unit User; {This module is a good place to put user additions to Image. You will need } {to uncomment the call to InitUser in Image.p.} interface uses QuickDraw, Palettes, PrintTraps, globals, Utilities, Graphics, Filters, Analysis; procedure InitUser; procedure DoUserCommand1; procedure DoUserCommand2; procedure DoUserMenuEvent (MenuItem: integer); procedure OldUserMacroCode (CodeNumber: integer; Param1, Param2, Param3: extended); procedure UserMacroCode (str: str255; Param1, Param2, Param3: extended); implementation {User global variables go here.} var color, MinSpacing: integer; SaveInfo: InfoPtr; PeakRadius, Peakedness: extended; procedure InitUser; begin UserMenuH := GetMenu(UserMenu); InsertMenu(UserMenuH, 0); DrawMenuBar; {Additional user initialization code goes here.} end; procedure DrawDot (row, column, RowOffset, ColumnOffset: integer; big: boolean); var h, v: integer; begin if big then begin for h := -1 to 1 do for v := -1 to 1 do PutPixel(column * 16 + ColumnOffset * 4 + h + 16, row * 16 + RowOffset * 4 + v + 16, color) end else PutPixel(column * 16 + ColumnOffset * 4 + 16, row * 16 + RowOffset * 4 + 16, color); end; procedure DrawNeighborhood (i, row, column: integer); begin DrawDot(row, column, 0, 0, BitAnd(i, 1) = 1); DrawDot(row, column, 0, 1, BitAnd(i, 2) = 2); DrawDot(row, column, 0, 2, BitAnd(i, 4) = 4); DrawDot(row, column, 1, 2, BitAnd(i, 8) = 8); DrawDot(row, column, 2, 2, BitAnd(i, 16) = 16); DrawDot(row, column, 2, 1, BitAnd(i, 32) = 32); DrawDot(row, column, 2, 0, BitAnd(i, 64) = 64); DrawDot(row, column, 1, 0, BitAnd(i, 128) = 128); DrawDot(row, column, 1, 1, true); end; procedure SetColor (i: integer); {Color neighborhoods to show which ones would be removed on the first pass(150), second pass(100),} {or either pass(200) when using the Zhang and Suen thinning algorithm(CACM, Mar. 1984,236-239).} var p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, A, B: integer; begin p2 := bsr(band(i, 2), 1); p3 := bsr(band(i, 4), 2); p4 := bsr(band(i, 8), 3); p5 := bsr(band(i, 16), 4); p6 := bsr(band(i, 32), 5); p7 := bsr(band(i, 64), 6); p8 := bsr(band(i, 128), 7); p9 := band(i, 1); A := 0; if (p2 = 0) and (p3 = 1) then A := A + 1; if (p3 = 0) and (p4 = 1) then A := A + 1; if (p4 = 0) and (p5 = 1) then A := A + 1; if (p5 = 0) and (p6 = 1) then A := A + 1; if (p6 = 0) and (p7 = 1) then A := A + 1; if (p7 = 0) and (p8 = 1) then A := A + 1; if (p8 = 0) and (p9 = 1) then A := A + 1; if (p9 = 0) and (p2 = 1) then A := A + 1; B := p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6 + p7 + p8 + p9; color := 255; if A = 1 then if (B >= 2) and (B <= 6) then begin if ((p2 * p4 * p6 = 0) and (p4 * p6 * p8 = 0)) and ((p2 * p4 * p8 = 0) and (p2 * p6 * p8 = 0)) then color := 200 else if (p2 * p4 * p6 = 0) and (p4 * p6 * p8 = 0) then color := 150 else if (p2 * p4 * p8 = 0) and (p2 * p6 * p8 = 0) then color := 100; end; end; procedure DoUserCommand1; {Generates a table showing all possible 3x3 neighborhoods. This table is used} { for making up the "fate table" used by the Skeletonize command and the Wand tool.} var row, column, index: integer; begin row := 0; column := 0; if NewPicWindow('Fate Table', 600, 200) then for index := 0 to 255 do begin SetColor(index); DrawNeighborhood(index, row, column); column := column + 1; if column = 32 then begin row := row + 1; column := 0; end; end; end; function isPeak (x, y, MinValue: integer): boolean; var delta, angle, dx, dy: real; v, i, v2, maxv2, x2, y2, v2count, nSamples: integer; sample: LineType; minlower, count, nLower, maxCount: integer; PeakFound: boolean; mask: rect; begin isPeak := false; v := MyGetPixel(x, y); if v < MinValue then exit(isPeak); if v <= MyGetPixel(x + 1, y) then exit(isPeak); if v <= MyGetPixel(x + 1, y + 1) then exit(isPeak); if v <= MyGetPixel(x, y + 1) then exit(isPeak); if v <= MyGetPixel(x - 1, y + 1) then exit(isPeak); if v < MyGetPixel(x - 1, y) then exit(isPeak); if (v < MyGetPixel(x - 1, y - 1)) then exit(isPeak); if v < MyGetPixel(x, y - 1) then exit(isPeak); if v < MyGetPixel(x + 1, y - 1) then exit(isPeak); nSamples := round(4 * PeakRadius); delta := 2.0 * pi / nsamples; angle := 0.0; maxv2 := round((1.0 - Peakedness) * v); for i := 1 to nSamples do begin dx := PeakRadius * cos(angle); dy := PeakRadius * sin(angle); sample[i] := GetInterpolatedPixel(x + dx, y + dy); angle := angle + delta; end; minLower := round(0.677 * nsamples); PeakFound := false; count := 0; i := 1; nLower := 0; maxCount := nSamples + minLower; repeat if sample[i] <= maxv2 then nLower := nLower + 1 else nLower := 0; PeakFound := nLower >= minLower; i := i + 1; if i > nSamples then i := 1; count := count + 1; until PeakFound or (count = maxCount); if PeakFound then begin info := SaveInfo; with info^ do begin SetRect(RoiRect, x - MinSpacing + 1, y - MinSpacing + 1, x + MinSpacing, y + MinSpacing); with RoiRect do begin if left < 0 then left := 0; if top < 0 then top := 0; if right > PicRect.right then right := PicRect.right; if bottom > PicRect.bottom then bottom := PicRect.bottom; end; GetRectHistogram; PeakFound := histogram[0] = 0; end; {with} Info := UndoInfo; end; isPeak := PeakFound; end; procedure FindPeaks (MinValue, PeakRadiusP, PeakednessP: extended); var x, y, i, iMinValue: integer; AutoSelectAll: boolean; srect, mask: rect; count: LongInt; t: FateTable; begin if NotRectangular or NotInBounds or NoUndo then exit(FindPeaks); iMinValue := round(MinValue); if iMinValue < 10 then iMinValue := 10; if iMinValue > 150 then iMinValue := 150; PeakRadius := PeakRadiusP; if PeakRadius = 0.0 then PeakRadius := 6.0; if PeakRadius < 1.0 then PeakRadius := 1.0; if PeakRadius > 50.0 then PeakRadius := 50.0; MinSpacing := round(PeakRadius) - 1; if MinSpacing < 1 then MinSpacing := 1; if MinSpacing > 4 then MinSpacing := 4; Peakedness := PeakednessP; if Peakedness = 0.0 then Peakedness := 0.2; if Peakedness < 0.05 then Peakedness := 0.05; if Peakedness > 0.95 then Peakedness := 0.95; AutoSelectAll := not Info^.RoiShowing; if AutoSelectAll then SelectAll(true); ShowWatch; SetupUndo; WhatToUndo := UndoEdit; SetupUndoInfoRec; SaveInfo := Info; srect := info^.roiRect; KillRoi; ChangeValues(0, 0, 1); info := UndoInfo; count := 0; with srect do for y := top to bottom - 1 do begin if CommandPeriod then begin beep; Info := SaveInfo; leave; end; for x := left to right - 1 do if isPeak(x, y, iMinValue) then begin count := count + 1; Info := SaveInfo; PutPixel(x, y, 0); {PutPixel(x - 1, y, 0);} {PutPixel(x - 1, y - 1, 0);} {PutPixel(x, y - 1, 0);} SetRect(mask, x - 1, y - 1, x + 1, y + 1); UpdateScreen(mask); Info := UndoInfo; if count < MaxMeasurements then begin User1^[count] := x; User2^[count] := y; end; ShowMessage(concat(long2str(y), ' ', long2str(count))); end; end; Info := SaveInfo; if count < MaxMeasurements then begin UnsavedResults := false; ResetCounter; for i := 1 to count do begin ClearResults(i); xcenter^[i] := User1^[i]; ycenter^[i] := User2^[i]; end; mCount := count; UpdateList; ShowValues; end else PutMessage('"Max Measurements" is too small.'); ShowMessage(concat('Count=', long2str(count), cr, 'Threshold=', long2str(iMinValue))); end; procedure ComputeBirefringence (scale, offset: real); {This an example of how to do image math using a UserCode macro routine.} {It executes the following formula} {SQRT ( ( I1 - I2 ) ^ 2 + ( I3 - I4 ) ^ 2 ) / ( I1 + I2 - I3 + I4 ) ,} {where I1 , I2 , I3 , I4 are the first four slices of the current stack.} {The result in the fifth slice of the stack.} var i1, i2, i3, i4, i5: LineType; i, slice, row: integer; mask: rect; v, min, max: real; minstr, maxstr: str255; begin with info^ do begin if StackInfo = nil then exit(ComputeBirefringence); if StackInfo^.nSlices <> 5 then exit(ComputeBirefringence); min := 1.0e12; max := 1.0e-12; for row := 0 to nLines - 1 do begin SelectSlice(1); GetLine(0, row, PixelsPerLine, i1); SelectSlice(2); GetLine(0, row, PixelsPerLine, i2); SelectSlice(3); GetLine(0, row, PixelsPerLine, i3); SelectSlice(4); GetLine(0, row, PixelsPerLine, i4); for i := 0 to PixelsPerLine - 1 do begin v := sqrt(sqr(I1[i] - I2[i]) + sqr(I3[i] - I4[i])) / (I1[i] + I2[i] - I3[i] + I4[i]); if v < min then min := v; if v > max then max := v; if v > 255 then v := 255; if v < 0 then v := 0; v := v * scale + offset; i5[i] := round(v); end; SelectSlice(5); PutLine(0, row, PixelsPerLine, i5); SetRect(mask, 0, row, PixelsPerLine, row + 1); UpdateScreen(mask); if CommandPeriod then leave; end; end; RealToString(min, 1, 4, minstr); RealToString(max, 1, 4, maxstr); ShowMessage(concat('min=', minstr, cr, 'max=', maxstr)); end; procedure ShowNoCodeMessage; begin PutMessage('Requires user written Think Pascal routine. '); end; procedure DoUserCommand2; begin ShowNoCodeMessage end; procedure DoUserMenuEvent (MenuItem: integer); begin case MenuItem of 1: DoUserCommand1; 2: DoUserCommand2; end; end; procedure OldUserMacroCode (CodeNumber: integer; Param1, Param2, Param3: extended); {Obsolete version kept for backward compatibilty.} begin case CodeNumber of 1: ShowNoCodeMessage; 2: ShowNoCodeMessage; 3: ShowNoCodeMessage; 4: ShowNoCodeMessage; 5: FindPeaks(param1, param2, param3); otherwise ShowNoCodeMessage; end; end; procedure UserMacroCode (str: str255; Param1, Param2, Param3: extended); begin MakeLowerCase(str); if pos('peaks', str) <> 0 then begin FindPeaks(param1, param2, param3); exit(UserMacroCode); end; if pos('birefringence', str) <> 0 then begin ComputeBirefringence(param1, param2); exit(UserMacroCode); end; ShowNoCodeMessage; end; end.