unit Analysis; {Analysis routines used by the NIH Image} interface uses Types, Memory, QuickDraw, QuickDrawText, Packages, Menus, Events, Fonts, Scrap, ToolUtils, Resources, Errors, Palettes, StandardFile, Windows, Controls, TextEdit, Files, Dialogs, TextUtils, Finder, MixedMode, Processes, globals, Utilities, LeastSquares, Graphics, file1, file2, Ellipse, Lut; procedure DoHistogram; procedure GetRectHistogram; procedure GetHistogram; procedure ShowContinuousHistogram; procedure ComputeResults; procedure FindThresholdingMode; procedure Measure; procedure UpdateRoiLineWidth; procedure DoProfilePlotOptions; procedure ShowResults; procedure PlotDensityProfile; procedure SetScale; procedure Calibrate; procedure ResetCounter; procedure DoMeasurementOptions; procedure DoPoints (event: EventRecord); procedure FindAngle (event: EventRecord); procedure SaveBlankField; procedure UndoLastMeasurement (DisplayResults: boolean); procedure MarkSelection (count: integer); procedure AutoOutline (start: point); procedure RedoMeasurement; procedure DeleteMeasurement; procedure AnalyzeParticles; procedure MakeNonStraightLineRoi (RoiKind: RoiTypeType); function isBinaryImage: boolean; function DoAPDialog: boolean; implementation const UnitsPopUpID = 6; var WandMode: (LUTMode, GrayMapMode, BinaryMode); GrayMapThreshold: integer; InfoForRedirect: InfoPtr; UnitsKind: UnitsType; {$PUSH} {$D-} procedure DoHistogramOfLine (data: ptr; var histogram: HistogramType; width: LongInt); {$IFC PowerPC} VAR line:LinePtr; i,value:integer; BEGIN line:=LinePtr(data); FOR i:=0 TO width-1 DO BEGIN value:=line^[i]; histogram[value]:=histogram[value]+1; END; END; {$ELSEC} {a0=data} {a1=histogram} {d0=width} {d1=pixel value} inline $4E56, $0000, { link a6,#0} $48E7, $C0C0, { movem.l a0-a1/d0-d1,-(sp)} $206E, $000C, { move.l 12(a6),a0} $226E, $0008, { move.l 8(a6),a1} $202E, $0004, { move.l 4(a6),d0} $5380, { subq.l #1,d0} $4281, {L clr.l d1} $1218, { move.b (a0)+,d1} $E541, { asl.w #2,d1} $52B1, $1800, { addq.l #1,0(a1,d1.l)} $51C8, $FFF4, { dbra d0,L} $4CDF, $0303, { movem.l (sp)+,a0-a1/d0-d1} $4E5E, { unlk a6} $DEFC, $000C; { add.w #12,sp} {$ENDC} procedure GetRectHistogram; var width, i, NumberOfLines: integer; offset: LongInt; p: ptr; begin if TooWide then exit(GetRectHistogram); ShowWatch; for i := 0 to 255 do Histogram[i] := 0; with info^.RoiRect, info^ do begin offset := top * BytesPerRow + left; p := ptr(ord4(PicBaseAddr) + offset); width := right - left; NumberOfLines := bottom - top; end; if width > 0 then for i := 1 to NumberOfLines do begin DoHistogramOfLine(p, histogram, width); p := ptr(ord4(p) + info^.BytesPerRow); end end; procedure SetupRedirectedSampling; var info1, info2, SaveInfo: InfoPtr; SameCalibration: boolean; i: integer; begin InfoForRedirect := nil; if nPics <> 2 then begin PutError('There must be exactly two image windows open to do redirected sampling.'); AnalyzingParticles := false; exit(SetupRedirectedSampling); end; Info1 := pointer(WindowPeek(PicWindow[1])^.RefCon); Info2 := pointer(WindowPeek(PicWindow[2])^.RefCon); if not EqualRect(info1^.PicRect, info2^.PicRect) then begin PutError('The image windows must be exactly the same size to do redirected sampling.'); AnalyzingParticles := false; exit(SetupRedirectedSampling); end; if (Info1^.fit <> uncalibrated) or (Info2^.fit <> uncalibrated) then begin SameCalibration := true; if Info1^.fit <> Info2^.fit then SameCalibration := false; if Info1^.nCoefficients <> Info2^.nCoefficients then SameCalibration := false; for i := 1 to info1^.nCoefficients do if Info1^.Coefficient[i] <> Info2^.Coefficient[i] then SameCalibration := false; if not SameCalibration then begin PutError('Both image must be calibrated the same way to do redirected sampling.'); AnalyzingParticles := false; exit(SetupRedirectedSampling); end; end; if info = info1 then InfoForRedirect := info2 else InfoForRedirect := info1; end; procedure GetHistogram; var MaskLine, DataLine: LineType; width, i, vloc: integer; sum, sum2, count, OverFlows: LongInt; SaveInfo: InfoPtr; value: LongInt; trect: rect; begin if TooWide then exit(GetHistogram); ShowWatch; if RedirectSampling then begin SetupRedirectedSampling; if InfoForRedirect = nil then exit(GetHistogram); end else InfoForRedirect := nil; if not SetupMask then beep; SaveInfo := Info; for i := 0 to 255 do Histogram[i] := 0; if FitEllipse then ResetSums; trect := info^.RoiRect; with trect do begin width := right - left; for vloc := top to bottom - 1 do begin if InfoForRedirect <> nil then Info := InfoForRedirect else Info := SaveInfo; GetLine(left, vloc, width, DataLine); Info := UndoInfo; GetLine(left, vloc, width, MaskLine); if FitEllipse then ComputeSums(vloc - top, width, MaskLine); for i := 0 to width - 1 do if MaskLine[i] = BlackIndex then begin value := band(DataLine[i],255); histogram[value] := histogram[value] + 1; end; end; end; Info := SaveInfo; if not AnalyzingParticles then SetupUndo; {Needed for drawing "marching ants".} end; {$POP} procedure ComputeResults; var MaxCount, count, isum, n: LongInt; i: integer; sum, sum2, ri, tSD, rmode, xc, yc: extended; Major, Minor, EllipseAngle, hcenter, vcenter, calValue: extended; MinCalibratedValue, MaxCalibratedValue, CalibratedMean: extended; IgnoreThresholding: boolean; ulength, clength: extended; begin with info^, results do begin case ThresholdingMode of DensitySlice: begin MinIndex := SliceStart; MaxIndex := SliceEnd; end; GrayMapThresholding: begin MinIndex := GrayMapThreshold; MaxIndex := 255; end; BinaryImage: begin MinIndex := BlackIndex; MaxIndex := BlackIndex; end; NoThresholding: begin MinIndex := 0; MaxIndex := 255; end; end; IgnoreThresholding := RedirectSampling or (IncludeHoles and (AnalyzingParticles or (CurrentTool = Wand))); if IgnoreThresholding then begin MinIndex := 0; MaxIndex := 255; end; while (histogram[MinIndex] = 0) and (MinIndex < 255) do MinIndex := MinIndex + 1; while (histogram[MaxIndex] = 0) and (MaxIndex > 0) do MaxIndex := MaxIndex - 1; MaxCount := 0; sum := 0.0; isum := 0; sum2 := 0.0; n := 0; minCalibratedValue := 10e100; maxCalibratedValue := -10e100; rmode := 0.0; imode := 0; for i := MinIndex to MaxIndex do begin calValue := cvalue[i]; count := histogram[i]; sum := sum + count * calValue; isum := isum + count * i; ri := i; sum2 := sum2 + sqr(calValue) * count; n := n + count; if count > MaxCount then begin MaxCount := count; rmode := cvalue[i]; imode := i end; if calValue < minCalibratedValue then minCalibratedValue := calValue; if calValue > maxCalibratedValue then maxCalibratedValue := calValue; end; if ContinuousHistoGram then exit(ComputeResults); if n = 0 then begin minCalibratedValue := 0.0; maxCalibratedValue := 0.0; end; if n > 0 then begin CalibratedMean := sum / n; UncalibratedMean := isum / n end else begin CalibratedMean := 0.0; UncalibratedMean := 0.0 end; IncrementCounter; mean^[mCount] := CalibratedMean; mMin^[mCount] := minCalibratedValue; mMax^[mCount] := maxCalibratedValue; if mCount <= MaxStandards then umean[mCount] := UncalibratedMean; if n > 0 then begin tSD := (n * Sum2 - sqr(sum)) / n; if tSD > 0.0 then tSD := sqrt(tSD / (n - 1.0)) else tSD := 0.0 end else tSD := 0.0; sd^[mCount] := tSD; PixelCount^[mCount] := n; ulength := 0.0; clength := 0.0; with RoiRect do case RoiType of RectRoi: begin uLength := ((right - left) + (bottom - top)) * 2.0; cLength := uLength; if SpatiallyCalibrated then cLength := ((right - left) / xScale + (bottom - top) / yScale) * 2.0; end; OvalRoi: begin uLength := pi * ((right - left) + (bottom - top)) / 2.0; cLength := uLength; if SpatiallyCalibrated then cLength := pi * ((right - left) / xScale + (bottom - top) / yScale) / 2.0; end; LineRoi, SegLineRoi, FreeLineRoi: begin GetLengthOrPerimeter(ulength, clength); nLengths := nLengths + 1; end; PolygonRoi, FreehandRoi, TracedRoi: if (LengthM in Measurements) or (nLengths > 0) or WandAdjustAreas then GetLengthOrPerimeter(ulength, clength); otherwise end; if SpatiallyCalibrated then plength^[mCount] := cLength else plength^[mcount] := uLength; if SpatiallyCalibrated then mArea^[mCount] := n / (xScale * yScale) else mArea^[mCount] := n; mode^[mCount] := rmode; if FitEllipse & not ((RoiType=RectRoi) | (RoiType=OvalRoi) | (RoiType=LineRoi)) then begin GetEllipseParam(Major, Minor, EllipseAngle, xc, yc); if InvertYCoordinates then yc := PicRect.bottom - yc; if SpatiallyCalibrated then begin Major := Major / xScale; Minor := Minor / xScale; xc := xc / xScale; yc := yc / yScale; end; MajorAxis^[mCount] := Major * 2.0; MinorAxis^[mCount] := Minor * 2.0; orientation^[mCount] := EllipseAngle; xcenter^[mCount] := xc; ycenter^[mCount] := yc; end else begin MajorAxis^[mCount] := 0.0; MinorAxis^[mCount] := 0.0; orientation^[mCount] := 0.0; with RoiRect do begin xc := left + (right - left) / 2.0; yc := top + (bottom - top) / 2.0; if InvertYCoordinates then yc := PicRect.bottom - yc; if SpatiallyCalibrated then begin xc := xc / xScale; yc := yc / yScale; end; xcenter^[mCount] := xc; ycenter^[mCount] := yc; end; end; end; {with} measuring := true; InfoMessage := ''; end; {$PUSH} {$D-} procedure FindThresholdingMode; begin with info^ do begin if DensitySlicing then ThresholdingMode := DensitySlice else if thresholding then begin ThresholdingMode := GrayMapThresholding; GrayMapThreshold := ColorStart; if GrayMapThreshold < 0 then GrayMapThreshold := 0; if GrayMapThreshold > 255 then GrayMapThreshold := 255; end else if BinaryPic then ThresholdingMode := BinaryImage else ThresholdingMode := NoThresholding; end; end; procedure Measure; var AutoSelectAll: boolean; SaveN: integer; begin if NotInBounds then exit(Measure); with info^ do begin FindThresholdingMode; if ThresholdingMode = BinaryImage then ThresholdingMode := NoThresholding; AutoSelectAll := not RoiShowing; if AutoSelectAll then SelectAll(false); if (RoiType = RectRoi) and (not RedirectSampling) then GetRectHistogram else GetHistogram; if MeasurementToRedo > 0 then begin SaveN := mCount; mCount := MeasurementToRedo - 1; ComputeResults; ShowInfo; mCount := SaveN; MeasurementToRedo := 0; UpdateList; end else begin ComputeResults; ShowInfo; AppendResults; if RoiType = LineRoi then if nLengths = 1 then if not (LengthM in Measurements) then UpdateList; end; RoiShowing := true; WhatToUndo := UndoMeasurement; if AutoSelectAll then KillRoi; UpdateScreen(OldRoiRect); end; end; procedure ShowHistogram; var htop: integer; tport: GrafPtr; hrect, prect, srect: rect; FirstTime: boolean; begin GetPort(tPort); FirstTime := HistoWindow = nil; if FirstTime then begin htop := ScreenHeight - hheight - 10; SetRect(HistoRect, hleft, htop, hleft + hwidth, htop + hheight); HistoWindow := NewWindow(nil, HistoRect, 'Histogram', true, NoGrowDocProc, nil, true, 0); WindowPeek(HistoWindow)^.WindowKind := HistoKind; end; if FirstTime or (VideoControl = nil) then SelectWindow(HistoWindow); SetPort(HistoWindow); InvalRect(HistoWindow^.PortRect); SetPort(tPort); end; procedure ShowContinuousHistogram; const skip = 10; var i, NumberOfLines: integer; offset: LongInt; p: ptr; begin with info^ do if (FrameGrabber = QTvdig) and (PictureType = FrameGrabberType) then CopyOffscreen(fgPixMap, osPort^.portPixMap, PicRect, PicRect); for i := 0 to 255 do Histogram[i] := 0; p := ptr(ptr(fgSlotBase)); NumberOfLines := ((fgHeight) div skip) - 1; offset := fgRowBytes * skip; for i := 1 to NumberOfLines do begin DoHistogramOfLine(p, histogram, fgWidth); p := ptr(ord4(p) + offset); end; ThresholdingMode := NoThresholding; HistogramSliceStart := 0; HistogramSliceEnd := 255; ComputeResults; ShowHistogram; end; procedure DoHistogram; var AutoSelectAll: boolean; begin if NotInBounds then exit(DoHistogram); if digitizing then begin if ContinuousHistogram then ContinuousHistogram := false else begin ContinuousHistogram := true; if info <> NoInfo then with info^ do begin RoiType := NoRoi; RoiRect := SrcRect; end; end; exit(DoHistogram) end; AutoSelectAll := not info^.RoiShowing; if AutoSelectAll then SelectAll(false); if (info^.RoiType = RectRoi) and (not RedirectSampling) then GetRectHistogram else GetHistogram; ThresholdingMode := NoThresholding; ComputeResults; ShowCount := false; ShowInfo; ShowCount := true; FindThresholdingMode; case ThresholdingMode of DensitySlice: begin HistogramSliceStart := SliceStart; HistogramSliceEnd := SliceEnd; end; GrayMapThresholding: begin HistogramSliceStart := GrayMapThreshold; HistogramSliceEnd := 255; end; BinaryImage, NoThresholding: begin HistogramSliceStart := 0; HistogramSliceEnd := 255; end; end; ShowHistogram; UndoLastMeasurement(false); WhatToUndo := NothingToUndo; if AutoSelectAll then KillRoi; end; {$POP} procedure PlotDensityProfile; var hloc, vloc, value, width, height, i: integer; aLine: LineType; sum: array[0..MaxLine] of real; start, p1, p2: point; begin with info^ do if RoiShowing then case RoiType of LineRoi: begin PlotLineProfile; exit(PlotDensityProfile); end; FreeLineRoi, SegLineRoi, PolygonRoi, FreehandRoi, TracedRoi: begin PlotArbitraryLine; exit(PlotDensityProfile); end; end; {case} if NoSelection or NotRectangular or NotInBounds then exit(PlotDensityProfile); ShowWatch; with info^.RoiRect do begin width := right - left; height := bottom - top; start.h := left; start.v := bottom; if (width >= height) or (OptionKeyWasDown) then begin {Column Average Plot} if width > MaxLine then begin PlotTooLongMsg; exit(PlotDensityProfile); end; for i := 0 to width - 1 do sum[i] := 0.0; for vloc := top to bottom - 1 do begin GetLine(left, vloc, width, aLine); for i := 0 to width - 1 do sum[i] := sum[i] + cvalue[aLine[i]]; end; for i := 0 to width - 1 do PlotData^[i] := sum[i] / height; PlotCount := width; PlotAvg := height; PlotStart.h := left; PlotStart.v := top + (bottom - top) div 2; PlotAngle := 0.0; ComputePlotMinAndMax; if ShowPlot then SetupPlot(start, false); end else begin {Row Average Plot} if height > MaxLine then begin PlotTooLongMsg; exit(PlotDensityProfile); end; for i := 0 to height - 1 do sum[i] := 0.0; for hloc := left to right - 1 do begin GetColumn(hloc, top, height, aLine); for i := 0 to height - 1 do sum[i] := sum[i] + cValue[aLine[i]]; end; for i := 0 to height - 1 do PlotData^[i] := sum[i] / width; PlotCount := height; PlotAvg := width; PlotStart.h := left + (right - left) div 2; PlotStart.v := top; PlotAngle := 270.0; ComputePlotMinAndMax; if ShowPlot then SetupPlot(start, true); end; end; {with} end; procedure SetScaleUProc (d: DialogPtr; item: integer); {User proc for Set Scale dialog box} var str: str255; VersInfo: str255; r: rect; begin SetPort(d); GetDItemRect(d, item, r); DrawDropBox(r); GetMenuItemText(UnitsMenuH, ord(UnitsKind) + 1, str); DrawPopUpText(str, r); end; procedure SetScale; const MeasuredDistanceID = 3; KnownDistanceID = 4; AspectRatioID = 5; ScaleID = 7; UnitsTextID = 8; var mylog: DialogPtr; item, i: integer; SaveUnitsKind, OldUnitsKind, MenuUnitsKind: UnitsType; KnownDistance, MeasuredDistance, SaveScale, TempScale, CalibratedDistance: extended; UnitsPerCM, OldUnitsPerCM, SaveRawScale, SaveAspectRatio: extended; ignore, MenuItem: integer; str: str255; SaveUnits: UnitType; isLineSelection: boolean; ulength, clength: extended; r: rect; begin if SetScaleUserProc=nil then SetScaleUserProc:=NewRoutineDescriptor(@SetScaleUProc, uppUserItemProcInfo, GetCurrentISA); with info^ do begin if (not RoiShowing) and (CurrentTool = LineTool) and (NoInfo^.roiType = LineRoi) then RestoreRoi; isLineSelection := RoiShowing and (RoiType = LineRoi); InitCursor; if isLineSelection then begin GetLengthOrPerimeter(ulength, clength); MeasuredDistance := ulength; end else MeasuredDistance := 0.0; if not SpatiallyCalibrated then xUnit := 'pixel'; GetUnitsKind(UnitsKind, UnitsPerCM); SaveUnits := xUnit; SaveUnitsKind := UnitsKind; SaveScale := xScale; SaveAspectRatio := PixelAspectRatio; KnownDistance := 0.0; mylog := GetNewDialog(10, nil, pointer(-1)); SetDReal(MyLog, MeasuredDistanceID, MeasuredDistance, 2); SetDReal(MyLog, KnownDistanceID, KnownDistance, 2); SelectdialogItemText(MyLog, KnownDistanceID, 0, 32767); SetDReal(MyLog, AspectRatioID, PixelAspectRatio, 4); SetUProc(myLog, UnitsPopupID, handle(SetScaleUserProc)); if UnitsKind = pixels then TempScale := 1.0 else TempScale := xScale; if trunc(TempScale) = TempScale then SetDReal(MyLog, ScaleID, TempScale, 0) else SetDReal(MyLog, ScaleID, TempScale, 5); SetDString(MyLog, UnitsTextID, xUnit); setport(myLog); repeat ModalDialog(nil, item); if item = MeasuredDistanceID then MeasuredDistance := GetDReal(MyLog, MeasuredDistanceID); if item = KnownDistanceID then KnownDistance := GetDReal(MyLog, KnownDistanceID); if item = ScaleID then begin MeasuredDistance := GetDReal(MyLog, ScaleID); KnownDistance := 1; SetDReal(MyLog, MeasuredDistanceID, MeasuredDistance, 2); SetDReal(MyLog, KnownDistanceID, KnownDistance, 2); end; if item = AspectRatioID then begin PixelAspectRatio := GetDReal(MyLog, AspectRatioID); if PixelAspectRatio <= 0.0 then begin beep; PixelAspectRatio := 1.0; end; end; if item = UnitsPopUpID then begin OldUnitsKind := UnitsKind; OldUnitsPerCM := UnitsPerCM; GetDItemRect(myLog, item, r); InvertRect(r); MenuItem := PopUpMenu(UnitsMenuH, r.left, r.top, ord(UnitsKind) + 1); InvertRect(r); GetMenuItemText(UnitsMenuH, MenuItem, str); DrawPopUpText(str, r); UnitsKind := UnitsType(MenuItem - 1); GetXUnits(UnitsKind); if (UnitsType(MenuItem - 1) = OtherUnits) and (OldUnitsKind <> OtherUnits) then xUnit := 'unit'; SetDString(MyLog, UnitsTextID, xUnit); GetUnitsKind(UnitsKind, UnitsPerCM); if (UnitsPerCM <> OldUnitsPerCM) and (UnitsPerCM <> 0.0) and (OldUnitsPerCM <> 0.0) then xScale := xScale * (OldUnitsPerCM / UnitsPerCM); if UnitsKind = Pixels then KnownDistance := 0.0; end; if (item = KnownDistanceID) or (item = MeasuredDistanceID) or (item = ScaleID) then if (UnitsKind = Pixels) and (item <> cancel) then PutError('Please select a measurent unit (not pixels) before setting or changing the scale.') else begin if (MeasuredDistance > 0.0) and (KnownDistance > 0.0) then xScale := MeasuredDistance / KnownDistance; end; if UnitsKind = pixels then TempScale := 1.0 else TempScale := xScale; if item <> ScaleID then begin if (trunc(TempScale) = TempScale) or (TempScale >= 10000.0) then SetDReal(MyLog, ScaleID, TempScale, 0) else if TempScale < 0.01 then SetDReal(MyLog, ScaleID, TempScale, 6) else SetDReal(MyLog, ScaleID, TempScale, 3); end; if item = UnitsTextID then begin str := GetDString(myLog, item); TruncateString(str, maxUnit); xUnit := str; GetUnitsKind(UnitsKind, UnitsPerCM); GetDItemRect(myLog, UnitsPopUpID, r); InvalRect(r); end; until (item = ok) or (item = cancel); DisposeDialog(mylog); if item = cancel then begin xUnit := SaveUnits; UnitsKind := SaveUnitsKind; xScale := SaveScale; PixelAspectRatio := SaveAspectRatio; end else Changes := true; SpatiallyCalibrated := (xScale <> 0.0) and (xUnit <> 'pixel'); if SpatiallyCalibrated then yScale := xScale / PixelAspectRatio else begin UnitsKind := Pixels; UnitsPerCm := 0.0; PixelAspectRatio:=1.0; end; UpdateTitleBar; if item<>cancel then begin NoInfo^.SpatiallyCalibrated:=SpatiallyCalibrated; NoInfo^.xUnit := xUnit; NoInfo^.xScale := xScale; NoInfo^.PixelAspectRatio := PixelAspectRatio; end; end; {with info^} end; {$PUSH} {$D-} procedure SetupCalibrationPlot; const hrange = 1024; hmax = 1023; vrange = 600; vmax = 599; SymbolSize = 11; var fRect, tRect: rect; svalue, range, hscale, vscale, MinV, MaxV: extended; tPort: GrafPtr; i, hloc, vloc: integer; SaveClipRegion: RgnHandle; pt: point; begin PlotLeftMargin := 60; PlotTopMargin := 15; PlotBottomMargin := 30; PlotRightMargin := 100; MinV := minCValue; MaxV := maxCValue; for i := 1 to nStandards do begin svalue := StandardValues[i]; if svalue < MinV then MinV := svalue; if svalue > MaxV then MaxV := svalue; end; range := MaxV - MinV; PlotWidth := hrange div 3 + PlotLeftMargin + PlotRightMargin; PlotHeight := vrange div 3 + PlotTopMargin + PlotBottomMargin; PlotLeft := 64; PlotTop := 64; for i := 0 to 255 do PlotData^[i] := cvalue[i]; PlotAvg := 1; PlotCount := 256; MakePlotWindow(PlotLeft, PlotTop, PlotWidth, PlotHeight); if PlotWindow = nil then exit(SetupCalibrationPlot); WindowPeek(PlotWindow)^.WindowKind := CalibrationPlotKind; SetRect(fRect, -SymbolSize, -SymbolSize, hmax + SymbolSize, vmax + SymbolSize); GetPort(tPort); SetPort(PlotWindow); SaveClipRegion := PlotWindow^.ClipRgn; RectRgn(PlotWindow^.ClipRgn, fRect); hscale := 256.0 / round(hrange); vscale := range / vrange; PlotPICT := OpenPicture(fRect); for i := 1 to nStandards do begin hloc := round(umean[i] / hscale); vloc := vmax - round((StandardValues[i] - minCValue) / vscale); SetRect(tRect, hloc - SymbolSize, vloc - SymbolSize, hloc + SymbolSize, vloc + SymbolSize); FrameOval(tRect); end; MoveTo(0, vmax - round((cvalue[0] - minCValue) / vscale)); for i := 1 to 255 do begin hloc := round(i / hscale); vloc := vmax - round((cvalue[i] - minCValue) / vscale); LineTo(hloc, vloc); end; ClosePicture; PlotWindow^.ClipRgn := SaveClipRegion; InvalRect(PlotWindow^.PortRect); SetPort(tPort); SelectWindow(PlotWindow); end; procedure DoCurveFitting; var i: integer; XData, YData, YFit, Residuals, TempData: ColumnVector; Variance: extended; SumResidualsSqr, SumStandards, mean, SumMeanDiffSqr, DegreesOfFreedom: extended; str1, str2: str255; begin with info^ do begin ShowWatch; if fit = RodbardFit then { need to reverse x and y to fit Rodbard equation } for i := 1 to nStandards do begin XData[i] := StandardValues[i]; YData[i] := umean[i]; end else for i := 1 to nStandards do begin XData[i] := umean[i]; YData[i] := StandardValues[i]; end; case fit of StraightLine: nCoefficients := 2; Poly2: nCoefficients := 3; Poly3: nCoefficients := 4; Poly4: nCoefficients := 5; Poly5: nCoefficients := 6; ExpoFit: nCoefficients := 2; PowerFit: nCoefficients := 2; LogFit: nCoefficients := 2; RodbardFit: nCoefficients := 4; end; DegreesOfFreedom := nStandards - nCoefficients; if DegreesOfFreedom < 0 then begin FitGoodness := 0.0; NumToString(nCoefficients, str1); case fit of StraightLine: str2 := 'straight line'; Poly2: str2 := '2nd degree polynomial'; Poly3: str2 := '3rd degree polynomial'; Poly4: str2 := '4th degree polynomial'; Poly5: str2 := '5th degree polynomial'; ExpoFit: str2 := 'exponential'; PowerFit: str2 := 'power'; LogFit: str2 := 'log'; RodbardFit: str2 := 'Rodbard'; end; str2 := concat(' standards to do ', str2, ' fitting.'); PutError(concat('You need at least ', str1, str2)); AbortMacro; fit:=Uncalibrated; exit(DoCurveFitting) end; DoSimplexFit(nStandards, nCoefficients, XData, YData, Coefficient, residuals); ZeroClip := true; for i := 1 to nStandards do if ydata[i] < 0.0 then ZeroClip := false; GenerateValues; SumResidualsSqr := 0.0; SumStandards := 0.0; if fit = RodbardFit then for i := 1 to nStandards do begin tempdata[i] := StandardValues[i]; StandardValues[i] := umean[i]; end; for i := 1 to nStandards do begin SumResidualsSqr := SumResidualsSqr + sqr(residuals[i]); SumStandards := SumStandards + StandardValues[i]; end; FitSD := Sqrt(SumResidualsSqr / nStandards); mean := SumStandards / nStandards; SumMeanDiffSqr := 0.0; for i := 1 to nStandards do SumMeanDiffSqr := SumMeanDiffSqr + sqr(StandardValues[i] - Mean); if (SumMeanDiffSqr > 0.0) and (DegreesOfFreedom <> 0) then FitGoodness := 1 - (SumResidualsSqr / DegreesOfFreedom) * ((nStandards - 1) / SumMeanDiffSqr) else FitGoodness := 1.0; if fit = RodbardFit then for i := 1 to nStandards do StandardValues[i] := tempdata[i]; end; info^.changes := true; end; procedure GetStandardsFromFile (mylog: DialogPtr; FirstLevelID, FirstStandardID: integer); var fname, str: str255; RefNum, i, nColumns, nValues: integer; rLine: RealLine; begin RefNum := 0; if not GetTextFile(fname, RefNum) then exit(GetStandardsFromFile); InitTextInput(fname, RefNum); GetLineFromText(rLine, nValues); if nValues = 1 then nColumns := 1 else nColumns := 2; if (nStandards = 0) and (nColumns = 2) then begin i := 0; repeat i := i + 1; if i > MaxStandards then i := MaxStandards; umean[i] := rLine[1]; SetDReal(MyLog, FirstLevelID + i - 1, umean[i], 2); StandardValues[i] := rLine[2]; SetDReal(MyLog, FirstStandardID + i - 1, StandardValues[i], 3); GetLineFromText(rLine, nValues); until nValues = 0; nStandards := i; mCount := nStandards; for i := 1 to mCount do begin ClearResults(i); mean^[i] := umean[i]; end; end else for i := 1 to nStandards do begin if nValues = nColumns then begin StandardValues[i] := rLine[nColumns]; SetDReal(MyLog, FirststandardID + i - 1, StandardValues[i], 3); end; GetLineFromText(rLine, nValues); end; InitCursor; end; procedure SaveStandardsToFile (nStandards: integer); var where: Point; reply: SFReply; i: integer; OptionKeyWasDown: boolean; begin OptionKeyWasDown := OptionKeyDown; where.v := 60; where.h := 100; SFPutFile(Where, 'Save Calibration as?', 'Standards', nil, reply); if reply.good then begin TextBufSize := 0; for i := 1 to nStandards do begin PutReal(umean[i], 1, 3); PutChar(tab); if StandardValues[i] >= 100.0 then PutReal(StandardValues[i], 1, 3) else PutReal(StandardValues[i], 1, 5); if i <> nStandards then PutChar(cr); end; with reply do SaveAsText(fname, vRefNum); end; InitCursor; end; procedure SetupUncalibratedOD; var i: integer; begin with info^ do begin ZeroClip := false; nCoefficients := 0; for i := 1 to 6 do Coefficient[i] := 1.0; fit := UncalibratedOD; GenerateValues; UnitOfMeasure := 'U. OD'; nStandards := 0; nKnownValues := 0; end; end; function InvertOD (var temp: StandardsArray): boolean; var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to nStandards do if (StandardValues[i] < 0.000009) or (StandardValues[i] > 4.64) then begin PutError('Known OD Values must be in the range 0.00001 to 4.62.'); InvertOD := false; exit(InvertOD); end; for i := 1 to nStandards do {temp[i] := -log10(1.000 - exp10(-StandardValues[i]));} temp[i] := -0.434294481 * ln(1.000 - exp(-2.302585093 * StandardValues[i])); InvertOD := true; end; function DoCalibrateDialog:boolean; const FirstLevelID = 3; FirstStandardID = 23; FirstFitID = 63; LastFitID = 74; {Uncalibrated OD} UnitOfMeasureID = 75; OpenID = 77; SaveID = 78; InvertID = 81; var mylog: DialogPtr; ignore, item, i, nBadReals: integer; str: str255; NewValues: StandardsArray; begin with info^ do begin mylog := GetNewDialog(20, nil, pointer(-1)); nStandards := mCount; if nStandards > MaxStandards then nStandards := MaxStandards; for i := 1 to nStandards do begin SetDReal(MyLog, FirstLevelID + i - 1, umean[i], 2); if (i <= nKnownValues) and (StandardValues[i] <> BadReal) then SetDReal(MyLog, FirstStandardID + i - 1, StandardValues[i], 3); end; SelectdialogItemText(MyLog, FirstStandardID, 0, 32767); if fit = SpareFit1 then fit := Uncalibrated; SetDlogItem(mylog, FirstFitID + ord(fit), 1); if fit <> uncalibrated then SetDString(MyLog, UnitOfMeasureID, UnitOfMeasure); repeat ModalDialog(nil, item); if (item >= FirstStandardID) and (item < (FirstStandardID + MaxStandards)) then begin i := item - FirstStandardID + 1; if i <= nStandards then StandardValues[i] := GetDReal(MyLog, item) else begin PutError('Before entering known values you must use the Measure command to read a set of standards.'); SetDString(MyLog, item, ''); end; if i > nKnownValues then nKnownValues := i; end; if (item >= FirstLevelID) and (item < (FirstLevelID + MaxStandards)) then begin i := item - FirstLevelID + 1; if OptionKeyWasDown and (i <= nStandards) then umean[item - FirstLevelID + 1] := GetDReal(MyLog, item) else begin PutError('Use the Measure command to record measured values.'); if i <= nStandards then begin RealToString(umean[i], 1, 2, str); SetDString(MyLog, item, str) end else SetDString(MyLog, item, ''); end; end; if (item >= FirstFitID) and (item <= LastFitID) then begin for i := FirstFitID to LastFitID do SetDlogItem(mylog, i, 0); SetDlogItem(mylog, item, 1); fit := CurveFitType(item - FirstFitID); end; if item = UnitOfMeasureID then begin str := GetDString(MyLog, item); TruncateString(str, maxUM); UnitOfMeasure := str; end; if item = OpenID then begin GetStandardsFromFile(mylog, FirstLevelID, FirstStandardID); nKnownValues := nStandards; end; if (item = SaveID) and (nStandards > 1) then SaveStandardsToFile(nStandards); if (item = InvertID) and (nStandards > 1) then if InvertOD(NewValues) then for i := 1 to nStandards do begin StandardValues[i] := NewValues[i]; SetDReal(MyLog, FirstStandardID + i - 1, StandardValues[i], 5); end; until (item = ok) or (item = cancel); DisposeDialog(mylog); DoCalibrateDialog:=item <> cancel; end; {with info^} end; {DoCalibrateDialog} procedure Calibrate; var nBadReals, i: integer; SaveStandards, temp: StandardsArray; begin SaveStandards := StandardValues; if not macro then if not DoCalibrateDialog then begin StandardValues := SaveStandards; exit(Calibrate); end; with info^ do begin if fit = uncalibrated then begin RemoveDensityCalibration; exit(calibrate) end; nBadReals := 0; if nStandards > nKnownValues then nStandards := nKnownValues; if fit = UncalibratedOD then SetupUncalibratedOD else begin for i := 1 to nStandards do if StandardValues[i] = BadReal then nBadReals := nBadReals + 1; if (nStandards > 0) and (nBadReals = 0) then DoCurveFitting else if fit = uncalibrated then beep; end; if fit <> uncalibrated then begin if not macro then SetupCalibrationPlot; end; NoInfo^.fit := fit; NoInfo^.nCoefficients := nCoefficients; NoInfo^.Coefficient := Coefficient; NoInfo^.ZeroClip := ZeroClip; NoInfo^.UnitOfMeasure := UnitOfMeasure; if (fit<>StraightLine) or (Coefficient[2] <> -1.0) then InvertPixelValues:=false; UpdateTitleBar; end; {with info^} end; {Calibrate} procedure ResetCounter; var AlertID: Integer; begin if UnsavedResults and (not macro) then begin InitCursor; AlertID := alert(500, nil); end else AlertID := ok; if AlertID <> CancelResetID then begin nPoints := 0; nLengths := 0; nAngles := 0; mCount := 0; mCount2 := 0; UnsavedResults := false; ShowInfo; if ResultsWindow <> nil then begin with ListTE^^ do TESetSelect(0, teLength, ListTE); TEDelete(ListTE); UpdateResultsScrollBars; end; end; measuring := false; end; procedure ShowResults; const FontSize = 9; var wrect, crect, trect: rect; loc: point; begin mCount2 := mCount; if ResultsWindow <> nil then begin SelectWindow(ResultsWindow); exit(ShowResults); end; CopyResultsToBuffer(1, mCount, true); ShowMessage(''); ResultsWidth := 110 + round(nListColumns * FieldWidth * 6.5); if ResultsWidth < 250 then ResultsWidth := 250; if (ResultsWidth + 20) > ScreenWidth then ResultsWidth := ScreenWidth - 20; ResultsHeight := ((TextBufLineCount * 2) + 2) * FontSize; if ResultsHeight < 200 then ResultsHeight := 200; if (ResultsHeight + ResultsTop + 50) > ScreenHeight then ResultsHeight := ScreenHeight - ResultsTop - 50; SetRect(wrect, ResultsLeft, ResultsTop, ResultsLeft + ResultsWidth, ResultsTop + ResultsHeight); ResultsWindow := NewWindow(nil, wrect, 'Results', true, 0, pointer(-1), true, 0); WindowPeek(ResultsWindow)^.WindowKind := ResultsKind; SetRect(crect, ResultsWidth - ScrollBarWidth, -1, ResultsWidth + 1, ResultsHeight - 14); vScrollBar := NewControl(ResultsWindow, crect, '', true, 0, 0, ResultsHeight - 14, ScrollBarProc, 0); SetRect(crect, -1, ResultsHeight - ScrollBarWidth, ResultsWidth - 14, ResultsHeight + 1); hScrollBar := NewControl(ResultsWindow, crect, '', true, 0, 0, ResultsWidth - 14, ScrollBarProc, 0); InitResultsTextEdit(Monaco, FontSize); DrawControls(ResultsWindow); WhatToUndo := NothingToUndo; end; procedure DoMeasurementOptions; const FirstID = 3; LastID = 15; RedirectID = 22; IncludeHolesID = 23; AutoID = 24; AdjustID = 25; HeadingsID = 26; MaxMeasurementsID = 21; WidthID = 19; PrecisionID = 17; var mylog: DialogPtr; item, i, SavePrecision, SaveMaxMeasurements, SaveWidth: integer; mtype: MeasurementTypes; SaveMeasurements: SetOfMeasurements; SaveRedirect: boolean; SaveAuto, SaveAdjust, SaveHeadings: boolean; begin InitCursor; if nPoints > 0 then Measurements := Measurements + [XYLocM]; if nLengths > 0 then Measurements := Measurements + [LengthM]; if nAngles > 0 then Measurements := Measurements + [AngleM]; SaveMeasurements := measurements; SaveRedirect := RedirectSampling; SaveWidth := FieldWidth; SavePrecision := precision; SaveAuto := WandAutoMeasure; SaveAdjust := WandAdjustAreas; SaveMaxMeasurements := MaxMeasurements; SaveHeadings := ShowHeadings; mylog := GetNewDialog(4000, nil, pointer(-1)); mtype := AreaM; for i := FirstID to LastID do begin if mtype in measurements then SetDlogItem(mylog, i, 1); if i <> LastID then mtype := succ(mtype); end; SetDlogItem(mylog, RedirectID, ord(RedirectSampling)); SetDlogItem(mylog, IncludeHolesID, ord(IncludeHoles)); SetDlogItem(mylog, AutoID, ord(WandAutoMeasure)); SetDlogItem(mylog, AdjustID, ord(WandAdjustAreas)); SetDlogItem(mylog, HeadingsID, ord(ShowHeadings)); SetDNum(MyLog, MaxMeasurementsID, MaxMeasurements); SetDNum(MyLog, WidthID, FieldWidth); SetDNum(MyLog, PrecisionID, precision); repeat ModalDialog(nil, item); if (item >= FirstID) and (item <= LastID) then begin i := item - FirstID; case i of 0: mtype := AreaM; 1: mtype := MeanM; 2: mtype := StdDevM; 3: mtype := xyLocM; 4: mtype := ModeM; 5: mtype := LengthM; 6: mtype := MajorAxisM; 7: mtype := MinorAxisM; 8: mtype := AngleM; 9: mtype := IntDenM; 10: mtype := MinMaxM; 11: mtype := User1M; 12: mtype := User2M; end; if mtype in measurements then begin measurements := measurements - [mtype]; SetDlogItem(mylog, item, 0) end else begin measurements := measurements + [mtype]; SetDlogItem(mylog, item, 1) end; end; if item = RedirectID then begin RedirectSampling := not RedirectSampling; SetDlogItem(mylog, RedirectID, ord(RedirectSampling)); end; if item = IncludeHolesID then begin IncludeHoles := not IncludeHoles; SetDlogItem(mylog, IncludeHolesID, ord(IncludeHoles)); end; if item = AutoID then begin WandAutoMeasure := not WandAutoMeasure; SetDlogItem(mylog, AutoID, ord(WandAutoMeasure)); end; if item = AdjustID then begin WandAdjustAreas := not WandAdjustAreas; SetDlogItem(mylog, AdjustID, ord(WandAdjustAreas)); end; if item = HeadingsID then begin ShowHeadings := not ShowHeadings; SetDlogItem(mylog, HeadingsID, ord(ShowHeadings)); end; if item = WidthID then FieldWidth := GetDNum(MyLog, WidthID); if item = PrecisionID then precision := GetDNum(MyLog, PrecisionID); if item = MaxMeasurementsID then MaxMeasurements := GetDNum(MyLog, MaxMeasurementsID); until (item = ok) or (item = cancel); DisposeDialog(mylog); if (FieldWidth < 1) or (FieldWidth > 18) then begin FieldWidth := SaveWidth; beep; end; if (precision < 0) or (precision > 8) then begin precision := SavePrecision; beep; end; if (MaxMeasurements < 1) or (MaxMeasurements > MaxMaxRegions) then begin MaxMeasurements := SaveMaxMeasurements; beep; end; if item = cancel then begin measurements := SaveMeasurements; RedirectSampling := SaveRedirect; FieldWidth := SaveWidth; precision := SavePrecision; WandAutoMeasure := SaveAuto; WandAdjustAreas := SaveAdjust; MaxMeasurements := SaveMaxMeasurements; ShowHeadings := SaveHeadings; end; if not (XYLocM in Measurements) then nPoints := 0; if not (LengthM in Measurements) then nLengths := 0; if not (AngleM in Measurements) then nAngles := 0; UpdateFitEllipse; if MaxMeasurements <> SaveMaxMeasurements then begin PutError('You must quit and restart NIH Image before the change to Max Measurements will take effect.'); SaveSettings; MaxMeasurements:=SaveMaxMeasurements; end; if (Measurements <> SaveMeasurements) or (SaveWidth <> FieldWidth) or (SavePrecision <> Precision) then UpdateList; end; procedure UpdateRoiLineWidth; begin with info^, info^.RoiRect do if RoiShowing and (RoiType = LineRoi) then begin LX1 := left + LX1; LY1 := top + LY1; LX2 := left + LX2; LY2 := top + LY2; MakeRegion; end; end; procedure DoProfilePlotOptions; const FixedScaleID = 7; MinID = 8; MaxID = 9; FixedSizeID = 10; WidthID = 11; HeightID = 12; LineWidthID = 13; LinePlotID = 14; ScatterPlotID = 15; InvertID = 16; LabelsID = 17; var mylog: DialogPtr; item, i: integer; SaveAutoscale, SaveLinePlot, SaveInvert, SaveDrawLabels, SaveFixedSize: boolean; SaveWidth, SaveHeight, SaveLineWidth, SaveLineIndex: integer; SaveMin, SaveMax: extended; begin InitCursor; SaveAutoscale := AutoscalePlots; SaveLinePlot := LinePlot; SaveInvert := InvertPlots; SaveMin := ProfilePlotMin; SaveMax := ProfilePlotMax; SaveLineWidth := LineWidth; SaveLineIndex := LineIndex; SaveWidth := ProfilePlotWidth; SaveHeight := ProfilePlotHeight; SaveDrawLabels := DrawPlotLabels; mylog := GetNewDialog(5000, nil, pointer(-1)); SetDlogItem(mylog, FixedScaleID, ord(not AutoscalePlots)); SetDReal(MyLog, MinID, ProfilePlotMin, 2); SetDReal(MyLog, MaxID, ProfilePlotMax, 2); SetDlogItem(mylog, FixedSizeID, ord(FixedSizePlot)); SetDNum(MyLog, WidthID, ProfilePlotWidth); SetDNum(MyLog, HeightID, ProfilePlotHeight); if LinePlot then SetDlogItem(mylog, LinePlotID, 1) else SetDlogItem(mylog, ScatterPlotID, 1); if InvertPlots then SetDlogItem(mylog, InvertID, 1); if DrawPlotLabels then SetDlogItem(mylog, LabelsID, 1); SetDNum(MyLog, LineWidthID, LineWidth); repeat ModalDialog(nil, item); if item = FixedScaleID then begin AutoscalePlots := not AutoscalePlots; SetDlogItem(mylog, FixedScaleID, ord(not AutoscalePlots)); end; if item = MinID then begin ProfilePlotMin := GetDReal(MyLog, MinID); AutoscalePlots := false; SetDlogItem(mylog, FixedScaleID, 1); end; if item = MaxID then begin ProfilePlotMax := GetDReal(MyLog, MaxID); AutoscalePlots := false; SetDlogItem(mylog, FixedScaleID, 1); end; if item = FixedSizeID then begin FixedSizePlot := not FixedSizePlot; SetDlogItem(mylog, FixedSizeID, ord(FixedSizePlot)); end; if item = WidthID then begin ProfilePlotWidth := GetDNum(MyLog, WidthID); if (ProfilePlotWidth < 0) or (ProfilePlotWidth > 1023) then begin ProfilePlotWidth := SaveWidth; SetDNum(MyLog, WidthID, ProfilePlotWidth); end; FixedSizePlot := true; SetDlogItem(mylog, FixedSizeID, 1); end; if item = HeightID then begin ProfilePlotHeight := GetDNum(MyLog, HeightID); if (ProfilePlotHeight < 0) or (ProfilePlotHeight > 1023) then begin ProfilePlotHeight := SaveHeight; SetDNum(MyLog, HeightID, ProfilePlotHeight); end; FixedSizePlot := true; SetDlogItem(mylog, FixedSizeID, 1); end; if (item = LinePlotID) or (item = ScatterPlotID) then begin SetDlogItem(mylog, LinePlotID, 0); SetDlogItem(mylog, ScatterPlotID, 0); SetDlogItem(mylog, item, 1); LinePlot := item = LinePlotID; end; if item = InvertID then begin InvertPlots := not InvertPlots; SetDlogItem(mylog, InvertID, ord(InvertPlots)); end; if item = LabelsID then begin DrawPlotLabels := not DrawPlotLabels; if DrawPlotLabels then {Attempt to fix a "sticky" check box bug.} SetDlogItem(mylog, LabelsID, 1) else SetDlogItem(mylog, LabelsID, 0); end; if item = LineWidthID then begin LineWidth := GetDNum(MyLog, LineWidthID); if (LineWidth < 1) or (LineWidth > 500) then begin LineWidth := SaveLineWidth; SetDNum(MyLog, LineWidthID, LineWidth); end; ShowLineWidth; end; until (item = ok) or (item = cancel); DisposeDialog(mylog); if item = cancel then begin ProfilePlotWidth := SaveWidth; ProfilePlotHeight := SaveHeight; AutoscalePlots := SaveAutoscale; LinePlot := SaveLinePlot; InvertPlots := SaveInvert; ProfilePlotMin := SaveMin; ProfilePlotMax := SaveMax; DrawPlotLabels := SaveDrawLabels; LineWidth := SaveLineWidth; if LineIndex <> SaveLineIndex then begin LineIndex := SaveLineIndex; DrawTools; end; end; if LineWidth <> SaveLineWidth then UpdateRoiLineWidth; if ProfilePlotMax <= ProfilePlotMin then begin ProfilePlotMin := SaveMin; ProfilePlotMax := SaveMax; end; end; procedure DoPoints (event: EventRecord); var loc, tloc: point; hloc, vloc, y, offset: LongInt; r: rect; str, str1, str2: str255; Decrement: boolean; SaveGDevice: GDHandle; begin Decrement := false; SaveGDevice := GetGDevice; SetGDevice(osGDevice); SetPort(GrafPtr(info^.osPort)); IndexToRgbForeColor(ForegroundIndex); loc := event.where; ScreenToOffscreen(loc); with loc do begin hloc := h; vloc := v; end; with results, Info^ do begin nPoints := nPoints + 1; IncrementCounter; if InvertYCoordinates then y := info^.PicRect.bottom - vloc - 1 else y := vloc; ClearResults(mCount); PixelCount^[mCount] := 1; if SpatiallyCalibrated then mArea^[mCount] := 1.0 / xScale * yScale else mArea^[mCount] := 1; mean^[mCount] := cvalue[MyGetPixel(hloc, vloc)]; with info^ do if SpatiallyCalibrated then begin xcenter^[mCount] := hloc / xScale; ycenter^[mCount] := y / yScale; end else begin xcenter^[mCount] := hloc; ycenter^[mCount] := y; end; end; PenNormal; if OptionKeyDown then begin NumToString(mCount, str); tloc := loc; tloc.v := tloc.v + CurrentSize div 3; DrawTextString(str, tloc, TeJustCenter); end else begin offset := LineWidth div 2; SetRect(r, hloc - offset, vloc - offset, hloc + offset + 1, vloc + offset + 1); if ShiftKeyDown then begin Decrement := true; EraseOval(r); mcount := mcount - 2; if mcount <= 0 then begin mcount := 0; UnsavedResults := false; end; nPoints := nPoints - 2; if nPoints < 0 then nPoints := 0; end else PaintOval(r); UpdateScreen(r); if ControlKeyDown then with info^ do begin if SpatiallyCalibrated then begin RealToString(hloc / xScale, 1, Precision, str1); RealToString(y / yScale, 1, Precision, str2); end else begin NumToString(hloc, str1); NumToString(y, str2); end; tloc := loc; with tloc do begin h := h + offset + 5; v := v + CurrentSize div 3; end; str := concat('(', str1, ', ', str2, ')'); DrawTextString(str, tloc, TeJustLeft); end; {Control Key Down} end; SetGDevice(SaveGDevice); InfoMessage := ''; ShowInfo; if Decrement then begin DeleteLines(mcount + 1, mcount + 1); WhatToUndo := NothingToUndo; end else begin AppendResults; if (nPoints = 1) then if not (XYlocM in Measurements) then UpdateList; measuring := true; WhatToUndo := UndoPoint; end; end; procedure FindAngle (event: EventRecord); var start, finish, OldFinish, MidPoint, first: point; ticks: LongInt; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; angle, angle1, angle2: extended; StartRect: rect; FirstLineDone: boolean; begin if NoUndo then exit(FindAngle); DrawLabels('Angle:', '', ''); FlushEvents(EveryEvent, 0); start := event.where; Pt2Rect(start, start, StartRect); InsetRect(StartRect, -2, -2); finish := start; SetPort(info^.wptr); PenNormal; PenMode(PatXor); PenSize(1, 1); MoveTo(start.h, start.v); first := start; repeat repeat OldFinish := finish; GetMouse(finish); MoveTo(start.h, start.v); LineTo(OldFinish.h, OldFinish.v); MoveTo(start.h, start.v); LineTo(finish.h, finish.v); ticks := TickCount; while ticks = TickCount do ; x1 := finish.h - start.h; y1 := start.v - finish.v; angle1 := GetAngle(x1, info^.PixelAspectRatio * y1); Show1Value(angle1, NoValue); until GetNextEvent(mUpMask, event); FirstLineDone := not PtInRect(finish, StartRect); if not FirstLineDone then start := finish; until FirstLineDone; MidPoint := finish; x1 := start.h - MidPoint.h; y1 := MidPoint.v - start.v; angle1 := GetAngle(x1, info^.PixelAspectRatio * y1); start := finish; finish := start; repeat OldFinish := finish; GetMouse(finish); MoveTo(start.h, start.v); LineTo(OldFinish.h, OldFinish.v); MoveTo(start.h, start.v); LineTo(finish.h, finish.v); ticks := TickCount; while ticks = TickCount do ; x2 := finish.h - MidPoint.h; y2 := MidPoint.v - finish.v; angle2 := GetAngle(x2, info^.PixelAspectRatio * y2); with results do begin if angle1 >= angle2 then angle := angle1 - angle2 else angle := angle2 - angle1; if angle > 180.0 then angle := 360.0 - angle; Show1Value(angle, NoValue); end; until GetNextEvent(mUpMask, event); nAngles := nAngles + 1; IncrementCounter; ClearResults(mCount); Orientation^[mCount] := angle; InfoMessage := ''; ShowInfo; AppendResults; if nAngles = 1 then UpdateList; repeat until not GetNextEvent(EveryEvent, Event); {FlushEvent doesn't work under A/UX!} xCoordinates^[1] := first.h; yCoordinates^[1] := first.v; xCoordinates^[2] := midpoint.h; yCoordinates^[2] := midpoint.v; xCoordinates^[3] := finish.h; yCoordinates^[3] := finish.v; nCoordinates := 3; MakeNonStraightLineRoi(SegLineRoi); end; procedure SaveBlankField; var SaveInfo: InfoPtr; i, xLines, xPixelsPerLine: integer; src, dst: ptr; SaveFlag: boolean; name: str255; begin if info^.PictureType = FrameGrabberType then begin GetWTitle(info^.wptr, name); if pos('(Corrected)', name) > 0 then begin PutError('To save a blank field the captured image must be uncorrected.'); exit(SaveBlankField); end; SaveInfo := info; if BlankFieldInfo = nil then begin if not Duplicate('Blank Field', true) then exit(SaveBlankField); end; src := info^.PicBaseAddr; dst := BlankFieldInfo^.PicBaseAddr; with Info^.PicRect do begin xLines := bottom - top; xPixelsPerLine := right - left; end; for i := 1 to xLines do begin BlockMove(src, dst, xPixelsPerLine); src := ptr(ord4(src) + info^.BytesPerRow); dst := ptr(ord4(dst) + xPixelsPerLine); end; Info := BlankFieldInfo; InvertPic; SaveFlag := digitizing; digitizing := false; SelectAll(false); ShowCount := false; Measure; ShowCount := true; digitizing := SaveFlag; BlankFieldMean := round(results.UncalibratedMean); UndoLastMeasurement(false); KillRoi; UpdatePicWindow; info := SaveInfo; SelectWindow(Info^.wptr); end; end; procedure UndoLastMeasurement (DisplayResults: boolean); begin if mCount > 0 then begin if DisplayResults then DeleteLines(mCount, mCount); mCount := mCount - 1; if mCount = 0 then UnsavedResults := false; end else WhatToUndo := NothingToUndo; if DisplayResults then ShowInfo; end; function PixelInside (hloc, vloc: integer): boolean; var value: integer; begin value := MyGetPixel(hloc, vloc); case ThresholdingMode of DensitySlice: PixelInside := (value >= SliceStart) and (value <= SliceEnd); GrayMapThresholding: PixelInside := value >= GrayMapThreshold; BinaryImage: PixelInside := value = BlackIndex; end; end; function TraceEdge (hstart, vstart: integer; StartingDirection: char; var TouchingEdge: boolean): boolean; {Traces the points(not pixels) that define the edge of an object using the following} {16 entry lookup table and converts the resulting outline to a QuickDraw region.} {Index 1234* Code Result} {0 0000 X Should never happen} {1 000X R Go Right} {2 00X0 D Go Down} {3 00XX R Go Right} {4 0X00 U Go Up} {5 0X0X U Go Up} {6 0XX0 u Go up or down depending on current direction} {7 0XXX U Go up} {8 X000 L Go left} {9 X00X l Go left or right depending on current direction} {10 X0X0 D Go down} {11 X0XX R Go right} {12 XX00 L Go left} {13 XX0X L Go left} {14 XXX0 D Go down} {15 XXXX X Should never happen} {* 1=Upper left pixel, 2=Upper right pixel, 3=Lower left pixel, 4=Lower right pixel} var count, hloc, vloc, index, SaveBackground: integer; Saveport: GrafPtr; direction, NewDirection: char; table: string[16]; UL, UR, LL, LR, SaveCoordinates: boolean; TempRgn: RgnHandle; begin TouchingEdge := false; table := 'XRDRUUuULlDRLLDX'; GetPort(SavePort); SetPort(GrafPtr(info^.osPort)); if SelectionMode <> NewSelection then TempRgn := NewRgn; with info^ do begin SaveBackground := BackgroundIndex; {We want MyGetPixel to always return 0} BackgroundIndex := WhiteIndex; {for coordinates beyond the edge of the image.} PenNormal; OpenRgn; direction := StartingDirection; hloc := hstart; vloc := vstart; UL := PixelInside(hloc - 1, vloc - 1); UR := PixelInside(hloc, vloc - 1); LL := PixelInside(hloc - 1, vloc); LR := PixelInside(hloc, vloc); MoveTo(hstart, vstart); SaveCoordinates := not MakingLOI; if SaveCoordinates then begin xCoordinates^[1] := hstart; yCoordinates^[1] := vstart; end; count := 1; repeat if IgnoreParticlesTouchingEdge then with info^.PicRect do TouchingEdge := TouchingEdge or (hloc = left) or (hloc = right) or (vloc = top) or (vloc = bottom); index := 0; if LR then index := bor(index, 1); if LL then index := bor(index, 2); if UR then index := bor(index, 4); if UL then index := bor(index, 8); NewDirection := table[index + 1]; if NewDirection = 'u' then begin if direction = 'R' then NewDirection := 'U' else NewDirection := 'D' end; if NewDirection = 'l' then begin if direction = 'U' then NewDirection := 'L' else NewDirection := 'R' end; if NewDirection <> direction then begin LineTo(hloc, vloc); if SaveCoordinates then begin xCoordinates^[count] := hloc; yCoordinates^[count] := vloc; count := count + 1; end; end; case NewDirection of 'U': begin vloc := vloc - 1; LL := UL; LR := UR; UL := PixelInside(hloc - 1, vloc - 1); UR := PixelInside(hloc, vloc - 1); end; 'D': begin vloc := vloc + 1; UL := LL; UR := LR; LL := PixelInside(hloc - 1, vloc); LR := PixelInside(hloc, vloc); end; 'L': begin hloc := hloc - 1; UR := UL; LR := LL; UL := PixelInside(hloc - 1, vloc - 1); LL := PixelInside(hloc - 1, vloc); end; 'R': begin hloc := hloc + 1; UL := UR; LL := LR; UR := PixelInside(hloc, vloc - 1); LR := PixelInside(hloc, vloc); end; end; direction := NewDirection; until ((hloc = hstart) and (vloc = vstart) and (direction = StartingDirection)) or (count >= MaxCoordinates); LineTo(hstart, vstart); if SelectionMode <> NewSelection then CloseRgn(TempRgn) else CloseRgn(roiRgn); {ShowMessage(StringOf(count, ' ', GetHandleSize(handle(roiRgn)))); beep;} with roiRgn^^.rgnBBox do if (count >= MaxCoordinates) or (((right - left) = 0) and ((bottom - top) = 0)) then begin SetEmptyRgn(roiRgn); SetPort(SavePort); TraceEdge := false; BackgroundIndex := SaveBackground; nCoordinates := 0; AbortMacro; PutError(StringOf('Perimeter too long.', cr, '(', count:1, ' coordinates)')); exit(TraceEdge); end; if (SelectionMode = AddSelection) then begin if RgnNotTooBig(roiRgn, TempRgn) then UnionRgn(roiRgn, TempRgn, roiRgn); end else if (SelectionMode = SubSelection) then begin if RgnNotTooBig(roiRgn, TempRgn) then DiffRgn(roiRgn, TempRgn, roiRgn); end; RoiShowing := true; roiType := TracedRoi; if SelectionMode = SubSelection then UpdateScreen(RoiRect); RoiRect := roiRgn^^.rgnBBox; BackgroundIndex := SaveBackground; end; {with info} if SelectionMode <> NewSelection then DisposeRgn(TempRgn); SetPort(SavePort); if SaveCoordinates then begin nCoordinates := count - 1; MakeCoordinatesRelative; end; TraceEdge := true; end; procedure MarkSelection (count: integer); var SavePort: GrafPtr; NumWidth, NumLeft, NumBottom, SaveForegroundIndex: integer; RoiWidth, inset, hcenter, vcenter: integer; str: str255; r: rect; OutlineWithEllipse: boolean; xc, yc: extended; SaveGDevice: GDHandle; begin OutlineWithEllipse := FitEllipse and OptionKeyWasDown; with info^ do begin KillRoi; SetupUndo; WhatToUndo := UndoOutline; SaveGDevice := GetGDevice; SetGDevice(osGDevice); GetPort(SavePort); SetPort(GrafPtr(osPort)); SaveForegroundIndex := ForegroundIndex; SetForegroundColor(WhiteIndex); PenNormal; TextFont(Geneva); TextSize(9); NumToString(count, str); with RoiRect do begin NumWidth := StringWidth(str); if AnalyzingParticles or OutlineWithEllipse then begin xc := xcenter^[count]; yc := ycenter^[count]; if SpatiallyCalibrated then begin xc := xc * xScale; yc := yc * yScale; end; hcenter := round(xc); vcenter := round(yc); if InvertYCoordinates then vcenter := PicRect.bottom - vcenter - 1 end else begin hcenter := left + (right - left) div 2; vcenter := top + (bottom - top) div 2; end; NumLeft := hcenter - NumWidth div 2; NumBottom := vcenter + 3; if not BinaryPic and not AnalyzingParticles then begin FrameRgn(roiRgn); if OutlineWithEllipse then DrawEllipse; end; end; PenNormal; SetRect(r, NumLeft - 1, NumBottom - 9, NumLeft + NumWidth + 1, NumBottom + 1); PaintRoundRect(r, 4, 4); MoveTo(NumLeft, NumBottom); TextMode(srcXor); DrawString(str); SetForegroundColor(SaveForegroundIndex); if not analyzingParticles then UpdateScreen(RoiRect); SetPort(SavePort); SetGDevice(SaveGDevice); changes := true; end; end; function isBinaryImage: boolean; var SaveRoiRect: rect; SaveRedirectFlag: boolean; begin with info^ do begin SaveRoiRect := RoiRect; RoiRect := PicRect; if RedirectSampling then GetHistogram else GetRectHistogram; BinaryPic := (histogram[0] + histogram[255]) = PixelsPerLine * nLines; isBinaryImage := BinaryPic; RoiRect := SaveRoiRect; end; end; function SetupAutoOutline (BinaryPixel: boolean): boolean; begin SetupAutoOutline := false; FindThresholdingMode; if (ThresholdingMode = NoThresholding) or MakingLOI then if isBinaryImage or BinaryPixel then ThresholdingMode := BinaryImage; if ThresholdingMode = NoThresholding then begin if not macro or AnalyzingParticles then PutError('Sorry, but you must be thresholding, or working with a binary image, to use the wand tool or to do particle analysis.'); exit(SetupAutoOutline); end; if (ThresholdingMode = GrayMapThresholding) and (GrayMapThreshold = 0) then begin PutError(' Threshold must be non-zero.'); exit(SetupAutoOutline); end; if not MakingLOI then ShowWatch; SetupAutoOutline := true; end; procedure AutoOutline (start: point); var hloc, vloc: integer; TouchingEdge, BinaryPixel: boolean; direction: char; count: LongInt; Perimeter, CalibratedPerimeter, AspectRatio: extended; begin with start do BinaryPixel := (MyGetPixel(h, v) = WhiteIndex) or (MyGetPixel(h, v) = BlackIndex); if not SetupAutoOutline(BinaryPixel) then exit(AutoOutline); if SelectionMode = NewSelection then KillRoi; with info^ do begin with start do if PixelInside(h, v) then begin repeat h := h + 1; until not PixelInside(h, v) or (h >= PicRect.right); if not PixelInside(h - 1, v - 1) then direction := 'R' else if PixelInside(h, v - 1) then direction := 'L' else direction := 'D'; end else begin repeat h := h + 1; until PixelInside(h, v) or (h >= PicRect.right); direction := 'U'; if h >= PicRect.right then begin if not macro then beep; exit(AutoOutline); end; end; if TraceEdge(start.h, start.v, direction, TouchingEdge) then begin if GetHandleSize(handle(roiRgn)) = 10 then roiType := RectRoi; WhatToUndo := NothingToUndo; if WandAutoMeasure and not MakingLOI then begin GetHistogram; ComputeResults; if WandAdjustAreas then begin GetLengthOrPerimeter(Perimeter, CalibratedPerimeter); with RoiRect do AspectRatio := (right - left) / (bottom - top); count := PixelCount^[mCount] + round(Perimeter / 2.0 + AspectRatio * 1.5); PixelCount^[mCount] := count; if SpatiallyCalibrated then mArea^[mCount] := count / (xScale * yScale) else mArea^[mCount] := count; end; ShowInfo; AppendResults; WhatToUndo := UndoMeasurement; if LabelParticles then MarkSelection(mCount); end; if not (WandAutoMeasure and LabelParticles) then RoiShowing := true; if not MakingLOI then UpdateScreen(RoiRect); if not WandAutoMeasure then measuring := false; end; {if} end; {with info} end; procedure RedoMeasurement; var SaveN, temp: integer; Canceled: boolean; begin if not isSelectionTool then begin CurrentTool := SelectionTool; isSelectionTool := true; DrawTools; end; temp := GetInt('Measurement to Redo:', mCount, Canceled); if canceled then exit(RedoMeasurement); MeasurementToRedo := temp; if (MeasurementToRedo >= 1) and (MeasurementToRedo <= mCount) then begin SaveN := mCount; mCount := MeasurementToRedo; ShowInfo; mCount := SaveN; end else begin beep; MeasurementToRedo := 0; end; end; procedure DeleteMeasurement; var nToDelete, i: integer; Canceled: boolean; begin nToDelete := GetInt('Measurement to delete:', mCount, Canceled); if (nToDelete >= 1) and (nToDelete <= mCount) and not Canceled then begin for i := nToDelete to mCount - 1 do begin mean^[i] := mean^[i + 1]; sd^[i] := sd^[i + 1]; PixelCount^[i] := PixelCount^[i + 1]; mArea^[i] := mArea^[i + 1]; mode^[i] := mode^[i + 1]; IntegratedDensity^[i] := IntegratedDensity^[i + 1]; idBackground^[i] := idBackground^[i + 1]; xcenter^[i] := xcenter^[i + 1]; ycenter^[i] := ycenter^[i + 1]; MajorAxis^[i] := MajorAxis^[i + 1]; MinorAxis^[i] := MinorAxis^[i + 1]; orientation^[i] := orientation^[i + 1]; mMin^[i] := mMin^[i + 1]; mMax^[i] := mMax^[i + 1]; plength^[i] := plength^[i + 1]; end; {for} mCount := mCount - 1; if mCount = 0 then begin UnsavedResults := false; beep; end; UpdateList; if (nStandards>=1) and (nToDelete<=nStandards) then begin for i := nToDelete to nStandards-1 do umean[i] := umean[i + 1]; nStandards := nStandards - 1; end; end else if not Canceled then beep; end; function DoAPDialog: boolean; const MinID = 6; MaxID = 7; LabelID = 8; OutlineID = 9; IgnoreID = 10; IncludeHolesID = 11; ResetID = 12; var mylog: DialogPtr; item: integer; begin InitCursor; mylog := GetNewDialog(220, nil, pointer(-1)); SetDNum(MyLog, MinID, MinParticleSize); SetDNum(MyLog, MaxID, MaxParticleSize); SetDlogItem(mylog, IgnoreID, ord(IgnoreParticlesTouchingEdge)); SetDlogItem(mylog, LabelID, ord(LabelParticles)); SetDlogItem(mylog, OutlineID, ord(OutlineParticles)); SetDlogItem(mylog, IncludeHolesID, ord(IncludeHoles)); SetDlogItem(mylog, ResetID, ord(APReset)); repeat ModalDialog(nil, item); if item = MinID then MinParticleSize := GetDNum(MyLog, MinID); if item = MaxID then MaxParticleSize := GetDNum(MyLog, MaxID); if item = IgnoreID then begin IgnoreParticlesTouchingEdge := not IgnoreParticlesTouchingEdge; SetDlogItem(mylog, IgnoreID, ord(IgnoreParticlesTouchingEdge)); end; if item = LabelID then begin LabelParticles := not LabelParticles; SetDlogItem(mylog, LabelID, ord(LabelParticles)); end; if item = OutlineID then begin OutlineParticles := not OutlineParticles; SetDlogItem(mylog, OutlineID, ord(OutlineParticles)); end; if item = IncludeHolesID then begin IncludeHoles := not IncludeHoles; SetDlogItem(mylog, IncludeHolesID, ord(IncludeHoles)); end; if item = ResetID then begin APReset := not APReset; SetDlogItem(mylog, ResetID, ord(APReset)); end; until (item = ok) or (item = cancel); DisposeDialog(mylog); if MinParticleSize < 1 then MinParticleSize := 1; if MaxParticleSize > 9999999 then MaxParticleSize := 9999999; if MaxParticleSize <= MinParticleSize then begin MinParticleSize := 1; MaxParticleSize := 999999; end; DoAPDialog := item <> cancel; end; procedure AnalyzeParticles; { Here's how it works: (thanks to Stein Roervik) for each line do for each pixel in this line do if the pixel value is "inside" the threshold range then trace the edge to mark the object do the measurement fill the object with a colour that is outside the threshold range else continue the scan } var hloc, vloc, AlertID, index, MaxTriesPerLine, nParticles: integer; SaveSliceState, TouchingEdge, DrawOutlines, AutoSelectAll, finished, OutsideSelection: boolean; SaveForegroundIndex, SaveBackgroundIndex, EraseIndex, OutlineIndex: integer; savePort: GrafPtr; ScanRect: rect; side: (TopSide, RightSide, BottomSide, LeftSide); dstRgn: rgnHandle; StartCount: integer; SaveGDevice: GDHandle; function PixelInside: boolean; var value: integer; offset: LongInt; p: ptr; begin with info^ do begin {MyGetPixel inlined to speed things up.} offset := vloc * BytesPerRow + hloc; p := ptr(ord4(PicBaseAddr) + offset); end; value := BAND(p^, 255); case ThresholdingMode of DensitySlice: PixelInside := (value >= SliceStart) and (value <= SliceEnd); GrayMapThresholding: PixelInside := value >= GrayMapThreshold; BinaryImage: PixelInside := value = BlackIndex; end; end; procedure LabelBlobs; var i,j: integer; begin j := 0; if (StartCount - 1 + nParticles) <= MaxMeasurements then for i := StartCount to mCount do begin MarkSelection(i); j := j + 1; if j mod 50 = 0 then UpdatePicWindow; if CommandPeriod then begin beep; leave; end; end; end; procedure abort; begin SetGDevice(SaveGDevice); SetPort(SavePort); if LabelParticles then LabelBlobs; DensitySlicing := SaveSliceState; SetForegroundColor(SaveForegroundIndex); SetBackgroundColor(SaveBackgroundIndex); KillRoi; UpdatePicWindow; WhatToUndo := UndoEdit; UndoFromClip := true; AnalyzingParticles := false; DisposeRgn(dstRgn); end; begin with info^ do begin if NotInBounds or NoUndo then exit(AnalyzeParticles); if not SetupAutoOutline(false) then exit(AnalyzeParticles); if not macro and not OptionKeyWasDown then if not DoAPDialog then exit(AnalyzeParticles); AutoSelectAll := not RoiShowing; if AutoSelectAll then SelectAll(false); ScanRect := RoiRect; if not AutoSelectAll then with ScanRect do begin left := picrect.left; right := PicRect.right; end; KillRoi; if APReset then begin ResetCounter; if mCount > 0 then exit(AnalyzeParticles); end; StartCount := mCount + 1; UpdatePicWindow; SetupUndoFromClip; SaveSliceState := DensitySlicing; SaveForegroundIndex := ForegroundIndex; SaveBackgroundIndex := BackgroundIndex; SetForegroundColor(WhiteIndex); DensitySlicing := false; DrawOutlines := false; case ThresholdingMode of DensitySlice: begin EraseIndex := SliceStart - 1; if EraseIndex < 0 then EraseIndex := WhiteIndex; DrawOutlines := OutlineParticles; OutLineIndex := BlackIndex; end; GrayMapThresholding: begin EraseIndex := GrayMapThreshold - 1; if EraseIndex < 0 then EraseIndex := WhiteIndex; end; BinaryImage: begin DrawOutlines := OutlineParticles; OutLineIndex := 254; EraseIndex := 128; end; end; AnalyzingParticles := true; nParticles := 0; SaveGDevice := GetGDevice; SetGDevice(osGDevice); GetPort(SavePort); SetPort(GrafPtr(osPort)); dstRgn := NewRgn; SelectionMode := NewSelection; ShowWatch; with ScanRect do for vloc := top to bottom - 1 do for hloc := left to right - 1 do begin if PixelInside then begin if TraceEdge(hloc, vloc, 'U', TouchingEdge) then begin nParticles := nParticles + 1; RoiShowing := false; if mCount < MaxMeasurements then begin GetHistogram; ComputeResults; end; SetBackgroundColor(EraseIndex); EraseRgn(roiRgn); if AutoSelectAll then OutSideSelection := false else begin SectRgn(roiRgn, NoInfo^.RoiRgn, dstRgn); OutSideSelection := EmptyRgn(dstRgn); end; if (PixelCount^[mCount] < MinParticleSize) or (PixelCount^[mCount] > MaxParticleSize) or TouchingEdge or OutsideSelection then begin mCount := mCount - 1; nParticles := nParticles - 1; UpdateScreen(RoiRect); if AnalyzingParticles = false then begin abort; exit(AnalyzeParticles); end; end else begin if DrawOutlines then begin SetForegroundColor(OutlineIndex); FrameRgn(roiRgn); end; UpdateScreen(RoiRect); if nParticles <= MaxMeasurements then AppendResults; if (nParticles mod 10) = 0 then ShowMessage(long2str(nParticles)); if nParticles = MaxMeasurements then beep; if CommandPeriod or (AnalyzingParticles = false) then begin {quit} beep; abort; exit(AnalyzeParticles); end; {quit} end; end {if TraceEdge} else begin abort; {perimeter too large} exit(AnalyzeParticles); end; end; {if PixelInside} end; {for} end; {with} ShowMessage(StringOf('Count=',nParticles:1)); SetGDevice(SaveGDevice); SetPort(SavePort); if LabelParticles then LabelBlobs; DensitySlicing := SaveSliceState; SetForegroundColor(SaveForegroundIndex); SetBackgroundColor(SaveBackgroundIndex); KillRoi; UpdatePicWindow; if ThresholdingMode = GrayMapThresholding then ResetGrayMap; WhatToUndo := UndoEdit; UndoFromClip := true; AnalyzingParticles := false; DisposeRgn(dstRgn); end; procedure MakeNonStraightLineRoi (RoiKind: RoiTypeType); var i, ff: integer; SaveInfo: InfoPtr; pt, spt, start: point; SaveGDevice: GDHandle; begin SetupUndoInfoRec; SaveInfo := Info; Info := UndoInfo; SaveGDevice := GetGDevice; SetGDevice(osGDevice); with info^ do begin magnification := SaveInfo^.magnification; SrcRect := SaveInfo^.SrcRect; BinaryPic := true; SetPort(GrafPtr(osPort)); end; IndexToRgbForeColor(BlackIndex); IndexToRgbBackColor(WhiteIndex); PenNormal; PenSize(LineWidth, LineWidth); EraseRect(info^.PicRect); ff := LineWidth div 2; if ff < 0 then ff := 0; MakingLOI := true; ConvertCoordinates; spt.h := xCoordinates^[1]; spt.v := yCoordinates^[1]; MoveTo(spt.h - ff, spt.v - ff); for i := 2 to nCoordinates do begin pt.h := xCoordinates^[i]; pt.v := yCoordinates^[i]; LineTo(pt.h - ff, pt.v - ff); end; start := spt; start.h := start.h - 1; AutoOutline(start); MakingLOI := false; info^.RoiShowing := false; Info := SaveInfo; SetGDevice(SaveGDevice); with info^ do begin CopyRgn(UndoInfo^.roiRgn, roiRgn); RoiRect := UndoInfo^.RoiRect; SetEmptyRgn(UndoInfo^.roiRgn); RoiShowing := true; SetupUndo; roiType := RoiKind; with RoiRect do begin LX1 := spt.h - left; LY1 := spt.v - top; LX2 := pt.h - left; LY2 := pt.v - top; end; end; {with info^} MakeCoordinatesRelative; end; end.