#include "PITypes.h" typedef struct PSBuffer *BufferID; #define kPIGeneralInfoSize 16 /* Image modes */ #define plugInModeBitmap 0 #define plugInModeGrayScale 1 #define plugInModeIndexedColor 2 #define plugInModeRGBColor 3 #define plugInModeCMYKColor 4 #define plugInModeHSLColor 5 #define plugInModeHSBColor 6 #define plugInModeMultichannel 7 #define plugInModeDuotone 8 #define plugInModeLabColor 9 #define plugInModeGray16 10 #define plugInModeRGB48 11 /* The Window procID for a Moveable Modal Dialog window that can be used * under System 6. WDEF(128) is part of Photoshop. */ #define PSmovableDBoxProc (128*16+5) /* Other commonly used structures */ typedef short PlaneMap [16]; struct PlugInMonitor { Fixed gamma; Fixed redX; Fixed redY; Fixed greenX; Fixed greenY; Fixed blueX; Fixed blueY; Fixed whiteX; Fixed whiteY; Fixed ambient; }; typedef struct PlugInMonitor PlugInMonitor; struct PSPixelMap { int32 version; VRect bounds; int32 imageMode; int32 rowBytes; int32 colBytes; int32 planeBytes; void *baseAddr; }; typedef struct PSPixelMap PSPixelMap; pascal Boolean TestAbortProcProc (void); pascal void ProgressProcProc (int32 done, int32 total); pascal void HostProcProc (int16 selector, int32 *data); pascal int32 SpaceProcProc (void); pascal Handle NewPIHandleProcProc (int32 size); pascal void DisposePIHandleProcProc (Handle h); pascal int32 GetPIHandleSizeProcProc (Handle h); pascal OSErr SetPIHandleSizeProcProc (Handle h, int32 newSize); pascal Ptr LockPIHandleProcProc (Handle h, Boolean moveHigh); pascal void UnlockPIHandleProcProc (Handle h); pascal OSErr AllocateBufferProcProc (int32 size, BufferID *bufferID); pascal Ptr LockBufferProcProc (BufferID bufferID, Boolean moveHigh); pascal void UnlockBufferProcProc (BufferID bufferID); pascal void FreeBufferProcProc (BufferID bufferID); pascal int32 BufferSpaceProcProc (void); pascal int16 CountPIResourcesProcProc (ResType type); pascal Handle GetPIResourceProcProc (ResType type, int16 index); pascal void DeletePIResourceProcProc (ResType type, int16 index); pascal OSErr AddPIResourceProcProc (ResType type, Handle data); pascal void ProcessEventProcProc (void *event); pascal OSErr DisplayPixelsProcProc (const PSPixelMap *source, const VRect *srcRect, int32 dstRow, int32 dstCol, unsigned32 platformContext);