine[col]; if r < min then min := r; if r > max then max := r; end; if TickCount > nextTicks then begin UpdateMeter(round(row/maxN * 35.0), 'Computing Power Spectrum'); nextTicks := TickCount + updateTicks; if CommandPeriod then begin beep; AbortFFT := true; exit(DisplayPowerSpectrum) end; end; end; if min < 1.0 then min := 0.0 else min := ln(min); max := ln(max); scale := 253.0 / (max - min); for row := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin FHTps (row, maxN, fht, rLine); for col := 0 to maxN - 1 do begin r := rLine[col]; if r < 1.0 then r := 0.0 else r := ln(r); line[col] := round((r - min) * scale) + 1; end; PutLine(0, row, maxN, line); if TickCount > nextTicks then begin UpdateMeter(round(row/maxN * 65.0 ) + 35, 'Computing Power Spectrum'); nextTicks := TickCount + updateTicks; if CommandPeriod then begin beep; AbortFFT := true; exit(DisplayPowerSpectrum) end; end; end; SwapQuadrants; UpdateMeter(-1, 'Hide Meter'); end; procedure ConvertToReal; var row, col, i, sum, base: LongInt; width, height: LongInt; mean, pixelCount: real; line: LineType; DataP: rImagePtr; begin with info^ do begin width := pixelsPerLine; height := nLines; hlock(DataH); DataP := rImagePtr(DataH^); end; UpdateMeter(0, 'Converting to Real'); { GetRectHistogram; sum := 0; pixelCount := width * height; for i := 0 to 255 do sum := sum + histogram[i] * i; mean := sum / pixelCount; } for row:= 0 to height - 1 do begin GetLine(0, row, width, line); base := row * width; for col := 0 to width - 1 do DataP^[base + col] := line[col] {- mean}; end; hunlock(info^.DataH); end; function isPowerOf2 (x: LongInt): boolean; var i, sum: integer; begin sum := 0; x := abs(x); for i := 0 to 15 do sum := sum + ord(BTST(x, i)); IsPowerOf2 := (sum <= 1); end; function PowerOf2Size: boolean; var width, height: LongInt; procedure fail; begin PutError('A square, power of two size image or selection (128x128, 256x256, etc.) required.'); AbortMacro; PowerOf2Size := false; exit(PowerOf2Size); end; begin with info^ do begin if info = noInfo then fail; width := pixelsPerLine; height := nLines; if RoiShowing and (roiType = rectRoi) then with roiRect do begin width := right - left; height := bottom - top; end; if not isPowerOf2(width) or (width <> height) then fail; if width < 4 then begin PutMessage('Sequence Length must be >= 4.'); PowerOf2Size := true; exit(PowerOf2Size); end; PowerOf2Size := true; end; end; function MakeSinCosTables(maxN: LongInt): boolean; var i: LongInt; theta, dTheta: real; begin C := rLinePtr(NewPtr(SizeOf(rLineType))); S := rLinePtr(NewPtr(SizeOf(rLineType))); if (C = nil) or (S = nil) then begin MakeSinCosTables := false; PutError('Out of Memory'); exit(MakeSinCosTables); end; theta := 0; dTheta := 2 * pi / maxN; for i := 0 to maxN div 4 - 1 do begin C^[i] := cos(theta); S^[i] := sin(theta); theta := theta + dTheta; end; MakeSinCosTables := true; end; function MakeRealImage: boolean; var TempH: handle; maxN: LongInt; begin maxN := info^.PixelsPerLine; tempH := GetBigHandle(maxN * maxN * SizeOf(real)); if TempH = nil then begin PutMemoryAlert; MakeRealImage := false; exit(MakeRealImage); end; if not Duplicate(StringOf('FFT ', nPics + 1:1), false) then begin DisposeHandle(handle(TempH)); exit(MakeRealImage); end; UpdatePicWindow; info^.DataH := tempH; ConvertToReal; UpdateTitleBar; MakeRealImage := true; end; procedure SetFFTWindowName(doInverse: boolean); begin with info^ do begin if doInverse then title := StringOf('Inverse FFT ', picNum:1) else title := StringOf('FFT ', picNum:1); UpdateWindowsMenuItem; UpdateTitleBar; end; end; procedure ApplyFilter(rData: rImagePtr); var row, col, width, height, base, i: LongInt; line: LineType; passMode: boolean; t:FateTable; begin SwapQuadrants; with info^ do begin width := pixelsPerLine; height := nLines; end; for row:= 0 to height - 1 do begin GetLine(0, row, width, line); base := row * width; for col := 0 to width - 1 do rData^[base + col] := line[col]/255.0 * rData^[base + col]; end; end; procedure doMasking(rData: rImagePtr); var row, col, width, height, base, i: LongInt; line: LineType; passMode: boolean; t:FateTable; begin GetRectHistogram; if (histogram[0] = 0) and (histogram[255] = 0) then exit(doMasking); UpdateMeter(0, 'Masking'); passMode := histogram[255] <> 0; if passMode then ChangeValues(0,254,0) else ChangeValues(1,255,255); for i := 1 to 3 do Filter(UnweightedAvg, 0, t); UpdatePicWindow; ApplyFilter(rData); end; procedure doFFT(fftKind: fftType); var startTicks, maxN: LongInt; trect: rect; RealData: rImagePtr; doInverse: boolean; begin doInverse := fftKind <> ForewardFFT; if not PowerOf2Size then exit(doFFT); startTicks := tickCount; if info^.DataH = nil then begin if doInverse then begin PutError('A real image is required to do an inverse transform.'); AbortMacro; exit(doFFT); end; if not MakeRealImage then begin AbortMacro; exit(doFFT); end end else begin KillRoi; SetFFTWindowName(doInverse); end; hlock(info^.DataH); RealData := rImagePtr(info^.DataH^); ShowWatch; maxN := info^.PixelsPerLine; if not MakeSinCosTables(maxN) then exit(doFFT); AbortFFT := false; ShowMessage(CmdPeriodToStop); if doInverse then begin if fftKind = InverseFFTWithMask then doMasking(RealData) else if fftKind = InverseFFTWithFilter then ApplyFilter(RealData); rc2DFHT(RealData, true, maxN); if not AbortFFT then DisplayRealImage(RealData); end else begin rc2DFHT(RealData, false, maxN); if not AbortFFT then DisplayPowerSpectrum(RealData); end; if AbortFFT then UpdateMeter(-1, 'Hide'); hunlock(info^.dataH); UpdatePicWindow; SetRect(trect, 0, 0, maxN, maxN); ShowTime(startTicks, trect, ''); UpdateWindowsMenuItem; DisposePtr(ptr(C)); DisposePtr(ptr(S)); end; procedure RedisplayPowerSpectrum; var rData: rImagePtr; begin if info = noInfo then exit(RedisplayPowerSpectrum); KillRoi; if not PowerOf2Size then exit(RedisplayPowerSpectrum); if info^.DataH = nil then begin PutError('Real image required.'); exit(RedisplayPowerSpectrum); end; hlock(info^.DataH); rData := rImagePtr(info^.DataH^); DisplayPowerSpectrum(rData); hunlock(info^.dataH); UpdatePicWindow; end; Procedure doSwapQuadrants; begin if info = noInfo then exit(doSwapQuadrants); KillRoi; if not PowerOf2Size then exit(doSwapQuadrants); SetupUndo; WhatToUndo := UndoEdit; SwapQuadrants; UpdatePicWindow; end; end. {fft Unit}